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- Jeschke, M., Zoeller, A. C., & Drewing, K. (2024). Humans flexibly use visual priors to optimize their haptic exploratory behavior. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 14906. DOI
Gerharz, L., Brenner, E., Billino, J., & Voudouris, D. (2024). Age effects on predictive eye movements for action. Journal of vision, 24(6), 8-8. DOI
Goettker, A., Locke, S. M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Mamassian, P. (2024). Sensorimotor confidence for tracking eye movements. Journal of Vision, 24(8), 12-12. DOI
Aizenman, A. M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Goettker, A. (2024). Oculomotor routines for perceptual judgments. Journal of Vision, 24(5), 3-3. DOI
Filip, J., Lukavský, J., Děchtěrenko, F., Schmidt, F., & Fleming, R. W. (2024). Perceptual dimensions of wood materials. Journal of Vision, 24(5), 12-12. DOI
Goettker, A., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2024). Individual differences link sensory processing and motor control. Psychological Review. DOI
Drewing, K. (2024). Perceptuo-affective organization of touched materials in younger and older adults. Plos one, 19(1), e0296633. DOI
Stewart, E. E., Fleming, R. W., & Schütz, A. C. (2024). A simple optical flow model explains why certain object viewpoints are special. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291(2026), 20240577. DOI
Schuetz, I., Baltaretu, B. R., & Fiehler, K. (2024). Where was this thing again? Evaluating methods to indicate remembered object positions in virtual reality. Journal of Vision, 24(7), 10-10. DOI
Morgenstern, Y., Storrs, K. R., Schmidt, F., Hartmann, F., Tiedemann, H., Wagemans, J., & Fleming, R. W. (2024). High-level aftereffects reveal the role of statistical features in visual shape encoding. Current Biology, 34(5), 1098-1106. DOI
Klein, L. K., Maiello, G., Stubbs, K., Proklova, D., Chen, J., Paulun, V. C., ... & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Distinct neural components of visually guided grasping during planning and execution. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(49), 8504-8514. DOI
Zhang, Y., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2024). The execution of saccadic eye movements suppresses visual processing of both color and luminance in the early visual cortex of humans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(6), 1156-1167. DOI
- Akbarifathkouhi, E., & Dobs, K. (2024). How Exposure to Diverse Faces Shapes the Computational Mechanism of Face Perception. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN). Boston, USA. DOI
- van Dyck, E., Hebart, M., & Dobs, K. (2024). Core Neural Dimensions of Functionally Selective Areas in the Human Visual Cortex. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN). Boston, USA. DOI
- Marvi, A., Zhuang, C., Dobs, K., & Kanwisher, N. (2024). A single computational objective may not be sufficient for human-like face discrimination. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN). Boston, USA. DOI
- Tasliyurt, S., de Haas, B., Võ, M. L.-H., & Dobs, K. (2024). Using CNNs to understand how bottom-up and top-down processes shape human face detection. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN). Boston, USA. DOI
Baltaretu, B. R., Schuetz, I., Võ, M. L. H., & Fiehler, K. (2024). Scene semantics affects allocentric spatial coding for action in naturalistic (virtual) environments. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 15549. DOI
Schuetz, I., & Fiehler, K. (2024). Object center of mass predicts pointing endpoints in virtual reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 5, 1402084. DOI
Arikan, B. E., Voudouris, D., Straube, B., & Fiehler, K. (2024). Distinct role of central predictive mechanisms in tactile suppression. Iscience, 27(8). DOI
Metzger, A., Ennis, R. J., Doerschner, K., & Toscani, M. (2024). Perceptual task drives later fixations and long latency saccades, while early fixations and short latency saccades are more automatic. Perception, 03010066241253816. DOI
Karimpur, H., Wolf, C., & Fiehler, K. (2024). The (Un) ideal Physicist: How Humans Rely on Object Interaction for Friction Estimates. Psychological Science, 35(2), 191-201. DOI
Lin, L. P. Y., Böhm, A., Belousov, B., Kshirsagar, A., Schneider, T., Peters, J., ... & Drewing, K. (2024). Task-Adapted Single-Finger Explorations of Complex Objects. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 133-146). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI
van Dyck, L. E., Bremmer, F., & Dobs, K. (2024). Artificial intelligence meets body sense: task-driven neural networks reveal computational principles of the proprioceptive pathway. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 9(1), 171. DOI
Jeschke, M., Zoeller, A. C., & Drewing, K. (2024). Humans flexibly use visual priors to optimize their haptic exploratory behavior. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 14906. DOI
Goktepe, N., Drewing, K., & Schütz, A. C. (2024). Spatiotemporal congruency modulates weighting of visuotactile information in displacement judgments. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. DOI
Drewing, K. (2024). Multisensorische Informationsverarbeitung. In Allgemeine psychologie (pp. 87-124). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI
Fehlberg, M., Monfort, E., Saikumar, S., Drewing, K., & Bennewitz, R. (2024). Perceptual Constancy in the Speed Dependence of Friction During Active Tactile Exploration. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. DOI
Borovska, P., & de Haas, B. (2024). Individual gaze shapes diverging neural representations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(36), e2405602121. DOI
Broda, M. D., & de Haas, B. (2024). Individual differences in human gaze behavior generalize from faces to objects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(12), e2322149121. DOI
Broda, M. D., Borovska, P., & de Haas, B. (2024). Individual differences in face salience and rapid face saccades. Journal of Vision, 24(6), 16-16. DOI
Broda, M.D., Borovska, P., Kollenda, D., Linka, M., de Haas, N., de Haas, S., de Haas B. (2024), Estimating the human bottleneck for contact tracing. PNAS Nexus, 2024, 283. DOI
McManus, M., Schütz, I., Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2023). How visuomotor predictability and task demands affect tactile sensitivity on a moving limb during object interaction in a virtual environment. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), 231259. DOI
Hartmann, F., Maiello, G., Rothkopf, C. A., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Estimation of Contact Regions Between Hands and Objects During Human Multi-Digit Grasping. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (194), e64877. DOI
Kallmayer, A., Võ, M. L. H., & Draschkow, D. (2023). Viewpoint dependence and scene context effects generalize to depth rotated three-dimensional objects. Journal of Vision, 23(10), 9-9. DOI
Dobs, K., Yuan, J., Martinez, J., & Kanwisher, N. (2023). Behavioral signatures of face perception emerge in deep neural networks optimized for face recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(32), e2220642120. DOI
Heidari-Gorji, H., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Object-based color constancy in a deep neural network. JOSA A, 40(3), A48-A56. DOI
Goettker, A., Borgerding, N., Leeske, L., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Cues for predictive eye movements in naturalistic scenes. Journal of Vision, 23(10), 12-12. DOI
Zhang, Y., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2023). Laplacian reference is optimal for steady-state visual-evoked potentials. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(3), 557-568. DOI
Morimoto, T., Akbarinia, A., Storrs, K., Cheeseman, J. R., Smithson, H. E., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Color and gloss constancy under diverse lighting environments. Journal of vision, 23(7), 8-8. DOI
de Vries, J. P., Flachot, A., Morimoto, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). A deep new look at color. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e389. DOI
Fleming, R. W. (2023). Visual perception: Contours that crack the ambiguity conundrum. Current Biology, 33(14), R760-R762. DOI
Hedjar, L., Toscani, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Perception of saturation in natural objects. JOSA A, 40(3), A190-A198. DOI
Schuetz, I., Karimpur, H., & Fiehler, K. (2023). vexptoolbox: A software toolbox for human behavior studies using the Vizard virtual reality platform. Behavior Research Methods, 55(2), 570-582. DOI
Zhang, Y., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2023). The time course of chromatic adaptation in human early visual cortex revealed by SSVEPs. Journal of Vision, 23(5), 17-17. DOI
Raab, M., Voigt, L., Rothkopf, C., & Fiehler, K. (2023). Studying naturalistic actions requires research programs and not trade-off decisions in individual studies. Comment on" Beyond simple laboratory studies: developing sophisticated models to study rich behavior" by Maselli, Gordon, Eluchans, Lancia, Thiery, Moretti, Cisek, and Pezzulo. Physics of Life Reviews, 47, 33-34. DOI
Akbarinia, A., Morgenstern, Y., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Contrast sensitivity function in deep networks. Neural Networks, 164, 228-244. DOI
Beyvers, M. C., Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2023). Sensorimotor memories influence movement kinematics but not associated tactile processing. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 17920. DOI
Schmid, A. C., Barla, P., & Doerschner, K. (2023). Material category of visual objects computed from specular image structure. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(7), 1152-1169. DOI
