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Foreign-Language Teaching/Learning with Digital Distribution and Communication Media (8)

Social and affective implications of foreign-language learning with digital distribution and communication media.

This section's emphasis falls on questions of the social and affective implications of foreign-language learning with digital distribution and communication tools – questions about the relationship between personalized and group learning, for example, and about changes to the classroom, the redefinition of the role of instructors and language-learners, self-teaching (guided or unguided), e-learning and -instruction, and the new potential for feedback afforded by interactive, personalized tutorials.

Every second Tuesday evening during the semester, members of the section delve into their own research interests (to discuss content, methods, and writing practice), into recent releases within the field and newly created multimedial learning environments and technologies, at times with colleagues from the field as guests. We regularly submit the results of the group's collaborations for publication.


Kooperation_Steuerung_sammelband2007Our second compendium presents the results from an expert round-table on cooperative forms of online foreign-language instruction and learning, with a particular focus on the issue of how coactive phases of teaching can be directed by students themselves and/or digital tools – a question that is often overlooked in discussions of collaborative learning. The contributions address the use of specific software and internet-supported materials to augment these phases, and analyse computer-aided partnerships in higher education seminars and teacher education.

Schneider, Susanne & Würffel, Nicola (2007) (eds.): Kooperation & Steuerung. Fremdsprachenlernen und Lehrerbildung mit digitalen Medien. Gießener Beiträge zur Fremdsprachendidaktik. Tübingen: Narr.

Fremdsprachenlernen_mit_digitalen_Medien_CoverIn 2003 we released a compendium on the current state of research in Giessen in the field of foreign-language learning with digital distribution and communication media:

Michael K. Legutke & Dietmar Rösler (2003) (eds.): Fremdsprachenlernen mit digitalen Medien. Gießener Beiträge zur Fremdsprachendidaktik. Tübingen: Narr.

