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Download instructions for Mac users

If you are a Mac user, please note that the tool is at this stage only possible to run via Python. This site, as well as the manual for Mac users gives explicit instructions on how to go about it. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working as fast as we can to provide a proper .app for the tool.

Before being able to run DEPiCTed you will need to make sure that you have installed Anaconda Python 3 on your computer. If not, you can download Anaconda 3 for free by going to the following link:

The following links take you straight to the relevant file. To download the appropriate version for your computer, start by stating if your computer is running a 64-bit or 64-bit command line version:

In case you have an older version of Python on your computer, please make sure that you uninstall it before downloading and installing Anaconda Python 3, as otherwise the two programs might interfere and cause problems when opening DEPiCTed. [To uninstall an older version of Python, simply open the “Finder” window, search the old version of Python, Control-click or right-click on the application’s icon and select “Move to Trash”.]

Clicking on one of the above links will start the download of Anaconda Python 3. Anaconda will be saved in your “Downloads” folder. If you go to the “Downloads” folder and double click on the respective file, the installation of Anaconda Python 3 will start. Please consider that downloading Anaconda 3 might take roughly ten minutes and that you might need another 10 minutes for its set-up. After having installed Anaconda 3 restart your computer.


Get and install DEPiCTed:

In order to download DEPiCTed, click here.

This takes you to the Download page on our project website from which you can download the latest version of the tool. To download the appropriate version for your computer, select the version “DEPiCTed for Mac”. After clicking on Download, DEPiCTed will be downloaded into your “Downloads” folder.

The files will be saved in your “Downloads” folder on the hard disk. Go to the “Downloads” folder and search for the folder “DEPiCTed_for_Mac”. Your Mac will automatically unzip the folder. Move the folder to the location where you want to keep it.  

The folder will contain several files and folders. As a user, only the following will be of importance to you:

  • the folder “import”: this is where you place those files that you want to import to DEPiCTed
  • the folder “documents”: this is where the transformed XML files will be stored
  • the folder “export”: this is where the final exported projects will be stored and
  • the file “”: which is the file you need in order to execute the program


To run DEPiCTed:

  1. Click on Go in the Menu bar and select Utilities
  2. Double click on “”
  3. Type cd desktop and press Enter in case you have stored the file on your desktop. In case you have stored it somewhere else, please indicate the path where you have stored it after cd.
  4. Type python3 and press Enter
  5. Type import idlelib.idle and press Enter --> The Python Shell will open on your screen.
  6. Click File>Open, select the file ‘’, and click Open --> The script will open
  7. Click Run>Run Module --> DEPiCTed will open on your computer

It might be that you receive some error messages in the Python Terminal or in the Python Shell when you open DEPiCTed. You can simply ignore these error messages if DEPiCTed runs on your Mac, as they are based on layout issues and will not prevent you from annotating your data. We are aware of this issue and are working to find a solution for it.