Brand, O., Endres, D., Pfarr, J. K., Berger, C., Lenze, S., Fiehler, K., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). The Adaptive Mind Data and Code Policy. DOI
Malik, A., Doerschner, K., & Boyaci, H. (2023). Unmet expectations about material properties delay perceptual decisions. Vision Research, 208, 108223. DOI
Fiehler, K., & Karimpur, H. (2023). Spatial coding for action across spatial scales. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2(2), 72-84. DOI
Lin, L. P. Y., Cavdan, M., Doerschner, K., & Drewing, K. (2023). The Influence of Surface Roughness and Surface Size on Perceived Pleasantness. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 417-424. IEEE. DOI
- Kaiser, D., Stecher, R., & Doerschner, K. (2023). EEG decoding reveals neural predictions for naturalistic material behaviors. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(29), 5406-5413. DOI
- Yildiran, O. F., Storrs, K. R., Fleming, R. W., & Doerschner, K. (2023). Unsupervised learning can predict properties of non-rigid mirror objects in ambiguous conditions. Journal of Vision, 23(9), 5026-5026. DOI
Linka, M., Sensoy, Ö., Karimpur, H., Schwarzer, G., & de Haas, B. (2023). Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults. Scientific reports, 13(1), 11803. DOI
- Lin, L. P., Drewing, K., & Dörschner, K. (2023). Taking A Hands-On Approach: Active Explorations In Visual Material Perception. Journal of Vision, 23(9), 5245-5245. DOI
- Kar, K., Kanwisher, N., & Dobs, K. (2023). Deep neural networks optimized for both face detection and face discrimination most accurately predict face-selective neurons in macaque inferior temporal cortex. In Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. DOI
Ziegler, M. C., Stricker, L. K., & Drewing, K. (2023). The role of spatial information in an approximate cross-modal number matching task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(4), 1253-1266. DOI
Seminara, L., Dosen, S., Mastrogiovanni, F., Bianchi, M., Watt, S., Beckerle, P., ... & Loeb, G. E. (2023). A hierarchical sensorimotor control framework for human-in-the-loop robotic hands. Science Robotics, 8(78), eadd5434. DOI
Celebi, B., Cavdan, M., & Drewing, K. (2023). Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Haptic Vest. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 56-63). IEEE. DOI
Katircilar, D., & Drewing, K. (2023). The Effects of Movement Direction and Glove on Spatial Frequency Discrimination in Oriented Textures. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 313-318). IEEE. DOI
- Jeschke, M., Drewing, K., & Azañón, E. (2023). The Tactile Distance Aftereffect Transfers to Roughness Perception. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 8-13). IEEE. DOI
- Klever, L., Islam, J., Võ, M. L. H., & Billino, J. (2023). Aging attenuates the memory advantage for unexpected objects in real-world scenes. Heliyon, 9(9). DOI
- Forster, P. P., Fiehler, K., & Karimpur, H. (2023). Egocentric cues influence the allocentric spatial memory of object configurations for memory-guided actions. Journal of Neurophysiology. DOI
- Stewart, E. E. M., & Fleming R. W. (2023). The eyes anticipate where an object will move based on its shape. Current Biology, 33(17), R894-R895. DOI
- Borovska, P., & de Haas, B. (2023). Faces in scenes attract rapid saccades. Journal of Vision, 23(8):11. DOI
- Schmidt, F., Tiedemann, H., Fleming, R. W., & Morgenstern, Y. (2023). Inferring shape transformations in a drawing task. Memory & Cognition. DOI
- Dobs, K., Yuan, J., Martinez, J., & Kanwisher, N. (2023). Behavioral signatures of face perception emerge in deep neural networks optimized for face recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(32), e2220642120. DOI
- Hartmann, F., Maiello, G., Rothkopf, C. A., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Estimation of Contact Regions Between Hands and Objects During Human Multi-Digit Grasping. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 194, e64877. DOI
- Stegmann, U. E., & Schmidt, F. (2023). Homology judgements of pre-evolutionary naturalists explained by general human shape matching abilities. Scientific Reports, 13, 12269. DOI
- Voudouris, D., Schuetz, I., Schinke, T., & Fiehler, K. (2023). Pupil dilation scales with movement distance of real but not of imagined reaching movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. DOI
- Kaduk, J., Cavdan, M., Drewing, K., Vatakis, A., & Hamann, H. (2023). Effects of Human-Swarm Interaction on Subjective Time Perception: Swarm Size and Speed. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 456–465. DOI
- Cavdan, M., Goktepe, N., Drewing, K., & Dörschner, K. (2023). Assessing the representational structure of softness activated by words. Scientific Reports, 13, 8974. DOI
- Klever, L., Beyvers, M. C., Fiehler, K., Mamassian, P., & Billino, J. (2023). Cross-modal metacognition: Visual and tactile confidence share a common scale. Journal of Vision, 23(5), 1-16. DOI
- Cavdan, M., Celebi, B., Drewing, K. (2023). Simultaneous Emotional Stimuli Prolong the Timing of Vibrotactile Events. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. DOI
- Kaduk, J., Cavdan, M., Drewing, K., Vatakis, A., & Hamann, H. (2023). Effects of human-swarm interactions on subjective time perception: Swarm size and speed. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). DOI
- Broda, M. D., & de Haas, B. (2023). Reading the mind in the nose. i-Perception, 14(2). DOI
- Broda, M. D., Haddad, T., & de Haas, B. (2023). Quick, eyes! Isolated upper face regions but not artificial features elicit rapid saccades. Journal of Vision, 23(2):5, 1–9. DOI
- Kanwisher, N., Khosla, M., & Dobs, K. (2023). Using artificial neural networks to ask ‘why’ questions of minds and brains. Trends in Neurosciences, 46, 72-88. DOI
- Kanwisher, N., Gupta, P., & Dobs, K. (2023). CNNs reveal the Computational Implausibility of the Expertise Hypothesis. iScience, 205976. DOI
de Vries, J. P., Akbarinia, A., Flachot, A., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2022). Emergent color categorization in a neural network trained for object recognition. Elife, 11, e76472. DOI
Gil Rodríguez, R., Bayer, F., Toscani, M., Guarnera, D. Y., Guarnera, G. C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2022). Colour calibration of a head mounted display for colour vision research using virtual reality. SN Computer Science, 3, 1-10. DOI
Prokott, E., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). Identifying specular highlights: Insights from deep learning. Journal of Vision, 22(7), 6-6. DOI
Forster, P. P., Karimpur, H., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Why we should rethink our approach to embodiment and presence. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3, 838369. DOI
Forster, P. P., Karimpur, H., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Demand characteristics challenge effects in embodiment and presence. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 14084. DOI
Henning, T., Yaniv, M., Schmidt, F., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). One-shot generalization in humans revealed through a drawing task. eLife, 11. DOI
Schuetz, I., McManus, M., Fiehler, K., & Voudouris, D. (2022). Investigating movement-related tactile suppression using commercial vr controllers. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, 225-233. DOI
Beyvers, M. C., Koch, I., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Episodic binding and retrieval in sequences of discrete movements–Evidence from grasping actions. Journal of Cognition, 5(1). DOI
- Braun, D., Goettker, A., Gegenfurtner, K., & Doerschner, K. (2022). Splash-Eye movements during unexpected material behaviors. Journal of Vision, 22(14), 4189-4189. DOI
Schuetz, I., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Eye tracking in virtual reality: Vive pro eye spatial accuracy, precision, and calibration reliability. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 15(3). DOI
- Ennis, R., Gegenfurtner, K., & Doerschner, K. (2022). Color constancy as a function of similarity in material appearance. Journal of Vision, 22(14), 4327-4327. DOI
Gil Rodríguez, R., Bayer, F., Toscani, M., Guarnera, D. Y., Guarnera, G. C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2022). Colour calibration of a head mounted display for colour vision research using virtual reality. SN Computer Science, 3, 1-10. DOI
Linka, M., Broda, M. D., Alsheimer, T., de Haas, B., & Ramon, M. (2022). Characteristic fixation biases in Super-Recognizers. Journal of Vision, 22(8), 17-17. DOI
Cavdan, M., Doerschner, K., & Drewing, K. (2022). Haptic discrimination of different types of soft materials. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 3-11). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI
- Drewing, K., & Vroomen, J. (2022). Moving Hands Feel Stimuli Before Stationary Hands. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 12-20). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI
Stoll, S., Infanti, E., De Haas, B., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2022). Pitfalls in post hoc analyses of population receptive field data. NeuroImage, 263, 119557. DOI
Fehlberg, M., Kim, K. S., Drewing, K., Hensel, R., & Bennewitz, R. (2022). Perception of friction in tactile exploration of micro-structured rubber samples. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 21-29). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI
Jeschke, M., Zöller, A. C., & Drewing, K. (2022). Influence of Prior Visual Information on Exploratory Movement Direction in Texture Perception. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 30-38). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI
Dövencioǧlu, D. N., Üstün, F. S., Doerschner, K., & Drewing, K. (2022). Hand explorations are determined by the characteristics of the perceptual space of real-world materials from silk to sand. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 14785. DOI
