Philosophikum I / Philosophikum II
A spirit of optimism at the Philosophikum: the "Campus of the Future" for the cultural sciences and humanities. Philosophikum I and II currently unite almost all humanities subjects at JLU. With around 10,000 students, they are home to over 40 per cent of all JLU students. The University Library is also located in Philosophikum I.
- Faculty 03 - Social Science and Cultural Studies
- Faculty 04 - History and Cultural Studies
- Faculty 05 - Language, Literature, Culture
- Faculty 06 - Department of Psychology
- Faculty 07 - Department of Mathematics Didactic
- Faculty 07 - Department of Physics Didactic
- Faculty 08 - Department of Biology Didactic
- International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
- University library (UB)
- Departmental library in the Philosophikum II
Canteens and Cafeterias
- Canteen Otto-Behaghel-Straße (OBS) (large canteen in the Philosophikum I)
- Cafeteria Café am Kunstweg (Philosophikum II)
- Cafeteria Café Phil I
- cUBar (Cafeteria in the University library)