Call for Abstracts

Desorption 2012

Castle of Rauischholzhausen, Germany

JUNE 03 - 07, 2012


Please fill in the Abstract Submission Form if you want to present a talk or a poster at Desorption 2012.

Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 March 2012

Enter the title of your abstract (max. 20 words)
Please give a short introduction into the topic (max. 120 words)
Please enter the author(s) of the abstract using the following format: 'first name, last name, first name, last name, …, affiliation (company/institute), full address (street, city, country), email of presenting author'. Enter presenting author in CAPITAL LETTERS, please!
Please describe the procedures, experiments or theoretical methods you performed or employed (max. 120 words).
Please describe the results of your work (max. 300 words).
Please describe the novelty of your presented work (max. 20 words)
Enter up to 5 references.
Please provide up to five keywords to describe the topic of your talk/poster.
I would prefer to present my topic in form of a