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User Accounts at JLU

Your JLU account comprises a user ID and passwords. With your JLU account you can use the IT infrastructure of JLU - your university email address, storage space, access to computer labs, other IT ressources like groupware systems, lecture management systems, online literature databases, online library ressources, etc.


The IT Service Centre and many other facilities of JLU offer internet services which are only available to members of JLU. These comprise - apart from the basic services like an email address and storage space - user accounts which enable you to use services with restricted access (members of JLU only).

The IT Service Centre provides you with a JLU email address as well as storage space. It manages your accounts and privileges (access to restricted services) via LDAP/X.500, Active Directory.

For further information please see the information sheet in English.

Your JLU Account comprises:

  • a university email-address, e.g.,
  • a unix-account (with corresponding UNIX-password) at the IT Service Centre with storage space (e.g. for your e-mails),
  • a X.500-/net-password, e.g. for the use of the VPN-Client allowing you access to internally restricted information/services from outside the university network or for the use of the learning management system Stud.IP containing background information on classes, etc. It also often serves as the platform for the registration for classes.
  • some services check your status (student, teacher, member of JLU, etc.) against LDAP/X.500 (the directory also contains information on privileges open to some account holders only).

Types of Accounts

  • Accounts for students are opened automatically when a students registers with JLU's registrar's office
  • Accounts for members of staff of JLU are opened only on request. Members of staff can additionally use groupware like Exchange or apply for unpersonalized accounts (functional email addresses, distribution lists, etc.).
  • Students who become members of staff should require an upgrade to a staff account. Further information can be found here.
  • Under certain conditions, JLU also offers accounts for  external users.
  • For Alumni JLU offers the possiblity to keep JLU's email address (Alumni-mode).

Updating Your Personal Data

Update your personal data in JLU's user data base: Benutzerdatenbank.

When updating your personal data you can also decide which data is to be shown by LDAP JLU-wide (internal use only). 

Students cannot change all their personal data on their own. 

Leaving JLU / Becoming an Alumnus

The IT Service Centre will automatically close your account when you leave JLU. You will get a warning before the account is closed and your account will be set to adios-mode. You can also apply for an alumnus account

Advantages of JLU's Email Address

  • It's free and has no ads
  • JLU mails will definitely reach you (other mail providers often reject certain emails due to hyper-sensitive SPAM-protection or full email accounts (not enough email quota). We guarantee that you will receive
    • emails from Stud.IP letting you know about the latest news of the class you have registered for (change of room, etc.)
    • reminders of the library system concerning the loan period
    • emails from Flexnow informing you about the status of your registrations and exams
    • emails from JLU with important information from JLU's President or the Students Union, for example. You will also get JLU's event announcements.
  • The recipient of your mail can immediately recognize that a member of JLU Giessen has written the mail. This is not only helpful when you contact facilities or members of JLU, it sometimes is even necessary.
  • Use your storage space to save a copy of your thesis or for your personal web pages (which can be made public on a JLU-server)
  • All emails and data of your account are subject to a regular backup and can always be retrieved in case you deleted something by mistake.