If you would like to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the Chair of Business Administration VI, please apply officially via the registration page of the Examination Office for Economics. You can also find the current application deadlines there.
Please make absolutely sure that you have completed all the necessary preliminary work by the time of the kick-off event in accordance with the examination regulations applicable to you. In order to write a thesis, we require the necessary basics, which you have to prove by the corresponding achievements. If, at the time of the kick-off event, there are still outstanding exam performances (e.g. by taking up additional writing dates) and you are not able to provide evidence of the corresponding preliminary work by the kick-off date, your entitlement to a thesis place at the Chair of Business Administration VI for the respective semester expires. Please note: It is your responsibility to provide us with proof of the necessary achievements!
Writing a thesis at the Chair of Business Administration VI includes a compulsory joint Bachelor and Master kick-off event and participation in three colloquia. In each colloquium you will present the status of your thesis and receive feedback and advice based on your presentation, which can then be incorporated into the thesis. By regularly presenting work steps, we want to help you to write a successful scientific paper within the given time frame, as well as to include the experiences of all other thesis participants.
One week before the kick-off event you will receive a list of topics by StudIP email. Within a week you have the possibility to tell us two preferences regarding a topic. Alternatively, you can also submit your own proposal for a possible thesis topic. Please send a short synopsis of the topic of your choice to bwl6 within one week with the subject "Suggested Bachelor/Master Thesis". If you use third-party data for your own topic or data that may not be visible to us (e.g. when cooperating with companies), we need at least an excerpt of this data in order to be able to assess at an early stage whether we can supervise this work. On the Bachelor's and Master's Theses pages you will find a list of possible topics from which you can draw inspiration. Please note, however, that we cannot guarantee acceptance of your proposed topic. Therefore, please always send us your preferences regarding the topics we suggest. In the kick-off meeting, the thesis topic will then be discussed and determined.
The dates for the kick-off event and the colloquia can be found on the bachelor and master thesis pages. Here you will also find information on the deadline for naming your topic preferences or submitting the exposé. Please note that we only offer one starting date per semester for writing theses.
You are welcome to submit your physical thesis copy by dropping it off at our mailbox. If you prefer a direct submission to the professorship and the corresponding examiner, please contact the professorship directly at the appropriate time.
You can find information on writing a written thesis at the Chair of Business Administration VI here:
Information sheet: How to write a thesis at BWL VI (in German, English translation can be requested)
Please also attach the following completed document on the use of AI in theses:
Declaration on the use of AI in theses