Document Actions

Structure of the group

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schnell

Research associate

AkR Dr. Alessandra Ö. C. Dupont

AkOR PD Dr. Gero Benckiser (pensionary)

Research assistant

Dr. David Javier Rosado Porto


Technical assistants

Renate Baumann, Rita Geißler-Plaum, Bellinda Schneider



Lukas Busche

Telefon: +49 (0) 641 / 99 - 37351



Personal research assistant of Prof. Schnell

Dr. Stefan Ratering


Doctoral candidates

Santiago Andrés Quiroga-Quisaguano, Christian J. Orozco Sánchez, Jakapan Rodsup+, Julia Sacharow, Stefano Scansani+, Haoran Shi, Ali Taha Tokmak*

Master candidates

Lena Jungbecker, Jonas Rücker

Bachelor candidates

Julia Granichny, Jessica Grot, Rona Horhäuser, Anna Schmalenberger

+ in cooperation with Geisenheim University

* in cooperation with BASF