- BEISHEIM K. & OTTE, A. 2017: Evaluating the ornamental value of the Caucasian flora in Georgia. Bewertung des Zierpflanzenwertes der kaukasischen Flora in Georgien. - Tuexenia 37: 333-354. [doi: 10.14471/2017.37.008]
- GATTRINGER J.P., DONATH T.W., ECKSTEIN R.L., LUDEWIG K., OTTE A. & HARVOLK-SCHÖNING S. 2017: Flooding tolerance of four floodplain meadow species depends on age. - PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176869. [doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0176869]
- LÜKER-JANS, N., SIMMERING, D. & OTTE, A. 2017. The impact of biogas plants on regional dynamics of permanent grassland and maize area - The example of Hesse, Germany (2005-2010). - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 241: 24-38. [doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2017.02.023]
- MAGIERA, A., FEILHAUER, H., WALDHARDT, R., WIESMAIR, M. & OTTE, A. 2017: Modelling biomass of mountainous grasslands by including a species composition map. - Ecological Indicators 78: 8-18. [doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.02.039]
- MAGIERA, A., FEILHAUER, H., WALDHARDT, R., WIESMAIR, M. & OTTE, A. 2017: Fernerkundungsbasierte Erfassung der Vegetationszusammensetzung und Produktivität von Grünlandbeständen im Großen Kaukasus. - Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 29: 65-81.
- XU, F., OTTE, A., LUDEWIG, K., DONATH, T.W. & HARVOLK-SCHÖNING, S. 2017: Land cover changes (1963-2010) and their environmental factors in the Upper Danube floodplain. - Sustainability 9: 943. [doi:10.3390/su9060943]
- BIENAU, M.J., ECKSTEIN, L.R., OTTE, A., DURKA, W. 2016: Clonality increases with snow depth in the arctic dwarf shrub Empetrum hermaphroditum - American Journal of Botany 103 (12): 1 – 10, 2016, [doi.10.3732/ajb.1600229]
- LUEKER-JANS, N., SIMMERING, D., OTTE, A. 2016: Analysing Data of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) to Detect Patterns of Agricultural Land-USE Change at Municipality Level - Landscape Online 48:1-24 (2016), [doi.10.3097/ LO.201648]
- MAGIERA, A., FEILHAUER, H., TEPHNADZE, N., WALDHARDT, R., OTTE, A. 2016: Separating reflectance signatures of shrub species – A case study in the Central Greater Caucasus. - Applied Vegetation Science. [doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12205]
- PRUCHNIEWICZ, D., DONATH, T.W., OTTE, A., ŻOŁNIERZ, L., ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2016: Effect of expansive specieson seed rain and soil seed bank of mountain mesic meadows. - Tüxenia 36: 81-96. [doi: 10.14471/2016.36.011]
- RÜHL, A.T., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W. 2016: Distinct germination response of rare and common arable weeds to reduced water potential. - Plant Biology 18 (Supplement 1): 83-90. [doi.org/10.1111/plb.12331]
- RÜHL, A.T., DONATH, T.W., OTTE, A., ECKSTEIN, R.L., 2016: Impacts of short-term germination delay on fitness of the annual weed Agrostemma githago. - Seed Science Research (13. April 2016) [doi.org/10.1017/S0960258516000106]
- WIESMAIR, M., FEILHAUER, H., MAGIERA, A., OTTE, A., WALDHARDT, R. 2016: Estimating Vegetation Cover from High-Resolution Satellite Data to Assess Grassland Degradation in the Georgian Caucasus. - Mountain Research and Development 36.1 (Feb 2016). [doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-15-00064.1]
- WIESMAIR, M., OTTE, A., WALDHARDT, R. 2016: Relationships between Plant Diversity, Vegetation Cover, and Site Conditions: Implications for Grassland Conservation in the Greater Caucasus. - Biodiversity and Conservation. [doi 10.1007/s10531-016-1240-5]
- BIENAU, M.J., KRÖNCKE, M., EISERHARDT, W.L., OTTE, A., GRAAE, B.J., HAGEN, D., MILBAU, A., DURKA, W., ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2015: Synchronous flowering despite differences in snowmelt among habitats of Empetrum hermaphroditum. - Acta Oecologica 69: 129-136. [doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2015.10.005]
- DONATH, T.W., SCHMIEDE, R. & OTTE, A. 2015: Alluvial grasslands along the northern upper Rhine – nature conservation vs. agricultural value under non-intensive management. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 200: 102-109. [doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2014.11.004]
- HARVOLK, S., SYMMANK, L., SUNDERMEIER, A., OTTE, A., DONATH, T.W. 2015: Human impact on plant biodiversity in the functional floodplain of heavily modified rivers - A comparative study along German Federal waterways. - Ecological Engineering 85: 463-475. [doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.09.019]
- LOYDI, A., DONATH, T.W., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. 2015: Non-native species litter reduces germination and growth of resident forbs and grasses: allelopathic, osmotic or mechanical effects? - Biological Invasions 17: 581-595. [doi 10.1007/s10530-014-0750-x]
