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13.03.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: Water sector developments in Central Asia: exploring research focus and emerging areas


13.03.2024 von 12:00 bis 13:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

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Central Asia, marked by its diversity and political heterogeneity, has a rich water development and irrigation history. The evolution of the water sector in this region has been significantly influenced by the transitions experienced by countries post-1991, shaping their distinct political, economic, and social systems after the Soviet era. In this seminar, Dr. Abdullaev will discuss the historical timeline of water development in Central Asia, delineating three pivotal phases: the pre-Soviet era characterized by smallholder systems, the Soviet-led hydraulic mission, and the post-Soviet period. 

The transformations in the water sector have been intertwined with socio-political changes in the post-Soviet landscape, often aligned with international development agendas. Initial changes were linked to land and agricultural reforms while emerging agricultural production systems and economic realities drove later shifts. Notably, recent reforms in Central Asian countries include Tajikistan's ongoing water sector reforms, Kazakhstan's establishment of a new water ministry, Uzbekistan's plans to expand drip irrigation, and Afghanistan's construction of a significant canal affecting the Amu Darya River flow.

In this seminar, Dr. Abdullaev will present the diverse research on Central Asia's water sector that can be classified into three key groups: socio-economic and global concepts related to climate change, impacts of reforms on productivity and livelihoods, and water governance. Dr. Abdullaev will also highlight potential research areas on water governance, changes, and transformations specific to Central Asia and compare different methodologies used in water studies within the region.

Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev is a Visiting Professor at the SDGnexus Network, Centre for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU), Justus Liebig University Giessen. 

Date: 13.03.2024 12:00-13:00 hr CET - hybrid (online or in person in Giessen)


About the SDGnexus Network Seminar Series

The SDGnexus Network Seminar Series cover topics related to research and teaching along the Sustainable Development Goals. Seminar Series are created for everybody interested in the SDG topic, the network offers a fantastic opportunity to union knowledge and experience from researchers across a variety of disciplines and regions.