Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Team Bork Berghoff

Bork Berghoff, PD Dr.


Bork Berghoff, PD Dr.

Gruppenleiter / Group Leader




Sophie Dittmar, MSc.


Sophie Dittmar, MSc.

Doktorandin / PhD student
iFZ L231
+49 (0)641 99-37844

David Dörrheim, BSc.


David Dörrheim, BSc.

Masterstudent / master student
Raum / room L247
Tel. / phone 0641/99-35548


Selina Hoffmann, BSc.


Selina Hoffmann, BSc.

Masterstudentin / master student
Raum / room L247
Tel. / phone 0641/99-35548


Hall of Fame


Ehemalige / Alumni

   Hall of fame