- LOYDI, A., DONATH, T.W., OTTE, A., ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2015: Negative and positive interactions among plants: effects of competitors and litter on seedling emergence and growth of forest and grassland species. - Plant Biology 17: 667-675. [doi.org/10.1111/plb.12287]
- LUDEWIG K., DONATH T.W., ZELLE B., ECKSTEIN R.L., MOSNER E., OTTE A. & JENSEN K. 2015: Effects of reduced summer precipitation on the productivity and forage quality of floodplain meadows at the Elbe and Rhine River. - PLoS ONE 10: e0124140. [doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0124140]
- RÜHL, A.T., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W. 2015: Future challenge for endangered arable weed species facing global warming: low temperature optima and narrow moisture requirements. - Biological Conservation 182: 262-269. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2014.12.012]
- BIENAU, M.J., HATTERMANN, D., KRÖNCKE, M., KRETZ, L., OTTE, A., EISERHARDT, W.L., MILBAU, A., GRAAE, B.J., DURKA, W., ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2014: Snow cover consistently affects growth and reproduction of Empetrum hermaphroditum across latitudinal and local climatic gradients. - Alpine Botany 124: 115-129. [doi 10.1007/s00035-014-0137-8]
- DE FRENNE, P., COOMES, D.A., DE SCHRIJVER, A., STAELENS, J., ALEXANDER, J.M., BERNHARDT-RÖMERMANN, M., BRUNET, J., CHABRERIE, O., CHIARUCCI, A., DEN OUDEN, J., ECKSTEIN, R.L., GRAAE, B.J., GRUWEZ, R., HÉDL, R., HERMY, M., KOLB, A., MÅRELL, A., MULLENDER, S.M., OLSEN, S.L., ORCZEWSKA, A., PETERKEN, G., PETŘÍK, P., PLUE, J., SIMONSON, W.D., TOMESCU, C.V., VANGANSBEKE, P., VERSTRAETEN, G., VESTERDAL, L., WULF, M., VERHEYEN, K. 2014: Plant movements and climate warming: intraspecific variation in growth responses to non-local soils. - New Phytologist 202: 431-441. [doi.org/10.1111/nph.12672]
- HARVOLK, S., KORNATZ, P., OTTE, A., SIMMERING, D. 2014: Using existing landscape data to assess the ecological potential of Miscanthus cultivation in a marginal landscape. - GCB Bioenergy, 6: 227–241. [doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12078]
- HARVOLK, S., SYMMANK, L., SUNDERMEIER, A., OTTE, A., DONATH, T.W. 2014: Can artificial waterways provide a refuge for floodplain biodiversity? A case study from North Western Germany. - Ecological Engineering 73: 31-44. [doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.09.024]
- LOYDI, A., LOHSE, K., OTTE, A., DONATH, T.W., ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2014: Distribution and effects of tree leaf litter on vegetation composition and biomass in a forest-grassland ecotone. - Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 264-275. [doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtt027]
- LUDEWIG, K., ZELLE, B., ECKSTEIN, R.L., MOSNER, E., OTTE, A., DONATH, T.W. 2014: Differential effects of reduced water potentials on the germination of floodplain grassland species indicative of wet and dry habitats. - Seed Science Research 24: 49-61. [doi.org/10.1017/S096025851300038X]
- SCHULZ, B., ECKSTEIN, R.L., DURKA, W. 2014: Epigenetic variation reflects dynamic habitat conditions in a rare floodplain herb. - Molecular Ecology 23: 3523-3537. [doi.org/10.1111/mec.12835]
- TEPHNADZE, N., ABDALADZE, O., NAKHUTSRISHVILI, G., SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R., OTTE, A. 2014: The impacts of management and site conditions on the phytodiversity of the upper montane and subalpine belts in the Central Greater Caucasus. - Phytocoenologia 44: 255-282. [doi 10.1127/0340-269X/2014/0044-0579]
- WINTER, S., JUNG, L.S., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A., DONATH, T.W. & KRIECHBAUM, M. 2014: Control of the toxic plant Colchicum autumnale in semi-natural grasslands – effects of cutting treatments on demography and diversity. - Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 524-533. [doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12217]
- LOYDI A., ECKSTEIN R.L., OTTE A. & DONATH T.W. 2013: Effects of litter on seedling establishment in natural and semi-natural grasslands: a meta-analysis. - Journal of Ecology 101: 454-464. [doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12033]
- MAGIERA, A., FEILHAUER, H., OTTE, A., WALDHARDT, R., SIMMERING, D. 2013: Relating canopy reflectance to the vegetation composition of mountainous grasslands in the Greater Caucasus. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 177: 101-112. [doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2013.05.017]
- SCHMIEDE, R., RUPRECHT, E., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W. 2013: Establishment of rare flood meadow species by plant material transfer: experimental tests of threshold amounts and the effect of sowing position. - Biological Conservation 159: 222-229. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2012.11.017]
