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Origin License Purchase

Origin is an analysis and display program for data. In addition to displaying raw data in publishable graphics in 2D and 3D, Origin is capable of many common analysis methods such as fits, Fourier transforms, etc. Created graphics can be exported in many file formats, such as EPS, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PDF, and WMF. [...] Origin provides data analysis tools such as complex statistics, regression, non-linear curve fitting, image and signal processing, and peak analysis.


Version(s) 2023 and 2022b
Platforms WIN
License / license program Campus license (not comprehensive)
Subscription rights

Employees and students of the following departments of faculties 07 and 08 are entitled to the license (free of charge):

  • Physics(FB 07)
  • Materials Science (FB 07)
  • Chemistry (FB 08)
  • Biology (FB 08)
  • Food Chemistry (FB 08)

For authentication, the authorized persons must provide proof that they are members of the relevant institutions or departments. This is usually done using a valid JLU e-mail address of the participating departments.

All others must rely on authorized retailers.


If you are eligible, you can apply for a single user license via the HRZ. To do so, please send an or use the application form provided.

Please always use your official university email address for license applications.

License period

Until October 31, 2024

Download and installation

Employees and students

Please first apply for a license via the HRZ Software Management. You can download the installation files here. You will receive the access data for the download together with your license key.

FAQ Here you will find frequently asked questions about Origin