Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Scientific cooperations

Universities and organizations (list is not complete)

International (in italics: visiting guest researcher)

  1. Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade and Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Chemistry (Prof. Dr. D. Milojković-Opsenica, Prof. Dr. Ž. Lj. Tešić, P. Ristivojevic)
  2. University of Alberta, Canada (Prof. Dr. M. Brett, S. Jim, N. Brett)
  3. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA (Prof. Dr. M.R. Linford, C. Cushman)
  4. B. Rockefeller, Brüssel 
  5. Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain Drug Research Institute, Brüssel, Belgien (Prof. Dr. J. Quetin-Leclercq, Dr. S. Hage)
  6. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Life Sciences, Modena, Italy (Prof. F. Pellati, 2 students/year: 2014/15 Rebecca Fornasari and Irene Scainelli)
  7. Institut Ruđer Bošković, Centar za istraživanje mora, Rovinj, Croatia (Dr. J. Željko)
  8. Medical University of Lublin, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry, Poland (Dr. Ł. Cieśla)
  9. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Plant Protection Institute, Budapest, Hungary (Prof. Dr. E. Tyihak, Dr. E. Mincsovics, Dr. A. Moricz)
  10. Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Prague, Czech Republic (Prof. P. Solich, A. Hošťálková)
  11. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinjiang Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China (Dr. A. Yili)
  12. Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía, Ciudad de México, México (Prof. Dr. N. Pérez Hernández)
  13. Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Sciences, Politehnica of Bucharest (G. Cretu)
  14. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia (Prof. Dr. G. Kalabin, Dr. E. Chernetsova)
  15. University of Concepcion, Chile (Prof. Dr. M. Vega, Prof. Dr. M. Aranda)
  16. Xinjiang Institute of Chinese Material Medica and Ethnodrug, Urumqi, China (G. Sabir)
  17. Russian Research Center ‘Kurchatov Institute’, Moscow, Russia (Dr. E. Chernetsova)
  18. Interregional Center Adaptogen, St. Petersburg, Russia (Prof. Dr. A. Shikov)
  19. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (Prof. Dr. P. Supaphol, P. Kampalanonwat)
  20. Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), Department of Biochemical Sciences (DBCS), Delhi, India (Dr. K. Misra, Director)
  21. CSIC, Instituto de Carboquímica, Zaragoza, Spain (Dr. V. L. Cebolla, M. Del Pilar)
  22. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, FiBL), Wädenswill, Switzerland (Dr. C. Thonar, Dr. M. Messmer, Dr. P. Hohmann)
  23. Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Switzerland (Dr. M. Kinner, Dr. A. Bongratz, Prof. Dr. C. Yeretzian)
  24. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria (Prof. Dr. A. Potthast, T. Zweckmair, Dr. S. Böhmdorfer, Dr. J. Oberlerchner)
  25. Club de Chromatographie sur Couche Mince, CCCM (P. Bernard-Savary, president)
  26. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland (Dr. M. Mirgos)
  27. University Paris Sud, ORSAY CEDEX, France (Dr. M.-J. Virolle)
  28. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic (Prof. Dr. J. Cvacka)
  29. Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania (Dr. D. Lazurca)
  30. Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Queensland, Australia (Dr. N. Bansal)
  31. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethiopia (Prof. Dr. A. Belay)
  32. The Luxembourg Government, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture, Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA), Luxembourg (D. Züst)

National (in italics: visiting guest researcher)

