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in-situ areosol analysis

Bipolar time-of-flight mass spectrometer for the chemical characterisation of airborn micro and nano particles

We developed a method for the online chemical characterization of single particle in airborn state based on laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. This method was realized in two mobile instrumental setups: LAMPAS 2 and LAMPAS 3


Particles are transfered directly from the air into the mass spectrometer using an aerodynamic lens. This allows the native analysis of particles without the artefacts which are probably caused by particle collection and preparation using filters. Both instruments were already tested in field. The chemical composition of the partikels as well as the size of the particles were measured. Based on this information particles can be classified in different classes using statistical tools (Fuzzy-Clustering). 


Application fields are:

  • Analysis of the atmosphere
  • Health issues caused by particles
  • Analysis of exhaust gases
  • Indoor air analysis
