Inhaltspezifische Aktionen



  • Ehlers K, Kollmann R (1996) Formation of branched plasmodesmata in regenerating Solanum nigrum protoplasts. Planta 199, 126-138.
  • Ehlers K, Schulz M, Kollmann R (1996) Subcellular localization of ubiquitin in plant protoplasts and the function of ubiquitin in selective degradation of outer-wall plasmodesmata in regenerating protoplasts. Planta 199, 139-151.

  • Ehlers K, van Bel AJE (1999) The physiological and developmental consequences of plasmodesmal connectivity. In: Plasmodesmata. Structure, Function, Role in Cell Communication. (A.J.E. van Bel and W.J.P. van Kesteren eds.). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin New York, pp. 243-260.

  • Ehlers K, Binding H, Kollmann R (1999) The formation of symplasmic domains by plugging of plasmodesmata: a general event in plant morphogenesis. Protoplasma 209, 181-192.

  •  Ehlers K, Knoblauch M, van Bel AJE (2000) Ultrastructural features of well-preserved and injured sieve elements. Minute clamps keep the phloem transport conduits free for mass flow. Protoplasma 214:80-92.
  • Ehlers K, Kollmann R (2000) Synchronization of mitotic activity in protoplast-derived Solanum nigrum L. microcallus is correlated with plasmodesmal connectivity. Planta 210:269-278.
  • van Bel AJE, Ehlers K (2000) Symplasmic organization of the transport phloem controls assimilate supply of the cambium. In: Cambium: the biology of wood formation. (R Savidge, JR Barnett & R Napier, eds.). Bios, Oxford, 85-99.
  • Knoblauch M, Ehlers K, Peters WS, van Bel AJE (2001). Reversible calcium-regulated stopcocks in legume sieve tubes. Plant Cell 13:1221-1230.
  • Ehlers K, Kollmann R (2001). Primary and secondary plasmodesmata: structure, origin, and functioning. Protoplasma 216:1-30.
  • Hoffmann-Thoma G, van Bel AJE, Ehlers K (2001) Ultrastructure of minor vein phloem and assimilate export in summer and winter leaves of the symplasmically loading evergreens Ajuga reptans L., Aucuba japonica Thunb. and Hedera helix L. Planta 212, 231-242
  • van Bel AJE, Ehlers K, Knoblauch M (2002) Sieve elements caught in the act. Trends in Plant Science 7, 126-132.
  • Dietz C, Ehlers K, Wilhelm C, Gil-Rodríguez MC, Schnetter R (2003) Lotharella polymorpha sp. nov. (Chlorarachniophyta) from the coast of Portugal, Phycologia 42:582-593
  • Noll GA, Knoblauch M, Prüfer D, Ehlers K, van Bel AJE, Peters WS (2004) Unexpected properties of a novel class of mechano-proteins from various plants. In: Micro- and nanostructures of biological systems II. (G. Bischoff & H.J. Hein, eds.) Shaker Aachen, pp 20-31

  • van Bel AJE, Ehlers K (2005) Electrical signalling via plasmodesmata. In: Plasmodesmata (K.J. Oparka, ed.). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 263-278
  • An Q-L, Ehlers K, Kogel K-H, van Bel AJE, Hückelhoven R (2006) Multivesicular compartments proliferate in susceptible and resistant MLA12-barley leaves in response to infection by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus. New Phytologist 172:563-576.
  • Horn S, Ehlers K, Fritzsch G, Gil-Rodriguez MC, Wilhelm C, Schnetter R (2007) Synchroma grande spec. nov. (Synchromophyceae class. nov., Heterokontophyta):an amoeboid marine alga with unique plastid complexes. Protist 158:277-293.
  • Schnetter R, Ehlers K (2007) Rätselhafte Chloroplastenanordnung. Synchromophyceae – eine neue Klasse von Algen. Labor & More, 5/2007, S. 42-43
  • Ehlers K, van Bel AJE (2010) Dynamics of plasmodesmal connectivity in successive interfaces of the cambial zone. Planta 231, 371-385
  • Fuchs M, van Bel AJE, Ehlers K (2010) Season-associated modifications in symplasmic organization of the cambium in Populus nigra. Annals of Botany 105, 375-387
  • Fuchs M, Ehlers K, Will T, van Bel AJE (2010) Immunolocalization indicates plasmodesmal trafficking of storage proteins during cambial reactivation in Populus nigra. Annals of Botany, 106, 385-394
  • Fuchs M, van Bel AJE, Ehlers K (2011) Do symplasmic networks in cambial zones correspond with secondary growth patterns. Protoplasma 248:141–151
  • Schmidt M, Horn S, Flieger K, Ehlers K, Wilhelm C, Schnetter R (2012) Synchroma pusillum sp. nov. and other new algal isolates with chloroplast complexes confirm the Synchromophyceae (Ochrophyta) as a widely distributed group of amoeboid algae. Protist 163:544-59
  • Kang H-G, Choi H W, von Einem S, Manosalva P, Ehlers K, Liu P-P, Buxa SV, Moreau M, Mang H-G, Kachroo P, Kogel K-H, Klessig DF (20129 CRT1 is a nuclear-translocated MORC endonuclease that participates in multiple levels of plant immunity. Nature Communications 3: 1297