  1. Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Oberschleißheim (Dr. A. Miller)
  2. Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) (Dr. N. Jung)
  3. Hochschule Wismar/TU Cottbus, Malchow - Insel Poel (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ch. Stollberg)
  4. University of Potsdam (apl. Prof. Dr. H. M. Rawel)
  5. University of Tübingen (Prof. Dr. K.-A. Kovar)
  6. University of Stuttgart (apl. Prof. Dr. F. Brümmer, A. Köppel)
  7. University of Münster (Dr. H. Luftmann)
  8. University of Leipzig (PD Dr. J. Schiller)
  9. Schüler-Forschungszentrum Südwürttemberg (→ Jugend forscht), Bad Saulgau (Dr. R. Binder, C. Lämmle)
  10. Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden (Dr. S. Merten, Dr. R. Schulte-Ladbeck)
  11. Chemischen und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt CVUA Karlsruhe (J. Geisser, E. Kratz)
  12. Landeswasserversorgung, Standort Langenau (Dr. W. Weber, Dr. W. Schulz, Dr. W. Seitz, Dr. S. Weiß)
  13. University BTU Cottbus, Zentrales Analytisches Labor (Dr. H. Geppert)
  14. University of Hohenheim, Verfahrenstechnik der Tierhaltungssysteme (Dr. U. Kienle, Prof. Dr. Th. Jungbluth)
  15. University of Hohenheim, Food Chemistry (Prof. Dr. W. Schwack, Dr. C. Oellig)
  16. Technical University of Berlin, Food Chemistry (Prof. Dr. W. Kroh, Dr. M. Dört)
  17. State Apicultural Institute, Stuttgart (Dr. A. Schroeder, N. Kunz; Dr. K. Wallner, J. Reetz and V. Roessle)
  18. Max-Rubner Institute, Karlsruhe (B. Becker, S. Mohr, Dr. Mayer-Miebach) und Detmold
  19. DLG, Frankfurt (Dr. S. Schiller, R. Hepp, S. Nucke, B. Bleile. B. Schneider-Häder)
  20. TÜV-Süd (K. Gerhardt, L. Credo)
  21. Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor (LHL), Kassel (U. Meyer, PD Dr. T. Stahl, Dr. J. Tomaschautzky)
  22. Hochschule Geisenheim University (Prof. Dr. D. Rauhut, Prof. Dr. M. Stobl, Prof. Dr. B. Lindemann, Dr. M. Freund, D. Häge)
  23. Landesuntersuchungsanstalt für das Gesundheits- und Veterinärwesen Sachsen, Chemnitz (Dr. G. Kempe)
  24. University of Bonn (Dr. J. van den Boorn)
  25. University of Rostock and Helmholtz Zentrum München (J. Heide, Prof. Dr. R. Zimmermann)
  26. University of Leipzig and Leibniz-IPHT (Dr. D. Cialla-May, Prof. Dr. D. Belder)
  27. H. Borck, retired from Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  28. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn (Dr.-Ing. N. Schulze-Kaysers)
  29. Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt (S. Meyer)

Industry (list is not complete)

