Konferenzen und Vorträge
- Stiftung für die Wissenschaft. Bonner Akademischer Sommer 2024. Nachhaltigkeitswissen unter deutschen Privatanlegerinnen und Privatanlegern, Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier and Florian Gärtner, Stiftung für die Wissenschaft, Bonn, Germany.
- DIW Joint Workshop. Making transition plans work – Research and practice perspectives on transition plans and transition risks assessment, Alix Auzepy & Christina E. Bannier, Berlin, Germany.
- Journal of Financial Research 2023 European Symposium, Walk the Talk: Shareholders’ Soft Engagement at Annual General Meetings, with Christina E. Bannier and Fabio Martin, Bocconi University, Italy.
- The Conference on CSR, the Economy and Financial Markets 2023, Walk the Talk: Shareholders’ Soft Engagement at Annual General Meetings, with Christina E. Bannier and Fabio Martin, WHU - - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany.
- Seminar with the scientific staff of the German Council of Economic Experts, Carbon Footprints and Equity Risk Assessments, Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, March 2022, digital format.
- Jubiläumstagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Carbon Footprints and Equity Risk Assessments, Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, March 2022, digital format.
- Liechtenstein Workshop of Sustainable Finance, Carbon Footprints and Equity Risk Assessments, Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, September 2022, University of Liechtenstein.
- AAAI 2022 Fall Symposium, Evaluating TCFD Reporting: A New Application of Zero-Shot Analysis to Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, Alix Auzepy, Elena Tönjes, David Lenz and Christoph Funk, November 2022, digital format.
- CMStatistics 2022, Evaluating TCFD Reporting: A New Application of Zero-Shot Analysis to Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, Alix Auzepy, Elena Tönjes, David Lenz and Christoph Funk, December 2022, King's College London.
- Special Issue Conference: Globally Sustainable Banking & Finance: in support of evidence based policy making, Do Investors Consider Greenhouse Gas Emissions in their Equity Risk Assessments?, Alix Auzepy, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, October 2021, digital format.
- Wissenschaftlicher Stab des Sachverständigenrats zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2020, Wiesbaden, Germany
- 82. Jahrestagung des VHB 2020, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2020 European Conference der Financial Management Association (FMA), Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2020, Limassol, Zypern
- Jahrestagung der Midwest Finance Association (MFA) 2020, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2020, Chicago, USA
- 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association, poster session, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2020, San Diego, USA
- Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, Does credit card repayment behavior depend on the presentation of interest payments? The cuckoo fallacy, Christina E. Bannier, Florian Gärtner and Darwin Semmler, 2019, London, UK
- EFMA Annual Meeting, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, Christina E. Bannier and Thomas Heyden, 2019, S. Miguel, Portugal
- 3rd Workshop Sustainable Finance, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- Conference “CSR Across the Atlantic”, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, Boston, USA
- 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Corporate Compliance Systems - The Effect on Risk, Performance and Firm Value, Christina E. Bannier, Anastasia Bauer, Yannik Bofinger, Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, 2019, Essen, Germany
- 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, Essen, Germany
- 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), poster session, A theory on pre-ICO venture capital involvement, Karsten Bocks, Christian Haas and Thomas Heyden, 2019, Essen, Germany
- 2nd UWA Conference on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Fintech, A theory on pre-ICO venture capital involvement, Karsten Bocks, Christian Haas and Thomas Heyden, 2019, Perth, Australia
- 2nd Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology, A theory on pre-ICO venture capital involvement, Karsten Bocks, Christian Haas and Thomas Heyden, 2019, Zug, Switzerland
- Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, Christina E. Bannier and Thomas Heyden, 2019, Leipzig, Germany
- 9th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, Christina E. Bannier, Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Melbourne, Australien
- 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, Christina E. Bannier, Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Chicago, USA
- Annual Conference of Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS), The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, Christina E. Bannier, Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Freiburg i. Brsg, Germany
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, Christina E. Bannier and Milena Schwarz, 2017, Wien, Austria
- VHB Jahrestagung, Cash-flow sensitivities of interdependent corporate decisions - The role of financial constraints and hedging needs, Christina E. Bannier and Carolin Schürg, 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Discourse Approaches to Financial Communication 2017, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, Christina E. Bannier and Milena Schwarz, 2017, Lugano, Switzerland
- Workshop Behavioral Finance for Policy and Regulation, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, Christina E. Bannier and Milena Schwarz, 2017, Heidelberg, Germany
- Research in Behavioral Finance Conference, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, Christina E. Bannier and Milena Schwarz, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, Christina E. Bannier and Milena Schwarz, 2016, Augsburg, Germany
- 18th International Conference on Behavioural Accounting and Finance, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, Christina E. Bannier and Milena Schwarz, 2016, San Francisco, USA