Inhaltspezifische Aktionen



13.05.2023 von 20:00 bis 21:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)

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13.05.2023 von 20:00 bis 21:30
14.05.2023 von 20:00 bis 21:30


heaterlabor Birmarckstraße 24A


Konzept & Regie: Friederike Brendler, Maret Zeino-Mahmalat, Anna Schill, Sounddesign: Marie Engert, Choreografie: Lillian Joachim, Szenografie: Rosanna Rotach, Video- und Lichtdesign: Ruth Süpple, Ariana Battaglia, Spotlight: Elisabeth Dimigen, Kostüm: Miriam von Kutzleben, Performance: Nikolas Stäudte, Lucas Guigonis, Alexandra Reis, Lillian Joachim, Zoë Langner, Anik Todtenhaupt

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Outside it might be raining, inside here it's entertaining. This is a story about Sandy, a girl as sweet as candy, gets lost in the woods looking for something to make her feel just anything... The very famous, unseen cult lip-sync musical PANDORA'S HEART is finally coming to town! For the first time ever PANDORA'S HEART is going to be live and playback on stage. If you would like to join this heart-stopping spectacle, please write your name here:

Always remember: you are allowed clap, sleep, gasp, laugh, shout, sing, cry or even yawn during the show. Sandy awakens a creature from the dark, Pandora is their name, in case one might ask. Pandora is stunning, charming and smart, Sandy wonders if they have a heart. Inside Sandy something changes, actual darkness in her inflames, she tricks pandora in order to kill them - ähm - actually, we are not going to spoil the whole story now. You just need to watch. 

  • Performance
  • Premiere