Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

I need a new body (working title)


16.11.2022 von 20:00 bis 20:45 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Youth Cultural Center (MКЦ), Skopje, Nordmazedonien


Viktorija Ilioska in conversation with Nastya Dzyuban, Laura Stellacci

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 In a world where we seem to enjoy a fake image of endless resources, how did we continue to ‘pump’? We draw, suck, elicit, and drain the earth's body to enrich our lives on it, emptying our future(s). At the same time, we suck, boost, inject and inflate our bodies, transgressing their capacities. This piece will take place in-between: between a body as an exhibition and a body as a resource and look at the place where these two intersect.


  • Performance
  • Tanz
  • Premiere