  1. Chromacim, Pommiers la Placette, France (P. Bernard-Savary, CEO)
  2. Jeol, Tokyo, Japan (Y. Ueda)
  3. IonSense, Saugus, USA (Dr. R. Cody, Inventor and founder, Dr. B. Musselman, CEO)
  4. AlphaCrom, Rheinfelden, Germany  (Dr. Th. Pfeiffer)
  5. AnChrom, Mumbai, India (D. Charegaonkar, CEO)
  6. KR Analytical, UK, Sandbach, UK (P. Ryan, S. Kennerly, both CEO)
  7. CAMAG, Muttenz, Switzerland (Dr. K. Natsias, Dr. M. Wyss, CEO)
  8. Genzyme, Liestal, Switzerland (Dr. G. Ruser)
  9. A. Vogel Bioforce, Roggwil, Switzerland (Dr. M. Suter)
  10. Zeller-Vitaplant, Romanshorn, Switzerland (Dr. K. Berger, Dr. B. Blüter, CEO)
  11. Rottapharm Madaus, Köln, Germany (Dr. N. Hadzifejzovic)
  12. Abbott, Ludwigshafen, Germany (Dr. H. van Lishaut, E. Müller)
  13. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany (Dr. M. Dogan, M. Schulz, Dr. K. Cabrera, Dr. D. Tanzer, M. Oberle)
  14. Bruker Daltonics, Bremen, Germany (Dr. D. Suckau, Dr. M. Schürenberg)
  15. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany (Dr. M. Bromirski)
  16. PhytoLab/Martin Bauer Group, Vestenbergsgreuth, Germany (Dr. M. Schwarz, Dr. K. Reif)
  17. Bongrain Deutschland, Wiesbaden, Germany (Dr. V. Kleinmann)
  18. Unilever, Heilbronn, Germany (Dr. M. Spraul)
  19. Jungbunzlauer, Ladenburg, Germany (Dr. K. Klingberg)
  20. Hochwald Foods, Meppen, Germany, (H. Gößling)
  21. ttz, Bremerhaven, Germany (K. Buchecker)
  22. Molkerei Meggle, Wasserburg, Germany (F. Salzer)
  23. Wala/Weleda, Bad Böll, Germany (Dr. F. Stinzing)
  24. Rudolf Wild, Eppelheim, Germany (Dr. Masanetz)
  25. Kraft Foods Deutschland, Bremen, Germany
  26. August Storck, Berlin, Germany (Dr. J. Klingmann)
  27. Stollwerck GmbH, Köln Porz-Westhoven, Germany (A. Reichert, T. Kußmack)
  28. arotop food & environment, Mainz, mit Bofrost, Straelen, Germany (Dr. S. Werner)
  29. KKS Karl Konrad, Kirchheimbolanden, Germany (K. Sauer)
  30. Ferrero, Stadtallendorf, Germany (Dr. G. Neuberger, F. Mandl, K. Herd, J. Ehrke-Böhm, I. Wagner. Dr. C. Mahr, C. Möckel)
  31. Lessafre, Marcq-en-Baroeul, France (A. Bessin; before Purifunction, Loos, France)
  32. Dr. Schär, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany (L. Clasani, A. Biesing, N. Will)
  33. R&R Ice Cream, Osnabrück, Germany
  34. Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal, Germany (Dr. S. Schulze Struchtrup)
  35. Food Professionals, Köhnen, Germany
  36. Mönnich, Kassel, Germany
  37. Döhler, Darmstadt, Germany (P. Hauck, D. Heinz, K. Möhle)
  38. Eurofins (Dr. M. Reichel, Dr. K. Sinderhauf, Dr. A. May)
  39. Dr. Schwabe (Dr. E. Koch, Dr. Erdelmeier)
  40. Siegwerk, Siegburg, Germany (Dr. W. Hohn, Dr. C. Ziebart, Dr. R. Leineweber, J. Jiang)
  41. LSG Sky Chefs, Frankfurt and München, Germany (P. Stauch)
  42. FRoSTA, Bremerhaven, Germany (A. Dürr)
  43. Wilhelm Goedeken GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
  44. Milupa GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany
  45. Intertek Food Services GmbH, Linden, Germany
  46. Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH & Co. KG, Neu-Isenburg, Germany
  47. Solvay, R&I Centre, Brussels, Belgium (P. Vanimpe)
  48. Hochschule Fulda, Labor Lebensmittelanalytik, Germany (Dr. H. Borck)
  49. Alcimed, Köln, Germany (Dr. L. Mellado-Ranea)
  50. Gattefosse SAS, St. Priest, France (T. Chasset)
  51. Stada, cell pharm GmbH, Bad Vilbel, Germany (Dr. N. Klewer, Dr. H. Bendig, S. Janke, S. Brauer)
  52. DSM, Delft, The Netherlands (Dr. L. Duchateau)
  53. BRITA GmbH, Taunusstein, Germany (B. Kohler, Dr. E. Dzafic)
  54. Ehrmann AG, Oberschönegg, Germany (Dr. B. Hammelehle)
  55. Nestle, Lausanne, Switzerland (Dr. M. Marin-Kuan)
