Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


Kongressbeiträge 2020

Ehlers (2020) T19. The evolution of plasmodesmata. Oral presentation, DFG priority program MAdLand – Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change. Workshop and Kickoff Meeting, Herzogenhorn/Feldberg, Germany, 11.-16.9.2020. Abstract Book p 19

Kongressbeiträge 2021

L. Wegner, K. Ehlers (2021) T22. The evolution of plasmodesmata. Oral presentation, DFG priority program MAdLand – Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change. Annual meeting and Workshop, Herzogenhorn/Feldberg, Germany, 14.-17.9.2021. Abstract book p 17

Kongressbeiträge 2022

L. Wegner, K. Ehlers (2022) T14. The evolution of plasmodesmata. Oral presentation, DFG priority program MAdLand – Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change. Annual meeting, Herzogenhorn/Feldberg, Germany, 13.-16.9.2022. Abstract book p 16

F. Althoff, L. Wegner, K. Ehlers, H. Buschmann, S. Zachgo (2022) T11. One genotype – two phenotypes: The amphibious liverwort Riccia fluitans enables insights into the water to land transition. Oral presentation, DFG priority program MAdLand – Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change. Annual meeting, Herzogenhorn / Feldberg, Germany, 13.-16.9.2022. Abstract book p 15

F. Lucibelli, D. Lotz, K. Ehlers, A. Becker, B.H. Mele, S. Aceto (2022) The Phalaenopsis PeDL2 gene is a possible new regulator of labellum development. Poster presentation, FISV congress, Reggia di Portici, NA, Italy, 14.-16.09.2022

L. Wegner, K. Ehlers (2022) O-S1-002. The evolution of plasmodesmata. Oral presentation, Botanik-Tagung – International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, Bonn, Germany, 28.08.-01.09.2022. Programme p 56

F. Althoff, L. Wegner, K. Ehlers, H. Buschmann, S. Zachgo (2022) P-297 One genotype – two phenotypes – the amphibious liverwort Riccia fluitans enables insights into the water to land transition. Poster presentation, Botanik-Tagung – International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, Bonn, Germany, 28.08.-01.09. 2022. Programme p 256

Kongressbeiträge 2023

L. Wegner, K. Ehlers (2023) P66. The evolution of plasmodesmata; Poster presentation, 36th Conference Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP), Hennef, Germany, 06.-09.02.2023 program

L. Wegner, M.L. Porth, K. Ehlers (2023) T5. The evolution of plasmodesmata; Oral presentation, DFG priority program MAdLand - Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change. Annual Meeting, Herzogenhorn / Feldberg, Germany 12.-15.9. 2023. Abstract book p 13