Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

P5: Inflammatory prostatitis syndrome in fertile and infertile men: Role of estrogen receptors, mast cell activity and inflammation of the seminal pathways

To evaluate the contribution of estrogen receptors, chemokines and mast cell activity to prostatic inflammation in CP-CPPS patients.

Stuart Ellem, Gail Risbridger (MU)
Florian Wagenlehner, Undraga Schagdarsurengin, Wolfgang Weidner (JLU)

Doctoral students
Brooke Pereira (MU) start July 2014
Siva Reddy Velagala (JLU) September 2013-
Nils Nesheim (associated JLU) start August 2015

Medical Student
Lisa Marie Teuchert (JLU) March 2014 - December 2015
Christina Hagenkötter (JLU)


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