Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Kristoffer Burck

Kristoffer Burck studied International Relations and Public Law at the University of Erfurt and the Kyung Hee University in Korea (Bachelor of Arts) and the interdisciplinary course Law and Politics of International Security at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (LLM). During his study he worked as a student assistant at the chair for Public Law, International Law and European Integration at the University of Erfurt and was a Research Associate in the Area of International und Transnational Criminal Law at the Public International Law and Policy Group. He finished various internenship, such as in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the T.M.C Asser Instituut und the PAX for Peace. 

Since May 2022 he works as a Research Assistant in the Project CBWNet and does research under the lead of Professor Dr. Thilo Marauhn the national, regional, and international Normative regime for the prevention of chemical and biological weapons.