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The correct sample material is crucial for the test result!

NEW: In our sample submission forms you will find hints concerning suitable test materials. The latter are dependent on the clinical symptoms (incl. duration of the infection) or desired test method.

In generall the following materials are suitable:

Clinical symptoms insample material
respiratory tract nasal- or pharyngeal swabs
secretions of the nasal-/pharyngeal aea
broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL)
gastro-intestinal tract faeces
genitals swabs (vaginal, preputial)
eye conjunctival swabs
skin scrapes
(e.g. papilloma)
blisters (cover and fluid)
CNS liquor cerebrospinalis
generalised infection blood samples (anti-coagulant)
nasal swabs
serology serum (paired serum samples)

for serological tests please send serum - plasma is not suitable.