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Current Topics in Perception and Cognition – WiSe 2024/2025

The talks will take place in room F5 (Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10F) at 10 am, unless noted otherwise.


Datum Referent Titel

23. October

Denis Pelli

(New York)


Reading and Crowding. Methods and Results



30. October

Sven Ohl



The elements of causal perception


6. November

Monica Gori

(iit Genova)


Multisensory integration and visual impairment 


13. November

Benedikt Ehinger



The modern EEG regression toolkit: Theory and application to EEG-Eyetracking combined data


20. November

Shao-Min Hung



Attentional modulation in the unconscious sensory world


27. November

Pascal Mamassian

(ENS Paris)


Measurements of perceived time of visual events



4. December

Lore Thaler



Human echo-location


11. December

Jeroen Smeets



The role of size in grasping and perceiving weight


18. December





Predictive processes in autism


22. January

Michele Rucci



Seeing by moving


5. February

Heiða María




Why is a raven like a writing desk? Mapping and tracking visual object representations


12. February

Martina Poletti



Active vision at the foveal scale


Colloquium talks in past semesters