Composition of the Study Programme
Composition of degree programme (overview)
During the course certain elements are studied parallel to each other:
- the four educational and social sciences (sociology, political science, psychology, educational science (paedagogics))
- didactics of the primary school
- musical-aesthetic training, movement education
- the three following subjects:
- German
- Mathematics
- Ethics
- Practical school studies, these are practice periods in the school with preparatory and feedback sessions.
The Hessian Teacher Training Law furthermore states that all teaching degree students must also do a practical training. More on this...
Educational and Basic Sciences
The study of education and social sciences in this degree programme covers such areas as locations of education and development (e.g. family upbringing, school upbringing); learning theory; the social coexistence of pupils, parents and teachers; and the basics of democracy.
The four disciplines below are constituent parts of this degree programme because teachers are not only there to impart knowledge. It is also their duty to fulfil an important role in children's social development. In order to do this role justice, they must be able to understand and evaluate the structures and processes at play in school and in society as well as in a class and within the development of an individual pupil.
- Pedagogy
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Political Science
More information on the contents of the foundation part of the programme can be found in the module plans and descriptions.
Didactics of the Primary School
In didactics (the study of teaching and learning) of the primary school you are dealing with primary school specific topics. The relevant courses take place in the area of educational science and deal with specifically primary school didactic problems which in addition to subject specific didactics, deal with topics especially relevant to the primary school.
Information about primary school didactics can be found in the module plans and the catalogue of modules.