Metzger, A., Lotz, A., & Drewing, K. (2022). Neutral point in haptic perception of softness. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 57-65). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI
- Dukes, J.M., Kiendl, S., & Billino, J. (2022). Haptic shape discrimination independent of weight. Conference paper in Seifi, H., et al. (Eds.). Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, Proceedings, 13235, DOI
- Billino, J., Hennig-Fast, K., & Exner, C. (2022). Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven in der zukünftigen Weiterbildung. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 33(1), 3-4. DOI
Tiedemann, H., Schmidt, F., & Fleming, R.W. (2022). Superordinate Categorization Based on the Perceptual Organization of Parts. Brain Sciences, 12, 667. DOI
Stewart, E. E. M., Hartmann, F. T., Morgenstern, Y., Storrs, K. R., Maiello, G., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). Mental object rotation based on two-dimensional visual representations. Current Biology, 32(21), R1224–R1225. DOI
Goettker, A., and Stewart, E. E. M. (2022). Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals. Current Biology. 32(13), 2956-2961. DOI
- Broda, M. D., & de Haas, B. (2022). Individual differences in looking at persons in scenes. Journal of Vision, 22(12):9, 1–12. DOI
- Broda, M. D., & de Haas, B. (2022). Individual fixation tendencies in person viewing generalize from images to videos. i-Perception, 13(5), 1-10. DOI
Kollenda, D., & de Haas, B. (2022). The Influence of Familiarity on Memory for Faces and Mask Wearing. Cognitive Research, 7, 45. DOI
Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2022).The role of grasping demands on tactile suppression. Human Movement Science, 83, 102957. DOI
Fuehrer, E., Voudouris, D., Lezkan, A., Drewing, K., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Tactile suppression stems from specific sensorimotor predictions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(20), e2118445119. DOI
Metzger, A., Lotz, A., & Drewing, K. (2022). Neutral point in haptic perception of softness. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 57-65). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI
Tiedemann, H., Morgenstern, Y., Schmidt, F., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). One-shot generalization in humans revealed through a drawing task. eLife 2022. DOI
Güngör, D., Yildiz, G., & Cavdan, M. (2022). Values Moderate the Relations Between Self-Construals and Creativity: The Role of Cultural Fit. Psychological Studies. DOI
Beyvers, M. C., Fraser, L., & Fiehler, K. (2022) Linking signal relevancy and intensity in predictive tactile suppression. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,, 75. DOI
Klever, L., Mamassian, P., & Billino, J. (2022). Age‑related differences in visual confidence are driven by individual differences in cognitive control capacities. Scientific Reports, 12, 6016. DOI
Flachot, A., Akhbarinia, A., Schütt, H.H., Fleming, R.W., Wichmann, F.A., & Gegenfurtner, K.R.(2022). Deep Neural Models for Color Classification and Color Constancy. Journal of Vision, 22(4):17. DOI
Marlow, P. J., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Anderson, B. L. (2022). The role of color in the perception of three-dimensional shape. Current Biology: CB, 32(6), 1387-1394.e3. DOI
Dobs, K., Martinez, J., Kell, A. J. E., & Kanwisher, N. (2022). Brain-like functional specialization emerges spontaneously in deep neural networks. Science Advances, 8 (11), eabl8913. DOI
Fleming, R. W. (2022). Visual perception: Colour brings shape into stark relief. Current Biology: CB, 32(6), R272-R273. DOI
Tamura, H., Prokott, K. E., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). Distinguishing mirror from glass: A “big data” approach to material perception. Journal of Vision, 22(4), 4-4. DOI
Cheeseman, J. R., Fleming, R. W., & Schmidt, F. (2022). Scale ambiguities in material recognition. iScience, 25(3):103970 DOI
Schmidt, F. (2022). The Perception of “Intelligent” Design in Visual Structure. i-Perception, 13(1), 20416695221080184 DOI
Metzger, A. & Toscani, M. (2022). Unsupervised learning of haptic material properties. eLife 2022; 11:e64876 DOI
Ziegler, M., & Drewing, K. (2022). Get in touch with numbers – an approximate number comparison task in the haptic modality. Attention, Perception, Psychophysic. DOI
Botev, J., Drewing, K., Hamann, H., Khaluf, Y., Simoens, P., & Vatakis, A. (2021). ChronoPilot — Modulating Time Perception. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR) (pp. 215-218). IEEE. DOI
Cavdan, M., Drewing, K., & Doerschner, K. (2021). The look and feel of soft are similar across different softness dimensions. Journal Of Vision, 21(10), 20. DOI
Metzger, A. & Drewing,K. (2021). A Kalman filter model for predicting discrimination performance in free and restricted haptic explorations. 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 439-444. DOI
Cavdan, M., Ennis, R., Drewing K., and Doerschner, K. (2021). Constraining haptic exploration with sensors and gloves hardly changes the multidimensional structure of softness perception. 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 31-36. DOI
Drewing, K. & Zoeller, A. C.(2021). Influence of presentation order on force control in softness exploration. 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 19-24. DOI
Metzger, A., Toscani, M., Valsecchi, M., & Drewing, K. (2021). Target Search and Inspection Strategies in Haptic Search. IEEE Transactions On Haptics, 14(4), 804-815. DOI
Schmidt, F. (2022). The Perception of “Intelligent” Design in Visual Structure. i-Perception, 13(1), 20416695221080184 DOI
Metzger, A. & Toscani, M. (2022). Unsupervised learning of haptic material properties. eLife 2022; 11:e64876 DOI
Preißler, L., Jovanovic, B., Munzert, J., Schmidt, F., Fleming, R.W., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). Effects of visual and visual-haptic perception of material rigidity on reaching and grasping in the course of development. Acta Psychologica, 221:103457. DOI
Arikan, B. E., van Kemenade, B. M., Fiehler, K., Kircher, T., Drewing, K., & Straube, B. (2021). Different contributions of efferent and reafferent feedback to sensorimotor temporal recalibration. Scientific Reports, 11, 22631. DOI
Prokott, K. E., Tamura, H., & Fleming, R. W. (2021). Gloss perception: Searching for a deep neural network that behaves like humans. Journal of Vision, 21(12), 14-14. DOI
Lauer, T., Schmidt, F. & Võ, M.LH. The role of contextual materials in object recognition. Sci Rep 11, 21988 (2021). DOI
Ritchie, J. B., Paulun, V. C., Storrs, K. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2021). Material perception for philosophers. Philosophy Compass. Advance online publication. DOI
de Haas, B., Sereno, M. I., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2021). Inferior occipital gyrus is organized along common gradients of spatial and face-part selectivity. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 41(25), 5511–5521. DOI
de Haas, B. (2021). What's a super-recogniser? Neuropsychologia, 107805. DOI
Alvarez, I., Finlayson, N. J., Ei, S., de Haas, B., Greenwood, J. A., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2021). Heritable functional architecture in human visual cortex. NeuroImage, 239, 118286. DOI
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Ennis, R., Toscani, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017) Seeing lightness in the dark. Current Biology, 27(12):R586-R588. DOI
Mueller, S., & Fiehler, K. (2017). Gaze-centered coding of proprioceptive reach targets after effector movement: Testing the impact of online information, time of movement, and target distance. PloS one, 12(7), e0180782. DOI
Gertz, H., Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2017). Reach-relevant somatosensory signals modulate tactile suppression. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(6), 2262-2268. DOI
Voudouris D., & Fiehler K. (2017). Enhancement and suppression of tactile signals during reaching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(6), 1238-1248.
- Toscani, M., Gegenfurtner, K.R. & Dörschner, K. (2017) Differences in illumination estimation in #thedress. Journal of Vision, 17(1):22. [PDF]
- Koenderink, J., Valsecchi, M., van Doorn, A., Wagemans, J. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017) Eidolons: novel stimuli for vision research. Journal of Vision, 17(2):7.
- Paulun, V. C., Schmidt, F., van Assen, J. J. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2017). Shape, motion, and optical cues to stiffness of elastic objects. Journal of vision, 17(1), 20-20.
- Toscani, M., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017) Lightness perception for matte and glossy complex shapes. Vision Research, 131:82-95. DOI
- Hansen, T. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017) Color contributes to object contour perception in natural scenes. Journal of Vision, 17(3):14. [PDF]
- Gertz, H., Lingnau, A., & Fiehler, K. (2017). Decoding movement goals from the fronto-parietal reach network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 84. DOI
- Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2017). Scene configuration and object reliability affect the use of allocentric information for memory-guided reaching. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 204. [PDF]
- Schmidt, F., Paulun, V. C., van Assen, J. J. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2017). Inferring the stiffness of unfamiliar objects from optical, shape, and motion cuesSchmidt et al. Journal of Vision, 17(3), 18-18. DOI
- Voudouris D., & Fiehler K. (2017). Enhancement and suppression of tactile signals during reaching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(6), 1238-1248.
