Prof. Dr. Andreas Walter
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Andreas Walter ist Professor für Finanzdienstleistungen an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Er war zuvor u.a. PostDoc im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Unternehmensentwicklung, Marktprozesse und Regulierung in dynamischen Entscheidungsprozessen“ sowie Visiting Scholar an der Ross School of Business der University of Michigan.
In seiner Forschung beschäftigt sich Andreas Walter mit dem Entscheidungsverhalten von privaten und institutionellen Investoren, insbesondere Behavioral Finance, Household Finance, Asset Management sowie ESG-Investments. Seine Forschung wurde in führenden internationalen Fachzeitschriften wie Review of Financial Studies, Review of Finance, Research Policy und dem Journal of Banking and Finance veröffentlicht. Seine Forschungsarbeiten wurden zudem mit diversen Preisen ausgezeichnet, u. a. Hillcrest Best Paper Award in Behavioral Finance, dem SWX Best Paper Award und dem Walther-Rathenau-Preis.
Er lehrt auf den Gebieten Finanzdienstleistungen, Behavioral Finance, Risikomanagement und Sustainable Finance.
Andreas Walter promovierte in Finance an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen und studierte, nach Abschluss einer Bankausbildung, Betriebswirtschaftslehre an ebendieser Institution.
Ausgewähle Publikationen:
- Fernandes M, Hilber S, Sturm J.-E, Walter A (2023)
Closing the Gender Gap in Academia? Evidence from an Affirmative Action Program
Research Policy, 52. - Brenner L, Meyll T, Stolper O, Walter A (2020)
Consumer Fraud Victimization and Financial Well-Being
Journal of Economic Psychology, 76. - Stolper O, Walter A (2019)
Birds of a Feather: the Impact of Homophily on the Propensity to Follow Financial Advice
Review of Financial Studies, 32, pp. 524-563. - Kerl A, Miersch E, Walter A (2018)
Evaluation of Academic Finance Conferences
Journal of Banking & Finance, 89, pp. 26-38. - Baltzer M, Stolper O, Walter A (2013)
Is local bias a cross-border phenomenon? Evidence from individual investors’ international asset allocation
Journal of Banking & Finance, 37, pp. 2823-2835. - Kerl A, Walter A (2007)
Market Responses to Buy Recommendations Issued by Personal Finance Magazines: Effects of Information, Price-Pressure, and Company Characteristics
Review of Finance, 11, pp. 117-141.
Gesamtliste Publikationen:
- Fernandes, M., Becker, M. G., Pull, K., & Walter, A. (2025)
When a B becomes an A: causal evidence on the effects of a journal ranking update on academics’ publication behavior
Studies in Higher Education, pp. 1–22 - Becker M. G, Walter A (2024)
Anlageverhalten und Kundenprofile im Vergleich: Unterschiede zwischen Sparkassen, Genossenschaftsbanken und Großbanken
Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 36(6), pp. 382–392.
- Fernandes M, Walter A (2023)
The times they are a-changin’: profiling newly tenured business economics professors in Germany over the past thirty years
Journal of Business Economics, 93, pp. 1-43. - Fernandes M, Hilber S, Sturm J.-E, Walter A (2023)
Closing the Gender Gap in Academia? Evidence from an Affirmative Action Program
Research Policy, 52. - Scheld D, Tourneau A, Stolper O, Walter A (2022)
Wie verständlich sind Angebotsschreiben der Rentenprodukte in der deutschen Lebensversicherung?
Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, 20. - Becker M, Stolper O, Walter A (2022)
The Impact of Mobile Banking Adoption on Retail Banking in Germany
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen, 72, pp. 234-267. - Becker M, Stolper O, Walter A (2022)
What Drives Mobile Banking Adoption? – An Empirical Investigation Using Transaction Data
Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 34, pp. 1-11. - Fernandes M, Walter A (2022)
Publication Behavior in Different Fields of Business Administration: From Anecdotal to Empirical Evidence
Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, 74, pp. 265–306. - Becker M. G, Martin F, Walter A (2022)
The power of ESG transparency: the effect of the new SFDR sustainability labels on mutual funds and individual investors
Finance Research Letters, 47. - Scheld D, Stolper O, Walter A (2021)
Double Dutch Finally Fixed? A Large-scale Investigation into the Readability of Mandatory Financial Product Information
Journal of Consumer Policy, 44, pp. 151–178. - Brenner L, Meyll T, Stolper O, Walter A (2020)
Consumer Fraud Victimization and Financial Well-Being
Journal of Economic Psychology, 76. - Meyll T, Pauls T, Walter A (2020)
Why Do Households Leave Money on the Table? The Case of Subsidized Pension products
Journal of Behavioral Finance, 21, pp. 266-283. - Stolper O, Walter A (2019)
Birds of a Feather: the Impact of Homophily on the Propensity to Follow Financial Advice
Review of Financial Studies, 32, pp. 524-563. - Tillmann P, Walter A (2019)
The Effect of Diverging Communication: The Case of the ECB and the Bundesbank
Economics Letters, 176, pp. 68-74. - Röder F, Walter A (2019)
What Drives Investment Flows into Social Trading Portfolios?
