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Multicomponent Synergistic Contribution in Nanoengineered Nanofibers for Flexible Energy Storage

F. Boll , M. Fadda, M. Happel, M. Crisci , A. Athanassiou, B. Smarsly , F. Bella, F. Lamberti, G. Perotto, T. Gatti (2024). ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 7, 4733−4744.

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Systematic Investigation on the Surfactant-Assisted Liquid-Phase Exfoliation of MoS2 and WS2 in Water for Sustainable 2D Material Inks

M. Pozatti, F. Boll , M. Crisci , S. Domenici, B.M. Smarsly , T. Gatti, M. Wang (2024). Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2400039.

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Functional Groups Accessibility and the Origin of Photoluminescence in N/O-containing Bottom-up Carbon Nanodots

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Improved hole extraction and band alignment via interface modification in HTM-free Ag/Bi double perovskite solar cells

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Multiscale Investigation of Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes: Analytical Techniques and Applications

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