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Workshops, Meetings & Events

upcoming meetings:

December 2014/January 2015: Project Meeting

past workshops, meetings & events:


25.4.2013: Kick-Off Meeting in Frankfurt 

22-23.05.2013: Nano Forum in Tomsk

26.11. 2013: Project Meeting in Dresden


10-11.12.2013Workshop efficiency of ressources, Bonn

12.12.2014:  Project Meeting of the working team ecotoxicology 

01. 07. 2014: Project Meeting in Gießen


Projekttreffen Gießen 2

Projekttreffen Gießen


 24. - 25. 9. 2014BMBF-FORUM MatRessource in the scope of MSE, Materials Science Engineering

 5.-8.10.2014: annual conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology - VAAM, in Dresden