Spröte, P. & R. W. Fleming (2016). Bent out of shape: the visual inference of non-rigid shape transformations applied to objects. Vision Research, 126, 330-346. DOI
Schmidt, F., Spröte, P. and R. W. Fleming (2016). Perception of shape and space across rigid transformations. Vision Research, 126, 318-329. DOI
Vergne, R., Barla P., Bonneau, G.-P., & R. W. Fleming (2016). Flow-Guided Warping for Image-Based Shape Manipulation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2016), 35(4): 93. [PDF]
Lezkan, A. Manuel, S.G. Colgate, J.E., Klatzky, R.L,. Peshkin, M.A. & Drewing, K. (2016). Multiple Fingers – One Gestalt. IEEE Transactions on Haptics 9(2), 255-266. [PDF]
van Assen, J. J. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2016). Influence of optical material properties on the perception of liquids. Journal of vision, 16(15), 12-12. [PDF]
Baumgartner, E. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016). Image Statistics and the Representation of Material Properties in the Visual Cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 17 August 2016. DOI
Paeye, C., Schütz, A.C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016) Visual reinforcement shapes eye movements in visual search. Journal of Vision, 16(10):15. DOI
Chen, J., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016) LRP predicts smooth pursuit eye movement onset during the ocular tracking of self-generated movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116(1):18-29. DOI
Souto, D., Gegenfurtner, K.R. & Schütz, A.C. (2016) Saccade adaptation and visual uncertainty. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:227. DOI
Klinghammer, M., Schütz, I., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2016). Allocentric information is used for memory-guided reaching in depth: a virtual reality study. Vision Research, 129, 13-24. DOI
Spröte, P., Schmidt, F and R.W. Fleming (2016). Visual perception of shape altered by inferred causal history. Scientific Reports, 6:36245. DOI
Schmidt, F and R.W. Fleming (2016). Visual perception of complex shape-transforming processes. Cognitive Psychology, 90: 48-70. DOI
Sun, H-C, Di Luca, M, Ban, H, Muryy, A, Fleming RW and AE Welchman (2016). Differential processing of binocular and monocular gloss cues in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(6):2779-90. [PDF]
Cellini, C., Scocchia, L., & Drewing, K. (2016). The buzz-lag effect. Experimental brain research, 1-9.
Billino, J., Margolf-Hackl, S., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016). Saccadic adapation is preserved across adult lifespan. Journal of Vision, 16(12): 785. doi: 10.1167/16.12.785
- Gertz, H., Hilger, M., *Hegele, M., & *Fiehler, K. (2016). Violating instructed human agency: an fMRI study on oculomotor tracking of biological and nonbiological motion stimuli. Neuroimage, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.05.043. (*shared last authorship)
- Muryy, A. A., Fleming, R. W., & Welchman, A. E. (2016, May). ‘Proto-rivalry’: how the binocular brain identifies gloss. In Proc. R. Soc. B (Vol. 283, No. 1830, p. 20160383). The Royal Society.
- Mueller, S. & Fiehler. K. (2016). Mixed body-and gaze-centered coding of proprioceptive reach targets after effector movement. Neuropsychologia, 87, 63-73. DOI
Zhang, F., de Ridder, H., Fleming, R. W., & Pont, S. (2016). MatMix 1.0: Using optical mixing to probe visual material perception. Journal of vision, 16(6), 11-11. DOI
- Paulun, V.C., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Goodale, M.A. & Fleming, R.W. (2016) Effects of material properties and object orientation on precision grip kinematics. Experimental Brain Research, 234(8),2253-2265. [PDF]
Witzel, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016) Categorical perception for red and brown. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(4), 540-570. [PDF]
Bloj, M., Weiss, D. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016) Bias effects of short- and long-term color memory for unique objects. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33(4), 492-500.
Schütt, H. H., Baier, F., & Fleming, R. W. (2016). Perception of light source distance from shading patterns. Journal of Vision, 16(3), 9. DOI
Voudouris, D., Goettker, A., Mueller, S., & Fiehler, K. (2016). Kinesthetic information facilitates saccades towards proprioceptive-tactile targets. Vision Research, 122, 73–80. DOI
Turkozer HB, Pamir Z and Boyaci H (2016). Contrast Affects fMRI Activity in Middle Temporal Cortex Related to Center–Surround Interaction in Motion Perception. Front. Psychol. 7:454. DOI
Hesse, P.N., Fiehler, K., & Bremmer, F. (2016). SNARC effect in different effectors. Perception, 45(1-2), 180-195.
Schiller, F. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016). Perception of saturation in natural scenes. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33, A194-A206.
Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016). Dynamic re-calibration of perceived size in fovea and periphery through predictable size changes. Current Biology, 26, 59–63. [PDF]
Paulun, V.C., Kawabe, T., Nishida, S., & R.W. Fleming (2015). Seeing liquids from static snapshots. Vision Research, 115, 163-174. DOI
Kawabe, T., Maruya, K., Fleming, R.W., & S. Nishida (2015). Seeing liquids from visual motion. Vision Research, 109(B), 125–138. DOI
Baumgartner, E., Wiebel, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2015). A comparison of haptic material perception in blind and sighted individuals. Vision Research, 115B, 157-162. DOI
Wiebel, C., Toscani, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2015). Statistical correlates of perceived gloss in natural images. Vision Research, 115B, 175-187. DOI
Fleming, R (2015) Visual Development: Learning Not to See. Current biology, 25(24), 1166-8.
- Wolf. C. & Schütz, A.C. (2015). Trans-saccadic integration of peripheral and foveal feature information is close to optimal. Journal of Vision,15(16):1. DOI
Bayer, F. S., Paulun, V. C., Weiss, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2015). A tetrachromatic display for the spatiotemporal control of rod and cone stimulation. Journal of vision, 15(11), 15. [PDF]
Dövencioğlu, D. N., Wijntjes, Maarten W A, Ben-Shahar, O., & Doerschner, K. (2015). Effects of surface reflectance on local second order shape estimation in dynamic scenes. Vision Research, 115(Pt B), 218–230. DOI
Urgen, B., Demirayak, P., Ustun, F., & Doerschner, K. (2015). Visual distraction in a patient with abnormal occipital gyration - an eye-tracking study. Journal of vision, 15(12), 1267.
Moehler, T. & Fiehler, K. (2015). The influence of spatial congruency and movement preparation time on saccade curvature in simultaneous and sequential dual-tasks. Vision Research, 116, 25-35. DOI
Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G., & Fiehler, K. (2015). Contextual factors determine the use of allocentric information for reaching in a naturalistic scene. Journal of Vision. 15(13), 24. [PDF]
Gertz, H., & Fiehler, K. (2015). Human posterior parietal cortex encodes the movement goal in a pro-/anti-reach task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(1), 170–183. DOI
- Gegenfurtner, K. R., Bloj, M., & Toscani, M. (2015). The many colours of ‘the dress’. Current Biology, 25(13), R543. [PDF]
- Caziot, B., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Backus, B. T. (2015). Fast perception of binocular disparity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(4), 909–916.
- Schütz, A. C., Lossin, F., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2015). Dynamic integration of information about salience and value for smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 113(Pt B), 169–178. DOI
- Paulun, V. C., Schütz, A. C., Michel, M. M., Geisler, W. S., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2015). Visual search under scotopic lighting conditions. Vision Research, 113, 155–168. DOI
- Witzel, C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2015). Categorical facilitation with equally discriminable colors. Journal of Vision, 15(8), 22. DOI
- Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2015) Control of binocular gaze in a high-precision manual task. Vision Research, 110B, 203–214. DOI
- *Fiehler, K., *Schütz, I., Meller, T., & Thaler, L. (2015). Neural correlates of human echolocation of path direction during walking. Multisensory Research, 28, 195-226. (*equal contribution) [PDF]
- Fleming, R. W., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Nishida, S. (2015). Visual perception of materials: The science of stuff. Vision research, 109, 123–124. [PDF]
- Schütz, I., Henriques, Denise Y P, & Fiehler, K. (2015). No effect of delay on the spatial representation of serial reach targets. Experimental brain research, 233(4), 1225–1235. DOI
- Cholewiak, S. A., Fleming, R. W., & Singh, M. (2015). Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3-D objects. Journal of Vision, 15(2). DOI
- Denisova, K., Kibbe, M. M., Cholewiak, S. A., & Kim, S.-H. (2014). Intra- and intermanual curvature aftereffect can be obtained via tool-touch. IEEE Transactions on Haptics.