- SCHULZ, B., ECKSTEIN, R.L. & DURKA, W. 2013. Scoring and analysis of methylation sensitive amplification polymorphisms (MSAP) for epigenetic population studies. - Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 642-653. [doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.12100]
- SIMMERING, D., ADDAI, S., GELLER, G., OTTE, A. 2013: A university campus in peri-urban Accra (Ghana) as a haven for dry-forest species. - Flora et Vegetatio Sudano-Sambesica 16: 10-21.
- SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R., OTTE, A. 2013: Erfassung und Analyse der Pflanzenartenvielfalt in der "Normallandschaft" - ein Beispiel aus Mittelhessen. - Ber. d. Reinh.-Tüxen-Ges. 25: 73-94.
- ECKSTEIN, R.L., RUCH, D., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W. 2012: Invasibility of a nutrient-poor pasture through resident and non-resident herbs is controlled by litter, gap size and propagule pressure. PLoS ONE 7: e41887. [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041887]
- DONATH, T.W. & ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2012: Litter effects on seedling establishment interact with seed position and earthworm activity. - Plant Biology 14: 163–170. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1438-8677.2011.00490.x]
- JUNG, L.S., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W. 2012: Above- and below-ground nutrient and alkaloid dynamics in Colchicum autumnale: optimal mowing dates for population control or low hay toxicity. - Weed Research 52: 348-357. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3180.2012.00923.x]
- MUNIER-JOLAIN, N., MÉDIENE, S., MEISS, H., BOISSINOT, F., WALDHARDT, R., CANEILL, J., BRETAGNOLLE, V.: Rôle des prairies temporaires pour la gestion de la flore adventice dans les systèmes céréaliers. - Innovations Agronomiques 22: 71-84.
- SCHMIEDE, R., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W. 2012: Enhancing plant biodiversity in species-poor grassland through plant material application – the impact of sward disturbance. - Applied Vegetation Science 15: 290-298. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-109X.2011.01168.x]
- SHAKERI, Z., MARVIE MOHADJER, M.R., SIMBERLOFF, D., ETEMAD, V., ASSADI, M., DONATH, T.W., OTTE, A. & ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2012: Plant community composition and disturbance in Caspian Fagus orientalis forests: which are the main driving factors? - Phytocoenologia 41: 247-263. [DOI: 10.1127/0340-269X/2011/0041-0513]
- VOSS, N., ECKSTEIN, R.L. & DURKA, W. 2012: Range expansion of a selfing polyploid plant despite widespread genetic uniformity. - Annals of Botany 110: 585-593. [doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcs117]
- VOSS, N., WELK, E., DURKA, W. & ECKSTEIN, R.L. 2012: Biological flora of Central Europe: Ceratocapnos claviculata (L.) Lidén. - Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 14: 61-77. [doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2011.09.004]
- BURMEIER, S., ECKSTEIN, R. L., DONATH, T. W. & OTTE, A., 2011: Plant pattern development during early post-restoration succession in grasslands – a case study of Arabis nemorensis. - Restoration Ecology 19: 648-659. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00668.x]
- BURMEIER, S., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W., 2011: Spatially-restricted plant material application creates colonization initials for flood meadow species. - Biological Conservation 144: 212-219. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2010.08.018]
- ECKSTEIN, R.L., PEREIRA, E., MILBAU, A. & GRAAE, B.J., 2011: Predicted changes in vegetation structure affect the susceptibility to invasion of bryophyte dominated subarctic heath. - Annals of Botany 108: 177-183. [DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcr097]
- HENSGEN, F., ALBRECHT, C., DONATH, T.W., OTTE, A., ECKSTEIN, R.L., 2011: Distribution of gastropods in floodplain compartments and feeding preferences for river corridor plant species: is there an effect of gastropod herbivory on the distribution of river corridor plants? - Flora 206: 534-543. [doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2011.01.002]
- JUNG, L.S., ECKSTEIN, R.L., DONATH, T.W. & OTTE, A., 2011: A physiological approach to reduce population densities of Colchicum autumnale in extensively managed grasslands. Grassland Science in Europe 16: 67-69
- JUNG, L.S. & WINTER, S., ECKSTEIN, R.L., KRIECHBAUM, M., KARRER, G., WELK, E., ELSÄSSER, M., DONATH, T.W. & OTTE, A., 2011: Biological flora of Central Europe: Colchicum autumnale L. - Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13: 227-244. [doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2011.04.001]
- MEHMETI, A., SHERIFI, E., DEMAJ, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2011: Growth and productivity of weeds in two maize crop production systems. - Herbologia 12: 105-112.
