- SAFAEI, M., 2024: Application of Remote Sensing in ecosystem health assessment in times of global change. PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- HANSEN, W., 2023: Effects of the invasive Lupinus polyphyllus on species-rich mountain meadows and options for their restoration. PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- FETAHAJ, R., 2023: Drivers of weed diversity on patch and pattern scale in vineyards of Kosovo. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- THEISSEN, T., 2023: Landscape structure and land use in the Greater and Lesser Caucasus of Georgia: Impacts of societal change and potentials for sustainable development. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- KLINGER, Y. P., 2021: Distribution, dispersal, and management of the invasive legume Lupinus polyphyllus in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Rhön. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- SCHINDLER, M., 2021: Germination, Establishment and Distribution of Hardwood Floodplain Forest Species. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- WOLLNY, J. T., 2020: Effects of river regulation measures on floristic diversity and possibilities for its promotion in riverbank habitats along German Federal Waterways. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- XU, F., 2019: Ecological assessment of the effects of hydrology and flooding events on floodplain meadow species and their potential habitats. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- GATTRINGER, J. P., 2018: Ecological assessment of the effects of hydrology and flooding events on floodplain meadow species and their potential habitats. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- MAGIERA, A., 2017: Assessment of species composition, productivity and functionality of grassland in the Greater Caucasus (Georgia, Kazbegi Region) by means of remote sensing. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- LÜKER-JANS, N., 2017: Analysing regional differences of agricultural land use and land-use change (2005-2010) in Hesse, Germany. Regionale Differenzierung der Landnutzung und deren Veränderungen in Hessen (2005-2010). - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- MIFTARI, I, 2017: Efficiency analysis of alternative agricultural production systems in Kosovo - an ecosystem services approach. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen
- WIESMAIR, M., 2017: Grassland degradation in the Greater Caucasus: Ecological Relationships, Remote Sensing Promises and Restoration Implications. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- BIENAU, M., 2016: Effects of natural variation in snow depth on growth, flowering phenology and clonal structure of the evergreen dwarf shrub Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup. - PhD Thesis Univ. Giessen
- JUNG, L., 2015: Regulation of Meadow Saffron (Colchicum autumnale L.) in non-intensively managed grasslands - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- HARVOLK-SCHÖNING, S., 2015: Anthropogenic influence on the distribution patterns of plant species and habitat diversity along German Federal Waterways - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- RÜHL, T., 2015: Arable Weeds in the Face of Global Climate Change - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- SCHULZ. B., 2015: Ecological and molecular mechanisms in plants to cope with environmental heterogeneity: a case study in Viola elatior - PhD Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- VOSS, N., 2014: Ecological, genetic and climatic determinants of range expansion: a case study on Ceratocapnos claviculata in the native and invaded range. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- BURMEIER, S., 2010: Colonization processes and seed bank dynamics in flood meadows and their implications for ecological restoration. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- MEISS, H., 2010: Diversifying crop rotations with temporary grasslands: Potentials for weed management and farmland biodiversity. - Binational doctorate (Thèse en cotutelle) at Bourgogne University (Dijon, France) and Giessen University.
- MEHMETI, A., 2009: Arable weed vegetation and germination traits of frequent weeds in Kosovo. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- REGER, B., 2008: Analysing agricultural landscape change in a marginal European landscape. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- BLESSING, K., 2007: Artenwissen als Basis für Handlungskompetenz zur Erhaltung der Biodiversität – analysiert am Beispiel repräsentativer Biologieschulbücher in Baden-Württemberg (Zeitraum 1950 – 2004). - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- LABASCH, M., 2007: Prognose der Vegetationsentwicklung mit Markov-Ketten. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- THIELE, J., 2007: Patterns and processes of Heracleum mantegazzianum invasion into German cultural landscapes on the local, landscape and regional scale. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- WELLSTEIN, C., 2007: Impact of land-use practices on phytodiversity of mesic grasslands in a sub-mountainous region (Western Germany). - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- HÜLS, J., 2006: Populationsbiologische Untersuchung von Heracleum mantegazzianum Somm. et Lev. in Subpopulationen unterschiedlicher Individuendichte. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- SIMMERING, D., 2006: Muster der Phytodiversität in einer kleinstrukturierten Mittelgebirgsregion - vom Habitat zur Landschaft. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- BISSELS, S., 2005: Restoration of alluvial grasslands: Effects of flooding and management on plant dispersal and recruitment. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- DONATH, T. W., 2005: Restoration of flood meadows - the importance of seedbanks, dispersal, recruitment and agricultural management. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- FUHR-BOSSDORF, K., 2003: Die Bedeutung der Diasporenbank aktuell und ehemals landwirtschaftlich genutzter Standorte für Vegetationsentwicklungen im Lahn-Dill-Bergland (Hessen). - M.-G. Schmitz-Verlag/Kelkheim. 130 S. (PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen)
- HIETEL, E., 2003: Methodik zur Erarbeitung standörtlicher und sozioökonomischer Indikatoren der Landnutzungsdynamik einer peripheren Region. - Boden und Landschaft 41: 205 S. (PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.)
- SCHUBERT, P., 2003: Phänotypische Plastizität und Fitness annueller Ackerwildkrautpopulationen von Standorten unterschiedlicher Nutzungsgeschichte. PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- VOLZ, H., 2003: Ursachen und Auswirkungen der Ausbreitung von Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. im Bergwiesenökosystem der Rhön und Maßnahmen zur Regulierung. - PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- MÜCKSCHEL, C., 2002: Zur Plastizität populationsbiologischer Parameter ausgewählter Magerrasenarten Südthüringens unter Beweidungseinfluss - UTZ-Verlag, München. 149 S (PhD-Thesis Univ. Giessen).
- DONATH, T. W., 2011: Effects of ground cover on seedling emergence and establishment Habilitationsschrift an der Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen - Habilitation thesis at the Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen.
- ECKSTEIN, R. L. 2007: Population biology of rare plants: the effects of ecological and genetic processes for the growth and viability of populations of three endangered floodplain violets. - Populationsbiologie seltener Pflanzenarten: Effekte ökologischer und genetischer Prozesse für das Wachstum und die Vitalität von Populationen dreier gefährdeter Stromtalveilchen. Habil-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- HÖLZEL, N., 2004: Die ökologische Bedeutung von Samenbanken, Keimung und Etablierung für die Renaturierung von Auenwiesen. Ecological significance of seed banks, germination and establishment for the restoration of flood-meadows. - Habil-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- WALDHARDT, R., 2003: Erfassung und Prognose floristischer Diversität in Kulturlandschaften. Assessment and Prediction of Floristic Diversity in the Cultural Landscape. - Habil-Thesis Univ. Giessen.
- OTTE, A. 1994: Die Vegetation ländlicher Siedlungen in Bayern – ökologische Kennzeichnung, Grundzüge der Verbreitung und Beziehungen zum Nutzungsgefüge. Habil. Thesis Munich Technical University : 1-382.