Journal of Financial Research, 42, pp. 383-411. - Bannier C, Meyll T, Röder F, Walter A (2019)
The Gender Gap in 'Bitcoin literacy'
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, pp. 129-134. - Bannier C, Pauls T, Walter A (2019)
Content Analysis of Business Communication: Introducing a German Dictionary
Journal of Business Economics, 89, pp. 79-123. - Meyll T, Walter A (2019)
Tapping and Waving to Debt: Mobile Payments and Credit Card Behavior
Finance Research Letters, 28, pp. 381-387. - Kerl A, Miersch E, Walter A (2018)
Evaluation of Academic Finance Conferences
Journal of Banking & Finance, 89, pp. 26-38. - Stolper O, Walter A (2017)
Financial Literacy, Financial Advice, and Financial Behavior
Journal of Business Economics, 87, pp. 581-643. - Beck T, Grunert J, Neus W, Walter A (2017)
What Determines Collection Rates of Debt Collection Agencies?
The Financial Review, 52, pp. 259-279. - Thomale C, Walter A (2016)
Delisting als Regulierungsaufgabe
Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (ZGR), Vol. 2016, No. 5, pp. 679–728. - Kadel A, Walter A (2015)
Do scholars in Economics and Finance react to alphabetical discrimination?
Finance Research Letters, 14, pp. 64–68. - Arand D, Kerl A, Walter A (2015)
When do sell-side analyst reports really matter? Shareholder protection, institutional investors and the informativeness of equity research
European Financial Management, 21, pp. 524-555. - Doukas J.-A, Walter A (2015)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meetings: A Retrospective Evaluation
European Financial Management 21, pp. 790-810. - Kerl A, Schürg C, Walter A (2014)
The impact of Financial Times Deutschland news on stock prices – post announcement drifts and inattention of investors
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 28, pp. 409-436. - Baltzer M, Stolper O, Walter A (2014)
Home-field advantage or a matter of ambiguity aversion? Local bias among German individual investors
European Journal of Finance, 21, pp. 734-754. - Frey S, Herbst P, Walter A (2014)
Measuring Mutual Fund Herding - A Structural Approach
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 15, pp. 219-239. - Baltzer M, Stolper O, Walter A (2013)
Is local bias a cross-border phenomenon? Evidence from individual investors’ international asset allocation
Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, pp. 2823-2835. - Franck A, Walter A, Witt J (2013)
Momentum Strategies of German Mutual Funds
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 27, pp. 307-332. - Franck A, Walter A (2013)
Portfolio Complexity and Herd Behavior: Evidence from the German Mutual Fund Market
Kredit und Kapital, 45, pp. 343-371. - Kerl A, Stolper O, Walter A (2012)
Tagging the Triggers: An Empirical Analysis of Information Events prompting Sell-side Analyst Reports
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 26, pp. 217-246. - Walter A (2011)
The effects of coauthorship on the quality of financial research papers
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81, pp. 205-234. - Naujoks M, Aretz K, Kerl A, Walter A (2009)
Do German Security Analysts Herd?
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 23, pp. 3-29. - Kerl A, Walter A (2009)
Long-run Performance Evaluation of Journalists’ Stock Recommendations
Kredit und Kapital, 42, pp. 213-243. - Neus W, Walter A (2008)
Kursgewinne durch Entlassungspläne? Erste Ergebnisse aus Deutschland
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 10, pp. 1-20. - Kerl A, Walter A (2008)
Never Judge a Book by Its Cover – What Security Analysts Have to Say Beyond Recommendations
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 22, pp. 289-321. - Neus W, Walter A (2008)
Lines of Research in Fifty Years of Corporate Financial Theory
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Special Issue 6/2008, pp. 1-38. - Dymke B.-M, Walter A (2008)
Insider Trading in Germany – Do Corporate Insiders Exploit Inside Information?
Business Research, 1, pp. 188-205. - Baltzer M, Walter A (2008)
Erfolgsfaktoren beim Biathlon: Werden die Rennen am Schießstand entschieden?
Sportwissenschaft, 38, pp. 272-287. - Kerl A, Walter A (2008)
The Usual Suspects: The Effects of Attention on Journalists’ Stock Recommendations
Applied Financial Economics Letters, 4, pp. 97-101. - Kerl A, Walter A (2007)
Market Responses to Buy Recommendations Issued by Personal Finance Magazines: Effects of Information, Price-Pressure, and Company Characteristics
Review of Finance, 11, pp. 117-141. - Brixner J, Walter A (2007)
Stock Prices and the Dissemination of Second-hand Information – New Evidence from Germany
Applied Economics Letters, 14, pp. 91-94. - Eisele F, Walter A (2006)
Motive für den Rückzug von der Börse – Ergebnisse einer Befragung deutscher Going Private-Unternehmen
Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 58, pp. 807-833. - Eisele F, Walter A (2006)
Finanzwirtschaftliche Charakteristika deutscher Going Private–Unternehmen
Finanz Betrieb, 7, pp. 360-372. - Walter A, Weber F.-M (2006)
Herding in the German Mutual Fund Industry
European Financial Management, 12, pp. 375-406. - Grupp B.-M, Neus W, Walter A (2006)
Der Erfolg von Börseneinführungen mit Beteiligung von Business-Angels – Eine empirische Untersuchung für den deutschen Kapitalmarkt
Finanz Betrieb, 7, pp. 343-351. - Eisele F, Walter A (2006)
Kursreaktionen auf die Ankündigung von Going Private-Transaktionen am deutschen Kapitalmarkt
Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 58, pp. 337-362. - Eisele F, Götz A, Walter A (2003)
Going Private-Transaktionen am deutschen Kapitalmarkt – Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme
Finanz Betrieb, 5, pp. 839-850. - Eisele F, Götz A, Walter A (2003)
Motive, Gestaltungsalternativen und Ablauf eines Going Private – Ein alternativer Erklärungsansatz für das Börsenrückzugsphänomen
Finanz Betrieb, 5, pp. 479-485 - Hirth H, Walter A (2002)
Investition, Imitation und Reputation
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 54, pp. 35-47.