- THIELE, J., ISERMANN, M., KOLLMANN, J. & OTTE, A., 2011: Impact scores of invasive plants are biased by disragard of environmental co-variation and non-linearity. - NeoBiota 10: 65-79. [doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.101191]
- VOSS, N., SIMMERING, D., PEPPLER-LISBACH, C., DURKA, W. & ECKSTEIN, R.L., 2011: Vegetation databases as a tool to analyze factors affecting the range expansion of the forest understory herb Ceratocapnos claviculata. - Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 726-740. [doi.10.1111/j.1654-1103.2011.01284.x]
- BURMEIER, S., DONATH, T.W., OTTE, A. & ECKSTEIN, R.L., 2010: Rapid burial has differential effects on germination and emergence of small- and large-seeded herbaceous plant species. - Seed Science Research 20: 189-200. [doi.org/10.1017/S0960258510000127]
- BURMEIER, S., ECKSTEIN, R.L., OTTE, A. & DONATH, T.W., 2010: Desiccation cracks act as natural seed traps in flood-meadow systems. - Plant & Soil 333: 351-364. [doi: 10.1007/s11104-010-0350-1]
- DONATH, T. W. & ECKSTEIN, R. L., 2010: Effects of bryophytes and grass litter on seedling emergence vary by vertical seed position and seed size. - Plant Ecology 207: 257-268. [doi.org/10.1007/s11258-009-9670-8]
- JUNG L.S. & WINTER S., KRIECHBAUM M., ECKSTEIN R.L., DONATH T.W. & OTTE A. 2010: Regulation of meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale L.) in extensively managed grasslands. - Grassland Science in Europe 15: 660-662.
- KIEHL, K., KIRMER, A. , DONATH, T.W. , RASRAN, L. & HÖLZEL, N., 2010: Species introduction in restoration projects - evaluation of different techniques for the establishment of semi-natural grasslands in Central and Northwestern Europe. - Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 285-299. [doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2009.12.004]
- MEHMETI, A., DEMAJ, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2010: Germination traits of three problematic arable weed species in Kosovo. - Web Ecology 10: 15-22. [DOI: 10.5194/we-10-15-2010]
- MEISS, H., LE LAGADEC, L., MUNIER-JOLAIN, N., WALDHARDT, R. & PETIT, S., 2010: Weed seed predation increases with vegetation cover in perennial forage crops. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 138: 10-16. [doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2010.03.009]
- MEISS, H., MÉDIÈNE, S., WALDHARDT, R., CANEILL, J., BRETAGNOLLE, V., REBOUD, X. & MUNIER-JOLAIN, N., 2010: Perennial lucerne affects weed community trajectories in grain crop rotations. - Weed Research 50: 331-340. [DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2010.00784.x]
- MEISS, H., MÉDIÈNE, S., WALDHARDT, R., CANEILL, J. & MUNIER-JOLAIN, N., 2010: Contrasting weed species composition in perennial alfalfas and six annual crops: implications for Integrated Weed Management. - Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30: 657-666.