  • Ehlers K, Große Westerloh M (2013) Developmental control of plasmodesmata frequency, structure, and function. In  Symplasmic Transport in Vascular Plants (K Sokolowska & P Sowinski eds.)Springer New York, pp41-82, ISBN 9-781-4614-7764-8

  • Stille JS, Jaeger M, Dickore WB, Ehlers K, Holzhauer SIJ, Mayland-Quellhorst E, Safer S, Schwaiger S, Stuessy TF, Stuppner H, Wissemann V (2014) Chromosome numbers of the Edelweiss Leontopodium (Pers.) R. Br. (Asteraceae, Compositae, Gnaphalieae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 71:1-11

  • Hafke JB, Ehlers K, Föller J, Höll SR, Becker S, von Bel AJ (2013) Involvement of the sieve element cytoskeleton in electrical responses to cold shocks. Plant Physiology 162:707-719

  • Gregor Langen, Sabrina von Einem, Aline Koch, Jafargholi Imani, Subhash B. Pai, Murli Manohar, Katrin Ehlers, Hyong Woo Choi, Martina Claar, Rebekka Schmidt, Hyung-Gon Mang, Yogendra Bordiya, Hong-Gu Kang, Daniel F. Klessig, Karl-Heinz Kogel (2014) The compromised recognition of turnip crinkle virus1 subfamily of microrchidia ATPases regulates disease resistance in barley to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Plant Physiology 164: 866-878
  • Schmidt M, Horn S, Ehlers K, Wilhelm C, Schnetter R (2015) Guanchochroma wildpretii gen. et spec. nov. (Ochrophyta) provides new insights into the diversification and evolution of the algal class Synchromophyceae. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0131821. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131821
  • Becker, A and Ehlers, K (2016) Arabidopsis flower development—of protein complexes, targets, and transport. Protoplasma 253:219–230; DOI 10.1007/s00709-015-0812-7
  • Ehlers K, Bhide A S, Tekleyohans D G, Wittkop B, Snowdon R J, Becker A (2016) The MADS box genes ABS, SHP1, and SHP2 are essential for the coordination of cell divisions in ovule and seed coat development and for endosperm formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE 11(10):e0165075.

  • Keipp K, Hütsch BW, Ehlers K, Schubert S (2020) Drought stress in sunflower causes inhibition of seed filling due to reduced cell-extension growth. J Agro Crop Sci. 00:1–12. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12400
  • Venneman J, Pawlick JS, Audenaert K, Meyer E, Demeyere K, Leus L,  Baert G, Kogel K-H, Haesaert G, Vereecke D, Ehlers K (2020) Evaluation of genome size and quantitative features of the dolipore septum as  taxonomic predictors for the Serendipita 'williamsii' species complex.  Fungal Biology 124(9):781-800.

  • Lotz D, Imanin J, Ehlers K, Becker A (2022) Towards a genetic model organism: an efficient method for stable genetic transformation of Eschscholzia californica (Ranunculales). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), DOI: 10.21203/
  • Althoff F, Wegner L, Ehlers K, Buschmann H, Zachgo S (2022) Developmental plasticity of the Amphibious Liverwort Riccia fluitans. Front. Plant Sci.
  • Schlemmer T, Lischka R, Wegner L, Ehlers K, Biedenkopf D, Koch A (2022). Extracellular vesicles isolated from dsRNA-sprayed barley plants exhibit no growth inhibition or gene silencing in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 9: 14,
  • Wegner, L., Porth, M.L., Ehlers, K. (2023) Multicellularity and the Need for Communication—A Systematic Overview on (Algal) Plasmodesmata and Other Types of Symplasmic Cell Connections. Plants 12, 3342.
  • Kong D, Ehlers K, Becker A. (2024) Floral morphology and development of Pteridophyllum racemosum (Sieb. et Zucc.) (Papaveraceae). Botany Letters,
  • Wegner, L., Ehlers, K. (2024) Plasmodesmata dynamics in bryophyte model organisms: secondary formation and developmental modifications of structure and function. Planta 260, 45.

  • Wegner L., Herrfurth C., Feussner F., Ehlers K., Haslam T.M. 2024 Complex sphingolipids are essential for cell division and plasmodesmal development in the moss Physcomitrium patens.bioRxiv 2024.11.01.621568; doi:

  • Lotz, D., Rössner, L., Ehlers, K. et al. Conservation of the dehiscence zone gene regulatory network in dicots and the role of the SEEDSTICK ortholog of California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) in fruit development. EvoDevo 15, 16 (2024).