Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Beyond global surfaces of section: some alternative tools to study three dimensional

Pedro Salomao


07.11.2018 von 17:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Hörsaal (1. Stock, Raum 111) im Mathematischen Insitut, Arndtstraße 2

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This talk will be on alternative tools to study global properties of Reeb flows in dimension 3, when global surfaces of section are unexpected to exist. First I will present a version of the Poincaré-Birkhoff fixed point theorem for Reeb flows on the tight three-sphere, joint with U. Hryniewicz and A. Momin, which applies to Finsler geodesic flows on the two-sphere. After that, I will discuss about the existence of rational $3-2-3$ foliations for Reeb flows on connected sums of $RP^3 # RP^3$, joint with N. de Paulo and U. Hryniewicz, which applies to the Euler problem of two fixed centers in the plane.