- RUPRECHT, E., ENYEDI, M.Z., ECKSTEIN, R. L. & DONATH, T. W., 2010: Restorative removal of plant litter and vegetation 40 years after abandonment enhances re-emergence of steppe grassland vegetation. - Biological Conservation 143: 449-456. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2009.11.012]
- THIELE, J., ISERMANN, M., OTTE, A. & KOLLMANN, J., 2010: Competitive displacement or biotic resistence? Disentangling relationships between community diversity and invasion success of tall herbs and shrubs. - Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 213-220. [DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2009.01139.x]
- THIELE, J., KOLLMANN, J., MARKUSSEN, B. & OTTE, A.: Impact assessment revisited: improving the theoretical basis for management of invasive alien species. - Biological Invasions 12: 2025-2035.
- WALDHARDT, R., BACH, M., BORRESCH, R., BREUER, L., DIEKÖTTER, T., FREDE, H.-G., GÄTH, S., GINZLER, O., GOTTSCHALK, T., JULICH, S., KRUMPHOLZ, M., KUHLMANN, F., OTTE, A., REGER, B., REIHER, W., SCHMITZ, K., SCHMITZ, P.M., SHERIDAN, P., SIMMERING, D., WEIST, C., WOLTERS, V. & ZOERNER, D: Evaluating today's landscape multifunctionality and providing an alternative future: a normative scenario approach. - Ecology and Society 15(3): 30.
- ECKSTEIN, R. L., DANIHELKA, J. & OTTE, A., 2009: Variation in life-cycle between three rare and endangered floodplain violets in two regions: implications for population viability and conservation. - Biologia 64: 69-80.
- MEHMETI, A., DEMAJ, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2009: Plant species richness and composition in the arable land of Kosovo. - Landscape Online 11: 1-29.
- REGER, B., MATTERN, T., OTTE, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2009: Assessing the spatial distribution of grassland age in a marginal European landscape. - Journal of Environmental Management 90: 2900-2909. [doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2007.10.015]
- REGER, B., SHERIDAN, P., SIMMERING, D., OTTE, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2009: Potential effects of direct transfer payments on farmland habitat diversity in a marginal European landscape. - Environmental Management 43: 1026-1038.
- SCHMIEDE, R., DONATH, T.W. & OTTE, A., 2009: Seed bank development after the restoration of alluvial grassland via transfer of seed-containing plant material. Biological Conservation 142: 158-167. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2008.11.001]
- WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2009: Indikatoren der floristischen Vielfalt im Hanggrünland des nordwestlichen Lahn-Dill-Gebiets (Hessen, Deutschland). Indicators of floristic diversity in grasslands on slopes of the northwestern Lahn-Dill area (Hesse, Germany). - Forstarchiv 80: 241-250.
- DONATH, T.W. & ECKSTEIN, R.L., 2008: Grass and oak litter exert different effects on seedling emergence of herbaceous perennials from grasslands and woodlands. Journal of Ecology 96: 272-280.
- MEHMETI, A., DEMAJ, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2008: Ackernutzung und aktuelle Ackervegetation im Kosovo. - Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 60: 61-66.
- OTTE, A., GINZLER, O., WALDHARDT, R. & SIMMERING, D., 2008: Die Allmendeweide "NSG Kanzelstein bei Eibach" (Lahn-Dill Kreis, Hessen): Wandel und Zustand eines Biotopkomplexes der vorindustriellen Kulturlandschaft. - Tuexenia 28: 151-184.
- RUPRECHT, E., DONATH, T. W., OTTE, A. & ECKSTEIN, R. L., 2008: Chemical effects of dominant grass on seed germination of four familial pairs of dry grassland species. Seed Science Research 18: 239-248. [ https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960258508096190]
- SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2008: Steuergrößen der Pflanzenartenvielfalt in Mosaiklandschaften - eine Betrachtung auf zwei räumlichen Skalenebenen. - Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 60: 67-72.
- THIELE, J. & OTTE, A., 2008: Invasion patterns of Heracleum mantegazzianum in Germany on the regional and local scale. - Journal for Nature Conservation 16: 61-71.
- THIELE J., SCHUCKERT, U. & OTTE, A., 2008: Cultural landscapes of Germany are patch-corridor-matrix mosaics for an invasive megaforb. - Landscape Ecology 23: 453-465.
- DONATH, T.W., BISSELS, S., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2007: Large scale application of diaspore transfer with plant material in restoration practice - impact of seed and microsite limitation. Biological Conservation 138: 224-234. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2007.04.020]
- HIETEL, E., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2007: Statistical modeling of land-cover changes based on key socio-economic indicators. - Ecological Economics 62: 496-507. [doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2006.07.011]
- HÜLS, J., OTTE, A. & ECKSTEIN, R. L., 2007: Population life-cycle and stand structure in dense and open stands of the introduced tall herb Heracleum mantegazzianum. - Biological Invasions 9: 799-811.