- Fiehler, K., Wolf, C., Klinghammer, M., & Blohm, G. (2014). Integration of egocentric and allocentric information during memory-guided reaching to images of a natural environment. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 636. DOI
- Fleming, R.W. (2014). Visual Perception of Materials and their Properties Vision Research, 94, 62-75. [PDF]
- Granzier, J.J.M., Vergne, R. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2014). The effects of surface gloss and roughness on color constancy for real 3-D objects. Journal of Vision, 14(2):16. DOI
- Granzier, J.J.M., & Valsecchi, M. (2014). Variations in daylight as a contextual cue for estimating season, time of day, and weather conditions. Journal of Vision, 14(1):22. DOI
- Jacobs, R.H.A.H., Baumgartner, E. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2014). The representation of material categories in the brain. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:146. [PDF]
- Jovanovic, B. & Drewing, K. (2014). The influence of intersensory discrepancy on visuo-haptic integration is similar in 6-year-old children and adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:57. DOI
- Moehler, T. & Fiehler, K. (2014). Effects of spatial congruency on saccade and visual discrimination performance in a dual-task paradigm. Vision Research, 105, 100-111. DOI
- Mueller, S. & Fiehler, K. (2014). Effector movement triggers gaze-dependent spatial coding of tactile and proprioceptive-tactile reach targets. Neuropsychologia, 62, 184-193. DOI
- Mueller, S., & Fiehler, K. (2014). Gaze-dependent spatial updating of tactile targets in a localization task. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:66, 1-10. DOI
- Monaco, S., Chen, Y., Medendorp, P., Crawford, J., Fiehler, K., & Henriques, D. (2014). Functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation reveals the cortical networks for processing grasp-relevant object properties. Cerebral Cortex, 24, 1540-1554. [PDF]
- Muryy, A. A., Fleming, R. W., & Welchman, A. E. (2014). Key characteristics of specular stereo. Journal of Vision, 14(14), 14. [PDF]
- Pantelis, P. C., Baker, C. L., Cholewiak, S. A., Sanik, K., Weinstein, A., Wu, C.-C., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Feldman, J. (2014). Inferring the intentional states of autonomous virtual agents. Cognition, 130, 360-379.
- Paulun, V. C., Kleinholdermann, U., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Smeets, J.B.J, & Brenner, E. (2014). Center or side: biases in selecting grasp points on small bars. Experimental Brain Research, 232, 2061–2072.
- Schmidt, F., & Schmidt, T. (2014). Rapid processing of closure and viewpoint-invariant symmetry: Behavioral criteria for feedforward processing. Psychological Research, 78, 37-54.
- Schmidt, F., Weber, A., & Schmidt, T. (2014). Activation of response force by self-splitting objects: Where are the limits of feedforward gestalt processing? Journal of Vision, 14(9):20, 1-16. [PDF]
- Schütz, A. C., Kerzel, D., & Souto, D. (2014). Saccadic adaptation induced by a perceptual task. Journal of Vision, 14(5):4, 1-19. [PDF]
- Schütz, A. C. (2014). Inter-individual differences in preferred directions of perceptual and motor decisions. Journal of Vision, 14(12):16, 1-17. DOI
- Scocchia, L., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K.R., & Triesch, J. (2014). Differential effects of visual attention and working memory on binocular rivalry. Journal of Vision, 14(5):13, 1–15. [PDF]
- Scocchia, L., Valsecchi, M., & Triesch, J. (2014). Top-down influences on ambiguous perception: the role of stable and transient states of the observer. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 979. [PDF]
- Sutter, C., Drewing, K., & Müsseler, J. (2014). Multisensory integration in action control. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 544. [PDF]
- Wiebel, C., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2014) Early differential processing of material images: Evidence from ERP classification. Journal of Vision, 14(7):10. DOI
- Baumgartner, E., Wiebel, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013). Visual and haptic representations of material properties. Multisensory Research, 26(5), 429-455.
- Cellini, C., Kaim, L. & Drewing, K. (2013). Visual and Haptic integration in the estimation of softness of deformable objects. i-Perception 4, 516–531.
- Cholewiak, S.A., Fleming, R.W. & Singh, M. (2013). Visual perception of the physical stability of asymmetric three-dimensional objects. Journal of Vision, 13(4):12, 1-13.
- Doerschner, K., Yilmaz, O., Kucukoglu, G & Fleming, R.W. (2013). Effects of surface reflectance and 3D shape on perceived rotation axis. Journal of Vision, 13(11):8;
- Dolk, T., Liepelt, R., Prinz, W., & Fiehler, K. (2013). Visual experience determines the use of external reference frames in joint action control. PlosOne, 8(3), e59008.
- Drewing, K. (2013). Delayed auditory feedback in repetitive tapping: A role for the
sensory goal. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(1), 51-68. - Fleming, R.W., Wiebel, C., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013). Perceptual qualities and material classes. Journal of Vision, 13(8):9.
- Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2013). Higher order color mechanisms: Evidence from noise-masking experiments in cone contrast space. Journal of Vision, 13(1):26, 1–21.
- Kleinholdermann, U., Franz, V.F. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013) Human grasp point selection. Journal of Vision, 13(8):23.
- Muryy, A., Welchman, A.E., Blake, A & Fleming, R.W. (2013). Specular reflections and the estimation of shape from binocular disparity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(6), 2413-2418.
- Rieger, J.W., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Schalk, F., Koechy, N., Heinze, H.J. & Grueschow, M. (2013). BOLD responses in human V1 to local structure in natural scenes: Implications for theories of visual coding. Journal of Vision, 13(2):19, 1–15.
- Scocchia, L., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K.R. & Triesch, J.(2013). Visual working memory contents bias ambiguous structure from motion perception. PLoS ONE, 8(3): e59217.
- Schütz, A.C., Lossin, F., & Kerzel, D. (2013). Temporal stimulus properties that attract gaze to the periphery and repel gaze from fixation. Journal of Vision, 13(5):6, 1-17.
- Schütz, I., Henriques, D.Y.P., & Fiehler, K. (2013). Gaze-centered spatial updating in delayed reaching even in the presence of landmarks. Vision Research, 87, 46-52.
- Spering, M., Dias, E.C., Sanchez, J.L., Schütz, A. C., & Javitt, D.C. (2013). Efference-copy failure during smooth pursuit eye movements in schizophrenia. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(29), 11779-11787.
- Spröte, P., & Fleming, R.W. (2013). Concavities, negative parts and the perception that shapes are complete. Journal of Vision, 13(14):3, 1-23.
- Thaler, L., , Goodale, M.A., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013). What is the best fixation target? The effect of target shape on stability of fixational eye movements. Vision Research, 76, 31-42.
- Toscani, M., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013) Optimal sampling of visual information for lightness judgments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110(27), 11163-11168.
- Toscani, M., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013). Selection of visual information for lightness judgments by eye movements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368, 20130056.
- Valsecchi, M., Caziot, B., Backus, B.T. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013) The role of binocular disparity in rapid scene and pattern recognition. i-Perception, 4(2) 122-136.
- Valsecchi, M., Künstler, V., Saage, S., White, B., Mukherjee, J., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013) Advantage in Reading Lexical Bundles is Reduced in Non-Native Speakers. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(5):2 1-15.
- Valsecchi, M., Toscani, M., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013). Perceived numerosity is reduced in peripheral vision. Journal of Vision, 13(13):7.
- Witzel, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013) Categorical sensitivity to colour differences. Journal of Vision, 13(7):1.
- Zhu, W., Drewes, J. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2013) Animal detection in natural images: effects of color and image database. PLoS ONE, 8(10):e75816.
- Bischoff, M., Zentgraf, K., Lorey, B., Pilgramm, S., Balser, N., Baumgartner, E., Hohmann, T., Stark, R., Vaitl, D., Munzert, J. (2012). Motor familiarity: Brain activation when watching kinematic displays of one's own movements. Neuropsychologia., 50(8), 2085-92.
- Bottari, D., Valsecchi, M., & Pavani, F. (2012). Prominent reflexive eye-movement orienting associated with deafness. Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 8-13.
- Debono, K., Schütz, A. C., Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2012). Illusory bending of a pursuit target. Vision Res., 57:51-60.
- Drewing, K. (2012). After experience with the task humans actively optimize shape discrimination in touch by utilizing effects of exploratory movement direction. Acta Psychologica, 141, 295-303.
- Fleming R.W. (2012). Human Perception: Visual Heuristics in the Perception of Glossiness. Current Biology, 22(20):R865-R866.
- Gaißert N., Waterkamp S., Fleming R.W. & I. Bülthoff (2012). Haptic Categorical Perception of Shape. PLoS ONE, 7(8): e43062.
- Granzier, J. J., Toscani, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2012). Role of eye movements in chromatic induction. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis., 29(2), A353-65.
