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  • Marzialetti F, Lozano V, Große-Stoltenberg A, Carranza ML, Innangi M, La Bella G, Bagella S, Rivieccio G, Bacchetta G, Podda L, Brundu G (in press) Assessing Eco-Physiological Patterns of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle and Differences with Native Vegetation Using Copernicus Satellite Data on a Mediterranean Island. Ecological Informatics.
  • Martínez W, Lizarazo I, Große-Stoltenberg A (2025) Integration of InSAR coherence and SAR backscatter increases accuracy of LULC mapping in tropical high-mountain ecosystems. Geocarto International 40: 2451174. [ ]
  • Golicz K, Choon Cheak S, Jacobs S, Große-Stoltenberg A, Safaei M, Bellingrath-Kimura S, Breuer L, Wartenberg AC (2025) The older, the better: a comprehensive survey of soil organic carbon under commercial oil palm plantations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 197: 86. []
  • Große-Stoltenberg A, Werner C, Hellmann C, Oldeland J, Thiele J (2025) Quantifying the spatial impact of an invasive Acacia on ecosystem functioning using remote sensing. Ecological Indicators 170: 112928. []
  • Große-Stoltenberg A, Hanzl A, Safaei M, Kleinebecker T (2024) Once Common, Long in Decline: Dynamics of Traditional Orchards in a Central European Landscape. Land 13:1639. []
  • Werner C, Hellmann C, Große-Stoltenberg A (2024) An integrative framework to assess the spatio-temporal impact of plant invasion on ecosystem functioning. NeoBiota 94: 225-242. []
  • Safaei M, Kleinebecker T, Weis M, Große-Stoltenberg A (2024) Tracking effects of extreme drought on coniferous forests from space using Dynamic Habitat Indices. Heliyon 10: e27864 []
  • Safaei M, Kleinebecker T, Große-Stoltenberg A (2023) Potential of the satellite-based Dynamic Habitat Index (DHI) to capture changes in soil properties and drought conditions across Land Use/ Land Cover types. Geocarto International 38: 2292162 []
  • Müllerová J, Brundu G, Große-Stoltenberg A, Kattenborn T, Richardson DM (2023) Pattern to process, research to practice - remote sensing of plant invasions. Biological Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-023-03150-z
  • Golicz K, Piepho HP, Minarsch EML, Niether W, Große-Stoltenberg A, Oldeland J, Breuer L, Gattinger A, Jacobs S (2023) Highlighting the potential of multilevel statistical models for analysis of individual agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems. doi: 10.1007/s10457-023-00871-x
  • Große-Stoltenberg A, Lizarazo I, Brundu G, Paiva Gonçalves V, Prado Osco L, Masemola C, Müllerová J, Werner C, Kotze I, Oldeland J (2023): Remote sensing of invasive wattles: state of the art and future perspectives. In Richardson D, Le Roux JJ, Marchante E (Eds.) Wattles – Australian Acacia species around the world. CABI, Wallingford, pp. 474-496.
  • Safaei M, Bashari H, Kleinebecker T, Fakheran S, Jafari R, Große-Stoltenberg A (2022) Mapping terrestrial ecosystem health in drylands: Comparison of field-based information with remotely sensed data at watershed level. Landscape Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s10980-022-01454-4.
