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Clinical Sport Therapy and Sport Physiology (M.Sc.)

Taught in German


Sports Science at JLU


This Master’s programme

  • teaches in-depth connections between physiological processes in sports, the development of performance and the effect of exercise on the differentiated therapy of internal, orthopedic and neurological diseases,
  • shows evidence-based strategies for the design of rehabilitation and therapy processes,
  • qualifies for the implementation of diagnostic procedures and performance-optimising processes in elite sports,
  •  incorporates related disciplines such as nutritional science and health psychology, and
  •  integrates practice components about sports and exercise medicine with theoretical training and therapeutic planning both technically and in terms of content.

Within practically oriented seminars, performance diagnostic procedures are also carried out directly on athletes through cooperation with professional sports clubs. The optimisation of performance in elite sports is simultaneously used as a physiological model for sports therapy processes. Some modules closely link clinical-therapeutic topics with performance development. Likewise, students gain theoretical and practical knowledge to work with ill people, to diagnose abilities and skills, to design rehabilitation processes, to design therapeutic exercise programmes, to accompany them and to evaluate them scientifically. For this purpose, there is a close regional network with the rehabilitation site in Bad Nauheim. Some events take place in the clinic and therefore directly with patients.

Another important aspect of the programme is the theoretical and practical learning of a method platform for the analysis of human performance, its limitation by diseases, injuries and damages as well as measurement methods from biomedicine and medical biometry. The use of e-health platforms, telemedical procedures and software-based tools in competitive sports will also be taught and discussed. In order to enable later independent work, business management knowledge is also integrated while focussing on the foundation of companies.

Duration of studies 4 Semester 120 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

4 Semesters - 120 Credit Points (CP)

Composition of the Study Programme

Duration of studies 4 Semester 120 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

4 Semesters - 120 Credit Points (CP)

Composition: 1

Composition of degree programme

The master's programme "Clinical Sports Therapy and Sports Physiology" has a standard period of study of four semesters (120 CP) and includes:   

  • 8 compulsory modules (6 CP each)
  • 3 compulsory modules (9 CP each)
  • 2 compulsory modules (3 CP each)
  • 1 professional internship (9 CP)
  • 1 thesis module (30 CP).
Composition: 2



Performance Physiology

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Special Biochemistry

Biometry and Informatics

Health Behavior

Musculoskeletal system and competitive sports

Neurological rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of internal diseases

Professional field internship

Research techniques and scientific skills

Applied Exercise Physiology


Research Methods

Health Promotion Project

Consolidation in scientific work



Further Information

A description of the core- and specialisation modules can be found in the special regulations with module descriptions and module plans (in German)

More on this... ("Spezielle Ordnung")


Courses offered in the course catalogue


Comencement of Studies

Commencement of Studies

only winter semester
Application: Entrance requirements

Entrance requirements

The admission to this master's programme requires a bachelor's degree with a minimum of 180 CP in one of the following disciplines:

  • Exercise and Health
  • Exercise Science
  • Sports Science
  • Training Science
  • Physiotherapy
  • Sports and Exercise Therapy
  • Nutritional science

The examination board can recognise other degrees as equivalent after a case-by-case examination. This is done as part of the application and admission process. Equivalency can be determined with or without conditions. The conditions may require the completion of required knowledge in the amount of up to 30 CP within the first two semesters.

Application not limited only winter

Application / Enrolment

  • The study programme is not subject to admission restrictions.

  • The enrolment period for the winter semester begins at the beginning of June.

  • The end of the enrolment period is determined anew each year, please enquire in the application portal during the enrolment period.

Different rules apply in some cases for international applicants. More...


Career Options

Career options

Career options

The programme addresses the needs of the future market of health with a growing demand for highly qualified specialists in the field of interdisciplinary, evidence-based management. This concerns the field of non-pharmacological / non-invasive prevention and therapy of various cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal and metabolic diseases as well as the complex requirements of comprehensive, multidimensional competitive sports care.
Through an innovative interdisciplinary educational profile, graduates of the master's programme are qualified for leadership and coordinator roles in the following professional fields:

  • Medical care (rehabilitation clinics, medical practices, medical care centers, health and fitness facilities).
  • Industry (product/concept development, company health management)
  • University (research and teaching)
  • Health insurance companies (scientific consulting, concept development and evaluation)
  • Competitive sports (Olympic training centers, associations, clubs).



After successful completion of the Master's programme, doctoral studies are possible. This opens up further career opportunities.

Information on doctoral studies


Graduate Centers

International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL)


International: incomings

Information about studying at Justus Liebig University Giessen (incomings)

Departmental contact persons:

Faculty 06



International Office
General counseling of international students
Dr. Saltanat Rakhimzhanova, Patrycja Zakrzewska

Goethestr. 58, Room 38
35390 Giessen

Contact and office hours

Further Information

Further Information: Documents

PDF documents for the courses of study

Examination- and study regulations


Courses offered in the course catalogue

International pages

Please have a look at our International Pages for more information in English.

Any Questions

Any Questions?

Information- and advisory services of JLU can be found under the category “contact” on this page!


Subject Advisor

Subject Advisor

Dr. phil. Christian Pilat
Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Kugelberg 62
35394 Gießen
Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99 25213


Central Study Advisor

Central Student Services

Directions and welcome desk