- OTTE, A., SIMMERING, D. & WOLTERS, V., 2007: Biodiversity at the landscape level: recent concepts and perspectives for multifunctional land use. - Landscape Ecology 22 (5): 639-642
- REGER, B., OTTE, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2007: Identifying patterns of land-cover change and their physical attributes in a marginal European landscape. - Landscape and Urban Planning. 81: 104-113. [doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2006.10.018]
- WALDHARDT, R., 2007: The Collaborative Research Centre SFB 299: An example of landscape ecological research? - Colloquium Geographicum 28: 27-47.
- WELLSTEIN, C., OTTE, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2007: Seed bank diversity in mesic grasslands and their relation to vegetation, management, and site conditions. - Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 153-162. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2007.tb02527.x]
- WELLSTEIN, C., OTTE, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2007: Impact of site and management on the diversity of Central European mesic grassland. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 122: 203-210. [doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2006.12.033]
- BACH, M., BREUER, L., FREDE, H.G., HIETEL, E., HUISMAN, J.A., OTTE, A. & WALDHARDT, R., 2006: Accuracy and congruency of three different digital land-use maps. - Landscape and Urban Planning 78: 289-299.
- BISSELS, S., DONATH, T. W., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2006: Effects of different mowing regimes on seedling recruitment in alluvial grasslands. Basic and Applied Ecology 7: 433-442. [doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2005.10.002]
- DAUBER, J. & SIMMERING, D., 2006: Ant assemblages in successional stages of Scotch Broom stands. - Mymecological News 9: 55-64.
- DONATH, T. W., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2006: Influence of competition by sown grass, disturbance and litter on recruitment of rare flood-meadow species. Biological Conservation 130: 315-323. [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2005.12.022]
- ECKSTEIN, R. L., HÖLZEL, N. & DANIHELKA, J., 2006: Biological Flora of Central Europe: Viola elatior, V. pumila, and V. stagnina. - Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 8: 45-66.
- ECKSTEIN, R. L., O'NEILL, R. A., DANIHELKA, J., OTTE, A. & KÖHLER, W., 2006: Genetic structure among and within peripheral and central populations of three endangered floodplain violets. - Molecular Ecology 15: 2367-2379. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.02944.x]
- OTTE, A., BISSELS, S. & WALDHARDT, R., 2006: Samen-, Keimungs- und Habitateigenschaften: Welche Parameter erklären Veränderungstendenzen in der Häufigkeit von Ackerwildkräutern in Deutschland? - Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft 20: 507-516.
- SHERIDAN, P. & WALDHARDT, R., 2006: Spatially explicit approaches in integrated land use and phytodiversity modelling at multiple scales. - In: MEYER, B.C. (ed.), 2006: Sustainable Land Use in Intensively Used Agricultural Regions. - Alterra Report No. 1338, Wageningen: 68-72.
- SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2006: Quantifying Determinants Contributing to Plant Species Richness in Mosaic Landscapes: A Single- and Multi-Patch Perspective. - Landscape Ecology 21: 1233-1251.
- THIELE, J. & OTTE, A., 2006: Analysis of habitats and communities invaded by Heracleum mantegazzianum Somm. et Lev. (Giant Hogweed) in Germany. - Phytocoenologia 36: 281-320. [doi.org/10.1127/0340-269X/2006/0036-0281]
- ZAITSEV, A.S., WOLTERS, V., WALDHARDT, R. & DAUBER, J., 2006: Long-term succession of oribatid mites after conversion of croplands to grasslands. - Applied Soil Ecology 34: 230-239.
- BISSELS, S., DONATH, T. W., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2005: Ephemeral wetland vegetation of irregularly flooded arable fields: the importance of persistent soil seed banks. Phytocoenologia 35: 469-488. [DOI: 10.1127/0340-269X/2005/0035-0469]
- DAHMS, H., WELLSTEIN, C., WOLTERS, V. & DAUBER, J., 2005: Effects of management practices on ant species richness and community composition in grasslands (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). - Myrmecological News 7: 9-16.