- Huebner, G. M., Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2012). Conceptual and visual features contribute to visual memory for natural images. PLoS One., 7(6).
- Jacobs, R. H., Renken, R., Aleman, A., Cornelissen, F. W. (2012). The amygdala, top-down effects, and selective attention to features. Neurosci Biobehav Rev..
- Jones, S. A., Byrne, P. A., Fiehler, K., Henriques, D. Y. (2012). Reach endpoint errors do not vary with movement path of the proprioceptive target. J Neurophysiol., 107(12), 3316-24.
- Jones, S. A., Fiehler, K., Henriques, D. Y. (2012). A task-dependent effect of memory and hand-target on proprioceptive localization. Neuropsychologia., 50(7), 1462-70.
- Ludwig, C. J. H., Davies, J. R., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2012). A functional role for trans-saccadic luminance differences. Journal of Vision, 12(13):14, 1–21.
- Reuschel, J., Rösler, F., Henriques, D. Y., Fiehler, K. (2012). Spatial updating depends on gaze direction even after loss of vision. J Neurosci., 32(7), 2422-9.
- Schütz, A. C. (2012). There’s more behind it: Perceived depth order biases perceived numerosity/density. Journal of Vision, 12(12):9, 1–16.
- Schütz, A. C., Trommershäuser, J., Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2012). Dynamic integration of information about salience and value for saccadic eye movements. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 109(19), 7547-52.
- Valsecchi, M., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2012). On the Contribution of Binocular Disparity to the Long-Term Memory for Natural Scenes. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e49947.
- Vergne, R., Barla, P., Fleming, R.W., & Granier, X. (2012). Surface Flows for Image-Based Shading Design. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH). 31(4), Article 94.
- Wismeijer, D. A., Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2012). Orientation of noisy texture affects saccade direction during free viewing. Vision Res., 58C, 19-26.
- Wismeijer, D.A., Gegenfurtner, K.R. and Drewing, K. (2012) Learning from vision-to-touch is different than learning from touch-to-vision. Front. Integr. Neurosci. 6:105.
- Barnett-Cowan, M., Fleming, R. W., Singh, M., & Bülthoff, H. H. (2011). Perceived object stability depends on multisensory estimates of gravity. PLoS One, 6(4).
Online lesen - Billino, J, Braun, D.I., Bremmer, F, & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Challenges to normal neural functioning provide insights into separability of motion processing mechanisms. Neuropsychologia, 49(12), 3151-63.
- Billino, J., Luerssen, J., von Renteln-Kruse, W., Mühlhan, C., & Rösler, A. (2011). Effects of subcortical vascular ischemic dementia and aging on negative and neutral word list learning. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 31(3), 188-94.
- Brenner, E., Granzier, J. J., & Smeets J. B. (2011). Color naming reveals our ability to distinguish between a colored background and colored light. Journal of Vision, vol. 11 no. 7 article 8
Online lesen - Doerschner, K., Fleming, R. W., Yilmaz, O., Schrater, P. R., Hartung, B., & Kersten, D. (2011). Visual motion and the perception of surface material. Curr Biol., 6, 21(23).
- Drewes, J., Trommershäuser, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Parallel visual search and rapid animal detection in natural scenes. J Vis., 11(2).
Online lesen - Fiehler, K., Bannert, M. M., Bischoff, M., Blecker, C., Stark, R., Vaitl, D., Franz, V. H., & Rösler, F. (2011). Working memory maintenance of grasp-target information in the human posterior parietal cortex. Neuroimage., 54(3), 2401-11.
- Fiehler, K., Schütz, I., & Henriques, D. Y. (2011). Gaze-centered spatial updating of reach targets across different memory delays. Vision Res., 51(8), 890-7.
- Fleming, R. W. (2011). Visual perception: bizarre contours go against the odds. Curr Biol., 21(7), R259-61.
- Fleming, R. W., Holtmann-Rice, D., & Bülthoff, H. H. (2011). Estimation of 3D shape from image orientations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 108(51), 20438-43.
- Fleming, R. W., Jäkel, F., & Maloney, L. T. (2011). Visual perception of thick transparent materials. Psychol Sci., 22(6), 812-20.
- Gegenfurtner, K., Henriques, D., & Krauzlis, R. (2011). Recent advances in perception and action. Vision Res., 51(8), 801-3.
- Reuschel, J., Rösler, F., Henriques, D. Y., & Fiehler, K. (2011). Testing the limits of optimal integration of visual and proprioceptive information of path trajectory. Exp Brain Res., 209(4), 619-30.
- Schütz, A. C. (2011). Motion transparency: depth ordering and smooth pursuit eye movements. J Vis., 11(14).
Online lesen - Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Eye movements and perception: a selective review. J Vis., 11(5).
Online lesen - Schütz, A. C., & Souto, D. (2011). Adaptation of catch-up saccades during the initiation of smooth pursuit eye movements. Exp Brain Res., 209(4), 537-49.
- Seemüller, A., Fiehler, K., & Rösler, F. (2011). Unimodal and crossmodal working memory representations of visual and kinesthetic movement trajectories. Acta Psychol (Amst)., 136(1), 52-9.
- Spering, M., Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Keep your eyes on the ball: smooth pursuit eye movements enhance prediction of visual motion. J Neurophysiol., 105(4), 1756-67.
- Witzel, C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Is there a lateralized category effect for color? J Vis., 11(12), 16.
Online lesen
- Braun, D.I., Schütz, A.C., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Localization of speed differences of context stimuli during fixation and smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 50(24), 2740-2749.
- Debono, K., Schütz, A.C., Spering, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2010). Receptive fields for smooth pursuit eye movements and motion perception. Vision Research, 50(24), 2729-2739.
- Dorr, M., Martinetz, T., Gegenfurtner, K.R. & Barth, E. (2010). Variability of eye movements when viewing dynamic natural scenes. Journal of Vision, 10(10): 28.
- Giesel, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Color appearance of real objects varying in material, hue, and shape. Journal of Vision, 10(9):10.
- Hamburger, K., & Hansen, T. (2010). Analysis of individual variations in the classical horizontal-vertical illusion. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72(4), 1045–1052.
- Hesse, C., & Franz, V.H. (2010). Grasping remembered objects: exponential decay of the visual memory. Vision Research, 50(24), 2642–2650.
- Hübner, G.M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Effects of viewing time, fixations, and viewing strategies on visual memory for briefly presented natural objects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 1398–1413.
- Kaim, L., & Drewing, K. (2010). Exploratory pressure influences haptic shape perception via force signals. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72(3), 823–838.
- Olkkonen, M., Witzel, C., Hansen, T., Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Categorical color constancy for real surfaces. Journal of Vision, 10(9):16, 1-22.
- Rasche, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Orienting during gaze guidance in a letter-Identification task. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 3(4):3, 1-10.
- Rasche, C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Visual orienting in dynamic broadband (1/f) noise sequences . Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72, 100–113.
- Reuschel, J., Drewing, K., Henriques, D.Y., Rösler, F., & Fiehler, K. (2010). Optimal integration of visual and proprioceptive movement information for the perception of trajectory geometry. Experimental Brain Research, 201(4): 853-862.
- Schmidt, T., Miksch, S., Bulganin, L., Jäger, F., Lossin, F., Jochum, J., & Kohl, P. (2010). Response priming driven by local contrast, not subjective brightness. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72, 1556-1568.
- Schütz, A.C., Braun, D.I., Movshon, J.A. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Does the noise matter? Effects of different kinematogram types on smooth pursuit eye movements and perception. Journal of Vision, 10(13): 26.
- Schütz, A.C., & Morrone, M.C. (2010). Compression of time during smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 50(24), 2702-2713.
- Toscani, M., Marzi, T., Righi, S., Viggiano, M.P., & Baldassi, S. (2010). Alpha waves: a neural signature of visual suppression. Experimental Brain Research, 207(3-4), 213-219.
- Wichmann, F.A., Drewes, J., Rosas, P. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2010). Animal detection in natural scenes: critical features revisited. Journal of Vision, 10(4):6, 1–27,
- Billino, J., Braun, D.I., Böhm, K.-D., Bremmer, F., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2009). Cortical networks for motion processing: Effects of focal brain lesions on perception of different motion types. Neuropsychologia, 47, 2133-2144.
- Billino, J., Hamburger, K., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2009). Age effects on the perception of motion illusions. Perception, 38(4), 508-521.
- Brouwer, A. M., Franz, V. H., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Differences in fixations between grasping and viewing objects. Journal of Vision, 9(1):18, 1–24,
- Bruno, N., & Franz, V. H. (2009). When is grasping affected by the Müller-Lyer illusion? A quantitative review. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1421-1433.
- Dorr, M., Gegenfurtner, K.R. & Barth, E. (2009). The contribution of low-level features at the centre of gaze to saccade target selection. Vision Research, 24, 2918-2926.
