Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

German - Kosovar - Georgian Summerschool 2021

Join the German - Kosovar - Georgian Summerschool 2021
This year (29.9.-08.10.2021) you have the unique opportunity to meet with young scientists from Germany, Kosovo and Georgia for exchange, networking and skills training. An intensive 5 days intercultural training and co-working period will be followed by a highly interesting conference part. You are interested in research on the differences that arise from classic and organic farming practices on the fieldsite, landscape or global scale? You are very welcome to apply for our summerschool until the 15.08.2021.
How to apply?
Despite of their home country, all interested students need to apply in english including all documents (see download area). Please note that only students of the partner universities Justus Liebig University Giessen, University Prishtina and TSU Tiflis are allowed to apply.
Download area
Here you can find all info and documents for your application. Fill in the application form and scan it, add all other needed documents and save it as a single pfd-file (may not exceed 2 MB!).