- ECKSTEIN, R. L., 2005: Differential effects of interspecific interactions and water availability on survival, growth and fecundity of three congeneric grassland herbs. - New Phytologist 166: 525-536. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01336.x]
- ECKSTEIN, R. L. & DONATH, T. W., 2005: Interactions between litter and water availability affect seedling emergence in four familial pairs of floodplain species. Journal of Ecology 93: 807-816. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01015.x]
- ECKSTEIN, R. L. & OTTE, A., 2005: The effects of cleistogamy and pollen source on seed production and offspring performance in three endangered violets. - Basic and Applied Ecology 6:339-350. [doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2004.12.002]
- HIETEL, E., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2005: Linking socioeconomic factors, environment and land cover in the German Highlands, 1945-99. - Journal of Environmental Management 75: 133-143. [doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.11.022]
- HÖLZEL, N., 2005: Seedling recruitment in flood-meadow species: The effect of gaps, litter and vegetation matrix. - Applied Vegetation Science 8: 115-124.
- OTTE, A. & MAUL, P., 2005: Verbreitungsschwerpunkte und strukturelle Einnischung der Stauden-Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.) in Bergwiesen der Rhön. - Tuexenia 25: 151-182.
- BISSELS, S., HÖLZEL, N., DONATH, T. W. & OTTE, A., 2004: Evaluation of restoration success in alluvial grasslands under contrasting flooding regimes. Biological Conservation: 118/5: 641-650 [doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2003.10.013]
- BISSELS, S., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2004: Population structure of the threatened long-lived perennial Serratula tinctoria in relation to vegetation and management. - Applied Vegetation Science 7: 267-274. [doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-109X.2004.tb00619.x]
- DONATH, T. W., HÖLZEL, N., BISSELS, S. & OTTE, A., 2004: Perspectives for incorporating biomass from non-intensively managed temperate flood meadows into farming systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 104: 439-451. [doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2004.01.039]
- ECKSTEIN, R.L., DANIHELKA, J., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2004: The effects of management and environmental variation on population stage structure in three river-corridor violets. - Acta Oecologica 25: 83-91. [doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2003.11.003]
- ECKSTEIN, R. L. & OTTE, A., 2004: Evidence for consistent trait-habitat relations in two closely related violets of contiguous habitat types from a fertilisation experiment. - Flora 199: 234-246. [doi.org/10.1078/0367-2530-00151]
- HIETEL, E., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2004: Analysing land-cover changes in relation to environmental variables in Hesse, Germany. - Landscape Ecology 19: 473-489.
- HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2004: Inter-annual variation in the soil seed bank of flood-meadows over two years with different flooding-patterns. - Plant Ecology 174: 279-291.
- HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2004: Ecological significance of seed germination characteristics in flood-meadow species. - Flora 199: 12-24. [doi.org/10.1078/0367-2530-00132]
- HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2004: Assessing soil seed bank persistence in flood-meadows: the search for reliable traits? - Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 93-100.
- WALDHARDT, R., SIMMERING, D. & OTTE, A., 2004: Estimation and prediction of plant species richness in a mosaic landscape. - Landscape Ecology 19: 211-226.
- DAUBER, J., HIRSCH, M., SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R., WOLTERS, V. & OTTE, A., 2003: Landscape structure as an indicator of biodiversity: matrix effects of species richness. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 98: 321-330. [doi.org/10.1016/S0167-8809(03)00092-6]
- DONATH, T., HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2003: The impact of site conditions and seed dispersal on restoration success in alluvial meadows. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 13-22 [doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-109X.2003.tb00560.x]
- HÖLZEL, N., 2003: Re-assessing the ecology of rare flood-meadow violets (Viola elatior, V. pumilaV. persicifolia) with large phytosociological data sets. and - Folia Geobotanica 38: 281-298.
- HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2003: Restoration of a species-rich flood meadow by topsoil removal and diaspore transfer with plant litter. - Applied Vegetation Science 6: 131-140.
- MÜCKSCHEL, C. & OTTE, A., 2003: Morphometric parameters: an approach for the indication of conservation value of low-productive calcareous grassland. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 98: 213-226.
- WALDHARDT, R., 2003: Biodiversity and landscape - summary, conclusions and perspectives. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 98: 305-309. [doi.org/10.1016/S0167-8809(03)00090-2]
- WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2003: Indicators of plant species and community diversity in grasslands. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 98: 339-351. [doi.org/10.1016/S0167-8809(03)00094-X]
- WALDHARDT, R., SIMMERING, D. & ALBRECHT, H., 2003: Floristic diversity at the habitat scale in agricultural landscapes of Central Europe - summary, conclusions and perspectives. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 98: 79-85. [doi.org/10.1016/S0167-8809(03)00071-9]
- HÖLZEL, N., HAUB, C., INGELFINGER, M. P, OTTE, A. & PILIPENKO, V. N., 2002: The return of the steppe - large-scale restoration of degraded land in southern Russia during the post-soviet era. - Journal for Nature Conservation 10: 75-86. [doi.org/10.1078/1617-1381-00009]
- SCHUBERT, P., O'NEILL, R., KÖHLER, W., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2002: Reproductive traits and genetic diversity of Arabidopsis thaliana populations originating from different agricultural regimes. - Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft 18: 57-66.