- Drewing, K. & Kaim, L. (2009). Haptic Shape Perception from Force and Position Signals Varies with Exploratory Movement Direction and the Exploring Finger. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(5), 1174-1184.
- Franz, V. H., Hesse, C., & Kollath, S. (2009). Visual illusions, delayed grasping, and memory: No shift from dorsal to ventral control. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1518-1531.
- Giesel, M., Hansen, T. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2009). The discrimination of chromatic textures. Journal of Vision, 9(9):11, 1-28,
- Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Independence of color and luminance edges in natural scenes. Visual Neuroscience, 26, 35–49.
- Hansen, T., Pracejus, L., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Color perception in the intermediate periphery of the visual field. Journal of Vision, 9(4):26, 1–12,
- Hesse, C., & Franz, V. H. (2009). Corrective processes in grasping after perturbations of object size. Journal of Motor Behavior, 41, 253-273.
- Hesse, C., & Franz, V. H. (2009). Memory mechanisms in grasping. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1532-1545.
- Ho, Y., Serwe, S., Trommershäuser, J., Maloney, L. T., & Landy, M. S. (2009). The Role of Visuohaptic Experience in Visually Perceived Depth. Journal of Neurophysiology, 101(6), 2789-2801.
- Kleinholdermann, U., Stockmeyer, K., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Franz, V. H. (2009). Grasping isoluminant stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 197(1), 15-22.
- von Luxburg, U., & Franz, V. H. (2009). A geometric approach to confidence sets for ratios: Fieller's theorem, generalizations, and bootstrap. Statistica Sinica, 19(3), 1095-1117. (preprint at arXiv:0711.0198)
- Olkkonen, M., Hansen, T. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2009). Categorical color constancy for simulated surfaces. Journal of Vision, 9(12):6, 1-18,
- Rasche, C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Precision of speed discrimination and smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 49, 514–523.
- Schmidt, T., & Schmidt, F. (2009). Processing of natural images is feedforward: A simple behavioral test. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71, 594-606.
- Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Chromatic contrast sensitivity during optokinetic nystagmus, visually enhanced vestibulo–ocular reflex and smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 101, 2317–2327.
- Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Object recognition during foveating eye movements. Vision Research , 49(18), 2241-2253.
- Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2009). Improved visual sensitivity during smooth pursuit eye movements: Temporal and spatial characteristics. Visual Neuroscience, 26, 329-340.
- Serwe, S., Drewing, K., & Trommershäuser, J. (2009). Combination of noisy directional visual and proprioceptive information. Journal of Vision, 9(5):28, 1-14,
- Stritzke, M., Trommershäuser, J. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2009). Effects of salience and reward information during saccadic decisions under risk. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 26, B1-13.
- Billino, J., Bremmer, F. & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Motion processing at low light levels: Differential effects on the perception of specific motion types. Journal of Vision, 8(3):14, 1–10,
- Billino, J., Bremmer, F. & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Differential aging of motion processing mechanisms: Evidence against general perceptual decline. Vision Research, 48, 1254-1261.
- Braun, D. I., Mennie, N., Rasche, C., Schütz, A. C., Hawken, M. J., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Smooth pursuit eye movements to isoluminant targets. Journal of Neurophysiology, 100, 1287-1300.
- de Grave, D. D. J., Hesse, C., Brouwer, A. M., & Franz, V. H. (2008). Fixation locations when grasping partly occluded objects. Journal of Vision, 8(7), 1–11,
- Drewing, K., Wiecki, T.V., & Ernst, M.O. (2008). Material properties determine how force and position signals combine in haptic shape perception. Acta Psychologica, 128(2), 264–273.
- Duemmler, T., Franz, V. H., Jovanovic, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2008). Effects of the Ebbinghaus illusion on children's perception and grasping. Experimental Brain Research, 186, 249–260.
- Hansen, T., Giesel, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Chromatic discrimination of natural objects. Journal of Vision, 8(1):2, 1–19,
- Hansen, T., & Neumann, H. (2008). A recurrent model of contour integration in primary visual cortex. Journal of Vision, 8(8):8, 1–25,
- Hesse, C., de Grave, D. D. J., Franz, V. H., Brenner, E., & Smeets, J. B. J. (2008). Planning movements well in advance. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25, 985-995.
- Olkkonen, M., Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Colour appearance of familiar objects: effects of object shape, texture and illumination changes. Journal of Vision, 8(5):13, 1–16,
- Rieger, J. W., Reichert, C., Gegenfurtner, K. R., Noesselt, T., Braun, C., Heinze, H.-J., Kruse, R. & Hinrichs, H. (2008). Predicting the recognition of natural scenes from single trial MEG recordings of brain activity. Neuroimage, 42, 1056–1068.
- Schmidt, T., & Seydell, A. (2008). Visual attention amplifies response priming of pointing movements to color targets. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 443–455.
- Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Improved visual sensitivity during smooth pursuit eye movements. Nature Neuroscience, 11(10), 1211–1216.
- Spering, M. & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Contextual effects on motion perception and smooth pursuit eye movements. Brain Research, 1225, 76–85.
- White, B. J., Stritzke, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2008). Saccadic facilitation in natural backgrounds. Current Biology, 18, 124-128.
- Devinck, F., Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Temporal properties of the chromatic and achromatic Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet effect. Vision Research, 47(27), 3385–3393.
- Drewing, K., & Schneider, W.X. (2007). Disentangling functional from structural descriptions and the coordinating role of attention. Behavioral Brain Sciences, 30(2), 205–306.
- Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Franz, V. H. (2007). A comparison of localization judgments and pointing precision. Journal of Vision, 7(5):11, 1–12,
- Gepshtein, S., Seydell, A., & Trommershäuser, J. (2007). Optimality of human movement under natural variations of visual-motor uncertainty. Journal of Vision, 7(5):13, 1–18,
- Hamburger, K., Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Geometric-optical illusions at isoluminance. Vision Research, 47(26), 3276–3285.
- Hansen, T., Walter, S., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Effects of spatial and temporal context on color categories and color constancy. Journal of Vision, 7(4):2, 1–15,
- Kleinholdermann, U., Brenner, E., Franz, V. H., & Smeets, J. B. J. (2007). Grasping trapezoidal objects. Experimental Brain Research, 180, 415–420.
- Landy, M. S., Goutcher, R., Trommershäuser, J., & Mamassian, P. (2007). Visual estimation under risk. Journal of Vision, 7(6):4, 1–15,
- Schmidt, T. (2007). Measuring unconscious cognition: Beyond the zero-awareness criterion. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 275–287.
- Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I. & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Contrast sensitivity during the initiation of smooth pursuit eye movements. Vision Research, 47, 2767–2777.
- Schütz, A. C., Delipetkos, E., Braun, D. I., Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Temporal contrast sensitivity during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 7(13):3, 1–15,
- Spering, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Contextual effects on smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97, 1353–1367.
- Spering, M. & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Contrast and assimilation in motion perception and smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98, 1355–1363.
- Stritzke, M., & Trommershäuser, J. (2007). Eye movements during rapid pointing under risk. Vision Research, 47, 2000–2009.
- Thaler, L., Todd, J. T., Spering, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Illusory bending of a rigidly moving line segment: Effects of image motion and smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 7(6):9, 1–13,
- Vath, N., & Schmidt, T. (2007). Tracing sequential waves of rapid visuomotor activation in lateralized readiness potentials. Neuroscience, 145(1), 197–208.
- Braun, D.I., Pracejus, L., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Motion aftereffect elicits smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 6, 671–684.
- De Grave, D. D., Franz, V. H., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). The influence of the Brentano illusion on eye and hand movements. Journal of Vision, 6, 727–738.
- Drewing, K., & Ernst, M. (2006). Integration of force and position cues for shape perception through active touch. Brain Research, 1078(1), 92–100.
- Drewing, K., Aschersleben, G., & Li, S. C. (2006). Sensorimotor synchronization across the lifespan. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(3), 280–287.
- Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Color Scaling of Discs and Natural Objects at Different Luminance Levels. Visual Neuroscience, 23, 603–610.
- Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Higher level chromatic mechanisms for image segmentation. Journal of Vision, 6, 239–259.
- Hansen, T., Olkkonen, M., Walter, S., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Memory modulates color appearance. Nature Neuroscience, 9, 1367–1368.
- Himmelbach, M., Karnath, H.-O., Perenin, M.-T., Franz, V. H., & Stockmeier, K. (2006). A general deficit of the 'automatic pilot' with posterior parietal cortex lesions? Neuropsychologia, 44(13), 2749–2756.
- Kerzel, D., Aivar, M. P., Ziegler, N. E., & Brenner, E. (2006). Mislocalization of flashes during smooth pursuit hardly depends on the lighting conditions. Vision Research, 46(6–7), 1145–1154.