  • Kraft P, Rezaei EE, Breuer L, Ewert F, Große-Stoltenberg A, Kleinebecker T, Seserman D-M, Nendel C (2021) Modelling Agroforestry’s Contributions to People—A Review of Available Models. Agronomy 11: 2106. doi: 10.3390/agronomy11112106
  • Golicz K, Ghazaryan G, Niether W, Wartenberg AC, Breuer L, Gattinger A, Jacobs SR, Kleinebecker T, Weckenbrock P, Große-Stoltenberg A (2021) The Role of Small Woody Landscape Features and Agroforestry Systems for National Carbon Budgeting in Germany. Land 10: 1028. doi: 10.3390/land10101028
  • Lozano V, Marzialette F, Carranza ML, Chapman D, Branquart E, Dološ K, Große-Stoltenberg A, Fiori M, Capece P, Brundu G (2020) Modelling Acacia saligna invasion in a large Mediterranean island using PAB factors: a tool for implementing the European legislation on invasive species. Ecological Indicators 116: 106516. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106516
  • Cârlan I, Haase D, Große-Stoltenberg A, Sandric I(2020) Mapping heat and traffic stress of urban park vegetation based on satellite imagery - A comparison of Bucharest, Romania and Leipzig, Germany. Urban Ecosystems 23: 363-377. doi: 10.1007/s11252-019-00916-z
  • Cârlan I, Bogdan-Andrei M, Nistor C, Große-Stoltenberg A (2020) Identifying urban vegetation stress factors based on open access remote sensing imagery and field observations. Ecological Informatics 55: 101032. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.101032
  • Große-Stoltenberg, A., Hellmann C., Thiele, J., Werner, C., Oldeland, J.(2018) Early detection of GPP-related regime shifts after plant invasion by integrating imaging spectroscopy with airborne LiDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment 209: 780-792. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.038
  • Große-Stoltenberg, A., Hellmann, C., Thiele, J., Oldeland, J. and Werner, C. (2018), Invasive acacias differ from native dune species in the hyperspectral/ biochemical trait space. Journal of Vegetation Science. doi:10.1111/jvs.12608
  • Oldeland J, Große-Stoltenberg A, Naftal L, Strohbach BJ (2017). The Potential of UAV Derived Image Features for Discriminating Savannah Tree Species. In Diaz-Delgado R, Lucas R, Hurford C (Eds.) The Roles of Remote Sensing in Nature Conservation (pp. 183-201). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64332-8_10
  • Hellmann C.; Große-Stoltenberg A.; Thiele J.; Oldeland J.; Werner C. (2017): Heterogeneous environments shape invader impacts: integrating environmental, structural and functional effects by isoscapes and remote sensing. Scientific Reports 7: 4118. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04480-4
  • Große-Stoltenberg A., Hellmann C., Werner C., Oldeland J., Thiele J. (2016): Evaluation of Continuous VNIR-SWIR Spectra versus Narrowband Hyperspectral Indices to Discriminate the Invasive Acacia longifolia within a Mediterranean Dune Ecosystem. Remote Sensing. 2016, 8(4): 334 doi:10.3390/rs8040334
  • Heim, R. H.-J.; Jürgens, N.; Große-Stoltenberg, A., Oldeland, J. (2015): The Effect of Epidermal Structures on Leaf Spectral Signatures of Ice Plants (Aizoaceae). Remote Sensing. 2015, 7: 16901-16914, doi:10.3390/rs71215862
  • Hellmann C., Große-Stoltenberg A., Lauströer V., Oldeland J. and Werner C. (2015): Retrieving nitrogen isotopic signatures from fresh leaf reflectance spectra: disentangling δ15N from biochemical and structural leaf properties. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6:307 Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00307
  • Lehmann, J.R.K., A.Große-Stoltenberg, M. Römer, J. Oldeland, J. (2015): Field Spectroscopy in the VNIR-SWIR Region to Discriminate between Mediterranean Native Plants and Exotic-Invasive Shrubs Based on Leaf Tannin Content. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7, 1225-1241. doi:10.3390/rs70201225
  • Buck, O., Pereira, C., Grosse-Stoltenberg, A., Räkers, J., Buttschardt, T.K., Wolf, P.-J., Müterthies, A. (2014): Erlebnis Naturerbe. Vermittlung von Naturschutz-Themen mit Geoinformationstechnologien. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung. 2014,46, 023–029.
  • Rascher K. G.*, Große-Stoltenberg A.*, Máguas C., Meira-Neto J. A. A., Werner C. (2011): Acacia longifolia invasion impacts vegetation structure and regeneration dynamics in open dunes and pine forests. Biological Invasions. 2011, 13, 1099-1113 doi: 10.1007/s10530-011-9949-2 *(gleichberechtigte Autorenschaft)
  • Rascher K. G., Große-Stoltenberg A., Máguas C., Werner C. (2011): Understory invasion by Acacia longifolia alters the water balance and carbon gain of a mediterranean pine forest. In: Ecosystems. 2011 doi: 10.1007/s10021-011-9453-7
Other publications and output
  • Große-Stoltenberg A , Hanzl A, Schnepel N, Kleinebecker T (2023) Entwicklung eines fernerkundungsbasierten Monitoringsystems für Streuobstwiesen in Hessen mit Fokus auf 3D-Laserscanningdaten (Projekt MOST 3D ). Jahrbuch Naturschutz in Hessen. [ Link to PDF on ResearchGate ]
  • Große-Stoltenberg A , Dogotari M, Harvolk-Schöning S, Kleinebecker T (2023) Monitoring von Zielarten des Naturschutzes und von invasiven Arten per Fernerkundung (MonA). Jahrbuch Naturschutz in Hessen. [ Link to PDF on ResearchGate ]