- STEINER, N., KNECHT, C., DAUBER, J., HIRSCH, M., OTTE, A., PURTAUF, T., SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R., WOLTERS, V. & KÖHLER, W., 2002: Modellierung der Artenvielfalt in Abhängigkeit vom Landschaftsmuster. - Berichte über Landwirtschaft 80: 468-481.
- HÖLZEL, N. & OTTE, A., 2001: The impact of flooding-regime on the soil seed bank of flood-meadows. - Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 209-218.
- LABASCH, M. & OTTE, A., 2001: Administration levels and tasks of nature conservation efficiency control. Burga, C.A. & A. Kratochwil (eds.): Biomonitoring - General and applied aspects in regional and global scales. - Tasks for Vegetation Science 35, 41-60.
- SIMMERING, D., WALDHARDT, R. & OTTE, A., 2001: Syndynamik und Ökologie von Besenginsterbeständen des Lahn-Dill-Berglands unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Genese aus verschiedenen Rasengesellschaften. - Tuexenia 21: 51-89.
- WALDHARDT, R., FUHR-BOßDORF, K. & OTTE, A., 2001: The significance of the seed bank as a potential for the reestablishment of arable-land vegetation in a marginal cultivated landscape. - Web Ecology 2: 83-87.
- EKSCHMITT, K., BAXTER, R., CAMPBELL, C.D., CEULEMANS, R., GÜNTHER, K.P., HEAL, W.O., HECTOR, A., HENNING, F., MATOUCH, A.K.S., MOLAU, U., NAGY, P.I., OTTE, A., PAUSAS, J.G., PFLUG, A., SCHRÖTER, D., SILLENCE, G., STEINER, N.C., STRUWE, ST., WOLTERS, V. & WOOKEY, P.A., 2000: Ecosystem functioning and management under multiple stresses and extreme events. - In: SUTTON, M.A., MORENO, J.M., VAN DER PUTTEN, W.H. & STRUWE, S. (eds.): Terrestrial Ecosystem Research in Europe: Successes, Challenges and Policy. EU Commission, Luxembourg, 28-34.
1998 and earlier
- OTTE, A. & FRANKE, R., 1998: The ecology of the Caucasian herbaceus perennial Heracleum mantegazzianum Somm. et Lev. (Giant Hogweed) in cultural ecosystems of Central Europe. - Phytocoenologia 28: 205 - 232.
- OTTE, A., 1996: Populationsbiologische Parameter zur Kennzeichnung von Ackerwildkräutern. - Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft 15: 45 - 60.
- LANGENSIEPEN, I. & OTTE, A., 1994: Hofnahe Obstbaum-bestandene Wiesen und Weiden im Lkr. Bad Tölz - Wolfratshausen - Die standortkundlichen und nutzungsbedingten Differenzierungen ihrer Vegetation. - Tuexenia 14: 169 - 196.
- OTTE, A., 1990: Die Entwicklung von Ackerwildkraut-Gesellschaften auf Böden mit guter Ertragsfähigkeit nach dem Aussetzen von Unkrautregulierungsmaßnahmen. - Phytocoenologia 19: 43-92.
- OTTE, A. & T. LUDWIG 1989: Das Chaerophylletum aromatici Neuhá., et Hejny 1969 – eine ruderale Hochstaudengesellschaft am Goldenen Steig im südöstlichen Bayerischen Wald. – Tuexenia 9: 107-120.
- RUTHSATZ, B. & A. OTTE 1987: Kleinstrukturen im Raum Ingolstadt: Schutz und Zeigerwerte Teil III. Feldwegränder und Ackerraine.- Tuexenia 7: 139-163.
- OTTE, A. 1986: Phänologische Beobachtungen in Hochstaudenfluren auf Kiesinseln in der Oder (SW-Harzrand).- Tuexenia 6: 105-125.
- OTTE, A. 1984: Bewirtschaftungsgradienten in Sandmohn- und Fingerhirse-Gesellschaften (Papaveretum argemone, Digitarietum ischaemi) im Tertiären Hügelland (Oberbayern).- Tuexenia 4:103-124.