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Frequently Asked Questions about the Anti-Plagiarism Software PlagAware

On this page you will find a collection of answers to frequently asked questions.

Question overview

Click on the question to go to the answer.

  1. Who is PlagAware?
  2. Why did JLU switch from Turnitin to PlagAware?
  3. How can I get an account?
  4. Can students also use PlagAware?
  5. What support services will be available?
  6. Who bears the license costs for the anti-plagiarism software?

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1. Who is PlagAware?

PlagAware is a German company that has been active in the field of anti-plagiarism software for around 15 years. The server locations are located exclusively in Germany and are therefore subject to GDPR controls. PlagAware can point to numerous references in the university sector.

2. Why did JLU switch from Turnitin to PlagAware?

After around 8 years of using Turnitin, the executive board decided to evaluate its use. After an intensive review based on economic, technical, and data protection aspects, the evaluation revealed that Turnitin no longer offered the best overall package in terms of suitability for JLU's requirements. PlagAware achieved the best overall rating in this process. PlagAware was activated for users on March 16, 2022.

3. How can I get an account?

All JLU employees have the opportunity to obtain a PlagAware account for plagiarism checks. As in the past, area admins are available as points of contact. You can find this list here. In case of doubt, please contact the HRZ service address software-manage.

4. Can students also use PlagAware?

Students are still unable to carry out self-checks and in this case must contact the people in the faculties and centers who supervise their term paper, thesis, etc. It is then up to the subject-specific supervisors to decide whether they can check the work on their behalf.

5. What support and guidance is available?

6. Who bears the license costs for the anti-plagiarism software?

As previously with Turnitin, the annual license costs will continue to be borne from central funds.