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Bild des Monats Mai 2017

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H/D exchange in oligopeptides followed in real-time by means of cluster induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry

Desorption/Ionization induced by Neutral SO2 Clusters (DINeC) is a very soft and efficient ionization technique for mass spectrometry of solid and surface-adsorbed organic analytes. The SO2 clusters impacting on the surface both provide the energy for desorption of the analyte molecules as well as they serve as a transient matrix due to the high dipole moment of SO2. Thus the desorption process takes place at comparably low cluster energies (<1eV/molecule) and even fragile analytes are desorbed without any fragmentation [C. R. Gebhardt, et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 4162 (2009); A. Portz et al., J. Chem. Phys. 146, 134705 (2017)].

In a most recent study, H/D exchange reactions in oligopeptides have been monitored in real-time using DINeC-MS allowing for a site-specific quantification of exchange rates in the bio-molecules. The results demonstrate the capability of DINeC for real-time monitoring of complex (surface-) reactions by means of mass spectrometry.

Dieses Bild wurde eingereicht von Andre Portz und Prof. Dr. Michael Dürr.