Birgit Hütsch
Prof. Dr. Birgit Hütsch
Professor of plant nutrition
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Room B020
D-35392 Giessen
Tel. +49 (0) 641 99 39190
Research Interests
- Increase of maize harvest index to improve water und nutrient use efficiency for a more sustainable crop production
- Kernel setting and grain yield of wheat as affected by individual and combined heat and drought stress during different growth stages
- BorUp: Targeted boron nutrition of crops by upcycling of waste materials
Curriculum vitae
Since 2010: Research associate at the Institute of Plant Nutrition at the University of Giessen (Germany)
2001 – 2002: Substitute professor for Soil Biology and Soil Ecology, University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
2001 – 2003: Research assistant at the Institute of Plant Nutrition at the University of Halle-Wittenberg
1993 – 2001: Research assistant at the Institute of Plant Nutrition at the University of Giessen
1999: Habilitation at the University of Giessen for the area of Plant Nutrition
1992 – 1993: Postdoc at the Soil Science Department, Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK
1991: PhD at the University of Giessen
1981 – 1986: Studies of Agricultural Sciences (Diploma) at the University of Giessen
Recent publications
Hütsch, B.W. and Schubert, S. (2017): Review - Harvest index of grain maize: Are there possibilities for improvement? – In: D.L. Sparks, Ed., Adv. Agron. 146C, 37-82.
Hütsch, B.W. and Schubert, S. (2018): Maize harvest index and water use efficiency can be improved by inhibition of gibberellin biosynthesis. J. Agro. Crop Sci. 204, 209-218.
Hütsch, B.W.; Keipp, K.; Glaser, A.-K.; Schubert, S. (2018): Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) are chloride-sensitive: Is this dogma valid? – J. Sci. Food Agric. 98, 3161-3168
Hütsch, B.W.; Jahn, D.; Schubert, S. (2019): Grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under long-term heat stress is sink-limited with stronger inhibition of kernel setting than grain filling. - J. Agro. Crop Sci. 205, 22-32.
Hütsch, B.W.; Jung, S.; Steinbach, M.; Schubert, S. (2020): What is the limiting factor? The key question for grain yield of maize as a renewable resource under salt stress. - In: Climate Change, Photosynthesis and Advanced Biofuels. Eds. A. Kumar, Y.-Y. Yau, S. Ogita, R. Scheibe. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Hütsch, B.W. and Schubert, S. (2021a): Water-use efficiency of maize may be increased by the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol. - J. Agro. Crop Sci. 207, 521-534.
Hütsch, B.W. and Schubert, S. (2021b): Can nutrient-utilization efficiency be improved by reduced fertilizer supply to maize plants treated with the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol? - J. Agro. Crop Sci. 207, 884-900.
Hütsch, B. W. and Schubert, S. (2022): Review - Stimulation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase by auxins or fusicoccin and its relation to maize kernel setting, grain yield, and harvest index. – In: D.L. Sparks, Ed., Adv. Agron. 174, 235-267.
Hütsch, B.W. and Schubert, S. (2022): Grain yield, harvest index, water-use efficiency, and nitrogen partitioning to grain can be improved by application of the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol to maize plants with reduced N supply. – J. Agro. Crop Sci. 209, 261-272,
Tscharn, F.T.; Hütsch, B.W.; Dreute, J.; Schubert, S. (2022): Auxin application to maize plants at flowering increases abundance and activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in developing maize kernels. - J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 185, 554-566,
Hütsch, B.W.; Kehm, L.; Schubert, S. (2023): Does the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol enhance root growth of maize exposed to drought stress during flowering? – J. Agro. Crop Sci. 209, 673-688,
Hütsch, B.W.; Faust, F.; Jung, S.; Schubert, S. (2024): Drought stress during flowering may cause kernel abortion by inhibition of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity. - J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci.,