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Prof. Dr. John Clifton-Brown

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Professur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Bioressourcen


Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung I

Fachbereich 09 - Agrarwissenschaften, Ökotrophologie und Umweltmanagement

Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen

E-mail: john.clifton-brown

Tel.: +49 (0)641 99-37410


In Bezug auf Ernährungssysteme und deren Transformation hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit...

  • ist meine Expertise...

  • sind für mich die größten Herausforderungen...

  • sind meine Ideen für Projekte/Kollaborationen...

  • In the acquisition of non indigenous genetic resources under the Convention on Biological Diversity, crop adaptation and eco-physiology, meteorological measurement, phenotyping and empirical crop modelling (non AI!), conventional plant breeding, conventional agronomy, adapting agricultural machinery and carbon farming.
  • I have worked for over 30 years on C4 perennial biomass grass ‘Miscanthus’ from Eastern Asia and on the quantification of land-use change on Greenhouse gas emissions. Miscanthus combines high yields, high nitrogen and high water use efficiencies associated with C4 photosynthesis with a perennial subterranean rhizome.
  • To integrate annual and perennial crops into farming systems to deliver food, feed, fuel and biomass for fibre products whilst delivering the following crucial landscape ecosystem services: reductions in soil erosion, habitat for biodiversity, high water use efficiency and low nutrient losses.
  • To find continuous support breeding of non-commodity perennial crops with market failure.
  • To transition from a glyphosate dependent agronomic system to a glyphosate free farming system.
  • To make more informed choices on land use and policy recommendations.
  • To develop strip cropping systems with perennial and annuals to enhance the landscape and provide food, feed and biomass and ecosystem services.
  • To continue to develop perennial multi-purpose crops with C4 photosynthesis for Europe and elsewhere in the world to provide sustainable food, feed and biomass for industrial products.
  • To create new process descriptions and empirical parameters to improve our understanding of Genetic X Environment interactions to enhance the precision of accuracy of crop yield models for specific crops and environments.  
  • To develop new biomass value chains.
  • To explore the costs and benefits of diverse production and biomass value chains with Life cycle assessment (LCA) and Technoeconomic assessment (TEA).

