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Principal Investigators - Faculty 03

FB 03 – Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens

Institut für Soziologie
Department of Social Science
Extraordinary Professor of Social Anthropology, Dept. of Government and Social Studies, North-West University, Südafrika

Prof. Dr. Claudia Bullerjahn

Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikpädagogik
Institute for Music and Music Pedagogy

Music of the 20th century (music in the media, popular music), effects of music, psychological foundations of learning and producing music
Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl Institut für Soziologie
Department of Social Science
Professor of Sociology with a focus on general social comparison
Prof. Dr. Angar Schnurr

Institut für Kunstpädagogik
Institute for Art Education

Professor of art education with a focus on art didactics