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Concept and subject area

Characteristic of the subject is its function at the interface between the natural sciences and the humanities where "space" or the "spatial perspective" form the binding element. Thus during their studies learners concern themselves with elements from natural sciences (e.g. climate, vegetation and soil) and at the same time with social and economic aspects (population geography, economic geography and urban geography, etc). 
Apart from the usual division into the two fields of physical geography and anthropological geography the strongly planning-oriented sub-disciplines (e.g. regional planning, community planning and environmental planning) are often seen – also very much the case in Giessen – as the independent aspects of applied geography. For practical work the geographers need a wide selection of methodological knowledge and techniques. The subject-specific study content ranges from cartography, via applied statistics, skills for empirical sociological research, EDP, geographical information systems (GIS), remote sensing and various methods used in cartography, up to climate measurement and chemical and physical laboratory analysis.

In the Bachelor's degree course 180 credit points (CP) are given in the Geography section, 36 points in the minor subjects and 6 points in the professional and interdisciplinary skills (Außerfachliche Kometenzmodule  -  the AfK-modules). This course of study is intended to instruct the students in basic, professionally qualifying skills and at the same time create the foundation for in-depth academic work in the Masters and doctoral courses. The BA course Geography at Justus Liebig University Giessen achieves both of these aims through a completely new concept of the study of Geography when compared to the diploma. The core of the new concept in the Gießen model of Geography is formed through the strict integration of training in methodology and the teaching of geographical knowledge in so-called "project modules" (see below "Composition of degree programme").
In this way the separation of content and methodology in the common "teaching-oriented" courses of study, is replaced through individual competences in the fields of methods, meaning "learning-oriented" structures. This effectively promotes both the suitability of graduates for their employment and their basic academic subject knowledge.
In the place of a school-style structure, as often discussed regarding Bachelor courses, the concept of the course is now that of a professionally qualifying one, concerned with the acquisition of individual skills and knowledge. In this way it recognizes the fact that many geographers are successful in the work market because of their methodological skills.


Subject-specific prerequisites

Students should have an interest in natural sciences and humanities and social sciences. Basic knowledge in physics and mathematics and a good conceptual spatial imagination are helpful. A sound knowledge of English is recommended but not tested.