The Bachelor's course of study (BA) Social Sciences is a joint degree programme of the subjects Sociology and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies. (Faculty 03) of JLU Giessen.
The main subject is the analysis of society, its subareas, structures, conditions, and developments as well as their interactions with the actions of single persons. The main issues are:
- How and why do structures in society and politics emerge?
- How do they change?
- How do they influence acting persons and how do acting persons influence structures?
While the subject of sociology applies these main issues to society as a whole as well as its parts, such as family, gender, or working organisations, the subject of politics applies these issues to the political order of societies in general as well as to single areas of politics such as home affairs, foreign affairs, or financial politics.
Subject-specific prerequisites
Students of this degree programme need to be interested in social and political issues, including empirical research into these areas. They also need sufficiently high levels of English to understand research literature published in English.