- Montagnini, A., Spering, M., & Masson, G. S. (2006). Predicting 2D target velocity cannot help 2D motion integration for smooth pursuit initiation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96, 3545–3550.
- Neumann, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Image retrieval and perceptual similarity. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 3, 31–47.
- Schmidt, T. (2006). Learning under anesthesia: Checking the light in the fridge? Commentary on Deeprose & Andrade. Consciousness & Cognition, 15(1), 24–27.
- Schmidt, T. (2006). Measuring unconscious cognition: Beyond the zero-awareness criterion. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 1–13.
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- Sharpe, L. T., De Luca, E., Hansen, T., Jägle, H., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Advantages and disadvantages of human dichromacy. Journal of Vision, 6, 213–223.
- Spering, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Kerzel, D. (2006). Distractor interference during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 1136–1154.
- Trommershäuser, J., Mattis, J., Maloney, L. T., & Landy, M. S. (2006). Limits to human movement planning with delayed and unpredictable onset of needed information. Experimantal Brain Research, 175(2), 276–284.
- Trommershäuser, J., Landy, M. S., & Maloney, L. T. (2006). Humans rapidly estimate expected gain in movement planning. Psychological Science, 17(11), 981–988.
- White, B. J., Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Visually guided movements to color targets. Experimental Brain Research, 175, 110–126.
- White, B. J., Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). The Spatio-Temporal Tuning of the Mechanisms in the Control of Saccadic Eye Movements. Vision Research, 46, 3886–3897.
- Wichmann, F. A., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2006). Phase noise and the classification of natural images. Vision Research, 46, 1520–1529.
- Wu, S.-W., Trommershäuser, J., Maloney, L. T., & Landy, M. S. (2006). Limits to human movement planning in tasks with asymmetric value landscapes. Journal of Vision, 5, 53–63.
- Berndt, I., Franz, V. H., Bülthoff, H. H., Götz, K. G., & Wascher, E. (2005). Effects of rearranged vision on event-related lateralizations ofthe EEG during pointing. Biological Psychology, 68(1), 15–39.
- Bresciani, J. P., Ernst, M. O., Drewing, K., Bouyer, G., Maury, V., & Kheddar, A. (2005). Feeling what you hear: auditory signals can modulate tactile taps perception. Experimental Brain Research, 162(2), 172–180.
- Brouwer, A., Thornton, I. M., & Franz, V. H. (2005). Forward displacement in grasping and visually judging pliers. Visual Cognition, 12(5), 800–816.
- Drewing, K., Fritschi, M, Zopf, R., Ernst, M.O., & Buss, M. (2005). First evaluation of a novel tactile display exerting shear force via lateral displacement. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception , 2, 1-14.
- Franz, V.H., Scharnowski, F., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2005). Illusion effects on grasping are temporally constant, not dynamic. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 1359–1378.
- Hansen, T., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2005). Classification images for chromatic signal detection. Journal of The Optical Society of America A, 22, 2081–2089.
- Hartung, B., Schrater, P. R., Bülthoff, H. H., Kersten, D., & Franz, V. H. (2005). Is prior knowledge of object geometry used in visually guided reaching? Journal of Vision, 5(6), 504–514.
- Keil, M., Cristóbal, G., Hansen, T., & Neumann, H. (2005). Recovering Real-World Images from Single-Scale Boundaries with a Novel Filling-in Architecture. Neural Networks, 18(10), 1319–1331.
- Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2005). Motion-induced illusory displacement reexamined: Differences between perception and action? Experimental Brain Research, 162, 191–201.
- Kerzel, D., & Ziegler, N. E. (2005). Visual short-term memory during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31(2), 354–372.
- Rieger, J., Braun, C., Bülthoff, H. H., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2005). The dynamics of visual pattern masking in natural scene processing: A MEG study. Journal of Vision, 5(3), 275–286.
- Spering, M., Kerzel, D., Braun, D. I., Hawken, M. J., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2005). Effects of contrast on smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 5, 455–465.
- Spering, M., Wagener, D., & Funke, J. (2005). The role of emotions in complex problem-solving. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 1252–1261.
- Trommershäuser, J., Gepshtein, S., Maloney, L. T., Landy, M. S., & Banks, M. S. (2005). Optimal compensation for changes in task-relevant movement variability. Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 7169–7178.
- Waszak, F., Drewing, K., & Mausfeld, R. (2005). Viewer-external frames of reference in 3-D object recognition. Perception & Psychophysics, 67(7), 1269–1279.
- White, B., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Kerzel, D. (2005). Effects of structured non-target stimuli on saccadic latency. Journal of Neurophysiology, 93, 3214–3423.
- Bosbach, S, Prinz, W., & Kerzel, D. (2004). A Simon-effect with stationary moving objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30(1), 39–55.
- Brouwer, A., Franz, V. H., & Thornton, I. M. (2004). Representational momentum in perception and grasping: Translating versus transforming objects. Journal of Vision, 27(1), 34–35.
- Diedrichsen, J., Werner, S., Schmidt, T., & Trommershäuser, J. (2004). Immediate spatial distortions of pointing movements induced by visual landmarks. Perception & Psychophysics, 66(1), 89–103.
- Drewing, K., Stenneken, P., Cole, J., Prinz, W., & Aschersleben, G. (2004). Timing of bimanual movements and deafferentation: Implications for the role of sensory movement effects. Experimental Brain Research, 158(1), 50–57.
- Franz, V. H. (2004). Is there a dynamic illusion effect in the motor system? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(1), 34–35.
- Hansen, T., & Neumann, H. (2004). A simple cell model with dominating opponent inhibition for robust image processing. Neural Networks, 17(5–6), 647–662.
- Hansen, T., & Neumann, H. (2004). Neural mechanisms for the robust detection of junctions. Neural Computation, 16(5), 1013–1037.
- Kerzel, D. (2004). Attentional load modulates mislocalization of moving stimuli but does not eliminate the error. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11(5), 848–853.
- Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2004). Spatial distortions and processing latencies in the onset repulsion and Fröhlich effects. Vision Research, 44, 577–590.
- Müsseler, J., & Kerzel, D. (2004). The trial context determines adjusted localization of stimuli: Reconciling the Fröhlich and Onset Repulsion Effects. Vision Research, 44(19), 2201–2206.
- Müsseler, J., van der Heijden, A. H. C., & Kerzel, D. (2004). Visual space perception and action: Introductory remarks. Visual Cognition, 11(2/3), 129–136.
- Drewing, K., & Aschersleben, G. (2003). Reduced timing variability during bimanual coupling: A role for sensory information. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, A 56(2), 329–350.
- Franz, V. H. (2003a). Manual size estimation: A neuropsychological measure of perception? Experimental Brain Research, 151(4), 471–477.
- Franz, V. H. (2003b). Planning versus online control: Dynamic illusion effects in grasping? Spatial Vision, 16(3–4), 211–223.
- Franz, V. H., Bülthoff, H. H., & Fahle, M. (2003). Grasp effects of the Ebbinghaus illusion: Obstacle-avoidance is not the explanation. Experimental Brain Research, 149(4), 470–477.
- Gegenfurtner, K. R., Xing, D., Scott, B. H., & Hawken, M. J. (2003). A comparison of pursuit eye movement and perceptual performance in speed discrimination. Journal of Vision, 3, 865–876.
- Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2003). Cortical mechanisms of colour vision. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4, 563–572.
- Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Kiper, D. C. (2003). Color vision. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 26, 181–206.
- Kerzel, D. (2003). Asynchronous perception of motion and luminance change. Psychological Research, 67(4), 233–239.
- Kerzel, D. (2003). Attention maintains mental extrapolation of target position: Irrelevant distractors eliminate forward displacement after implied motion. Cognition, 88(1), 109–131.
- Kerzel, D. (2003). Mental extrapolation of target position is strongest with weak motion signals and motor responses. Vision Research, 43(25), 2623–2635.
- Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2003). Neuronal processing delays are compensated in the sensorimotor branch of the visual system. Current Biology, 13, 1975–1978.
- Trommershäuser, J., Maloney, L. T., & Landy, M. S. (2003). The consistency of bisection judgments in binocular space. Journal of Vision, 3, 795–807.
- Trommershäuser, J., Maloney, L. T., & Landy, M. S. (2003). Statistical Decision Theory and the Selection of Rapid, Goal-Directed Movements. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 20, 1419–1433.
- Trommershäuser, J., Maloney, L. T., & Landy, M. S. (2003). Statistical Decision Theory and Trade-offs in the Control of Motor Response. Spatial Vision, 16, 255–275.
- Trommershäuser, J., Schneggenburger, R., Zippelius, A., & Neher, E. (2003). Heterogeneous presynaptic release-probabilities: functional relevance for short-term plasticity. Biophysical Journal, 84, 1563–79.