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Olga Budich

phone +49 641 / 99 37373

fax +49 641 / 99 37359

room B012







Olga Budich, MSc
PhD student


Research interests

- Plant-microbe interaction
- Phyllosphere microbiome studies


PhD project: Dilution to extinction cultivation of abundant phyllosphere associated bacteria from plants grown under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


Academic education

2006 - 2010 B.Sc. Bioengineering, University of Applied Sciences Bingen. Thesis: Comparative characterization of various monoterpene synthases and their gene expression in Vitis vinifera L. varieties. Research group Prof. Dr . E.-H. Rühl, Reseach institute, Geisenheim.

2010 - 2014 M.Sc. Agrobiology subject Agrobiotechnology, Hohenheim University. Thesis: Differential expression analysis of candidate genes of tartaric acid metalbolism. Research group: Prof. Dr. E.-H. Rühl, Reseach institute, Geisenheim.

Since 2015: Ph.D. Student at the Department of Applied Microbiology, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany.


Scientific memberships

Since 2015 Member of ‘Association for General and Applied Microbiology’ (VAAM).


Conference contributions


Olga Budich O, Aydogan EL, Anweiler L, Hardt M, Jansen-Willems A, Moser G, Müller C, Kämpfer P, Glaeser SP(2016) Impact of increased surface temperature on the abundance and diversity of culturable bacteria living in the phyllosphere of grasslands. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, Jena (Germany), Poster.