  56. Nestle, Frankfurt, Germany (S. Rojahn. A. Goldmann, Dr. T. Dickau, Dr. M. Possner)
  57. Berthold Technologies, Bad Wildbad, Germany (B. Hutter)
  58. Merz Pharma, Reinheim, Germany (Dr. K. Scharwächter)
  59. Firmenich, Geneva, Switzerland (Dr. F. Begnaud, P. Merle, L. Baroux)
  60. Wild ADM Berlin, Germany (Dr. J. Mäder)
  61. Wild Valencia, Spain (A. Inarejos)
  62. Symrise, Holzminden, Germany (A. Kessel, Dr. J. Förstner)
  63. Camso GmbH, Kelsterbach, Germany (L. Klarmann)
  64. AFC Risk and Crisis Consult GmbH, Bonn, Germany (M. Springer)
  65. Hassia Mineralbrunnen GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Vilbel, Germany (B. Janko)
  66. Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Hersfeld, Germany (V. Schwarz)
  67. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany (D. Malland)
  68. Arotop Laboratorien Mainz, Germany (Dr. S. Schwarz)
  69. FrieslandCampina Germany GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany (Prof. Dr. A. Kurth)
  70. Rapp’s Kelterei GmbH, Karben, Germany (Dr. S. Herrmann)
  71. Camso GmbH, München, Germany (L. Fischbach)
  72. RM Produktions GmbH & Co. KG, Flieden-Rückers, Germany (K. Krug-Jehn)
  73. Fraunhofer-Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung IVV, Freising, Germany (A. Strube, Dr. J. Beauchamp)
  74. Oatsome GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany (L. Hentschel)
  75. Sidroga Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsprodukte mbH, Bad Ems, Germany (Dr. A. Schwabe)
  76. QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH, Bonn, Germany (D. Gödde-Sowa)
  77. Kao Germany GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany (R. Dehmer)
  78. Edeka Einkaufskontor GmbH, Hamburg, Germany (P. Becker)
  79. Glockenbrot Bäckerei, Frankfurt, Germany (P. Slomski)
  80. quo data - Gesellschaft für Qualitätsmanagement und Statistik mbH, Dresden, Germany (M. Jähne)
  81. FrieslandCampina, Wageningen, Niederlande (I. Erkekoglou)
  82. Lizza GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany (C. Di Gregorio la Bianca)
  83. RUF Lebensmittelwerk KG, Quakenbrück, Germany (D. Münzbrock)
  84. Mercurius Production GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany (Dr. H.-J. Heidebrecht)
  85. transmission Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany (S. Schellhaas)
  86. Erlenbacher Backwaren GmbH, Groß-Gerau, Germany (I. Schmidt)
  87. VAN HEES GmbH, Walluf, Germany (Dr. A. Stephan)
  88. RAPS Fresh GmbH, Versmold, Germany (M. Nummert)
  89. AFC Risk & Crisis Consult GmbH, Bonn Germany (Dr. M. Lendle)
  90. Mineralbrunnen RhönSprudel Egon Schindel GmbH, Ebersburg-Weyhers, Germany (Dr. M. Wald)
  91. fairfood Freiburg GmbH, Freiburg, Germany (J. Wirth)
  92. Sunval Nahrungsmittel GmbH, Waghäusel, Germany (L. Winter)
  93. ADM WIld Europe GmbH & Co. KG, Eppelheim, Germany (Dr. J. Goebelbecker)
  94. Georg Parlasca Keksfabrik GmbH, Burgdorf, Germany (M.-P. Bretschneider)
  95. Sunday Naturals Products GmbH, Berlin, Germany (P. Slomski)
  96. Midsona Deutschland GmbH, Ascheberg, Germany (S. Gabriel)
  97. Hagesüd Interspice Gewürzwerke GmbH, Hemmingen, Germany (Dr. P. Fleck-Schneider)
  98. Goldsteig Käsereien Bayerwald GmbH, Cham, Germany (B. Fiedler)
  99. Forschungsinstitut für pflanzenbasierte Ernährung (IFPE) gGmbH, Biebertal, Germany (Dr. M. Keller)
  100. Intersnack Deutschland SE, Alsbach-Hähnlein, Germany (I. Schmidt)
  101. RUF Lebensmittelwerk KG, Quakenbrück, Germany (A. Legler)
  102. Wernsing Feinkost GmbH, Essen (Oldenburg), Germany (W. Tiaden)
  103. Fleischwaren Neckarsulm GmbH & Co. KG, Neckarsulm, Germany (S. Heidkemper)
  104. Bempflinger Lebensmittel GmbH, Altdorf, Germany (V. Pfoh)
  105. apetito AG, Rheine, Germany (Dr. I. Hugendieck)