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  • Study courses

    Bachelor of Science 'Environmental Management'

    • Management of Nature and Landscapes (Module BP-176)
    • Project on Environmetal Protection - Biodiversity (Module BP-069)
    • Nature Protection Monitoring (Module BP-099)
    • Grassland science (Module BP-028)

    Master of Science 'Environmental Sciences', 'Crop Sciences' and 'Transition Management'

    • Ecology of Agricultural Landscapes (Module MK-041)
    • Grassland Ecology (Module MP-180)
    • Agriculture, Ecosystem Functioning and Climate Change (Module MP-211-EN)

    International Courses and Excursions

    • Landscapes, land use and social culture in Kosovo. - A one-week excursion in Kosovo for German and Kosovar students funded by the DAAD in 2022. (siehe also:
    • Landscapes and Biodiversity in the Republic of Kosovo and Albania. - 10 days excursions in Kosovo and Albania for German, Kosovar and Albanian students funded by the DAAD in 2019 and 2016.
    • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture. - A two-week course at Prishtina University "Hasan Prishtina" in the frame of Prishtina Summer University in July 2017.
    • Methods to evaluate environmental impact of agriculture: Two-week courses at Giessen University for advanced students and young scientists from Kosovo and Albania funded by the DAAD in 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2013.
    • Landscapes and Biodiversity in the Republic of Kosovo. - A one-week excursion in Kosovo for German and Kosovar students funded by the DAAD in 2013.
    • Assessment of Agricultural Impact on Biodiversity. - A one-week course at Prishtina University "Hasan Prishtina" funded by the DAAD in December 2012.
    • The Role of Landscape Ecology in Sustainability Science and Sustainable Land Development. - A two-week course at Prishtina University "Hasan Prishtina" in the frame of Prishtina Summer University in July 2009.

  • Second supervisor

    • SOLOVYEVA, Irina, 2016: Efficiency analysis of farming and its positive environmental externalities in the Ukrainian Carpathians.
    • REGER, B., 2008: Analysing agricultural landscape change in a marginal European landscape.
    • SIMMERING, D., 2005: Muster der Phytodiversität in einer kleinstrukturierten Mittelgebirgsregion - vom Habitat zur Landschaft. Patterns of phytodiversity in a highly fragmented, low mountainous region - from habitat to landscape.
    • FUHR-BOSSDORF, K., 2003: Die Bedeutung der Diasporenbank aktuell und ehemals landwirtschaftlich genutzter Standorte für Vegetationsentwicklungen im Lahn-Dill-Bergland (Hessen). Soil seed banks of recent and former agricultural sites and their impact for vegetation development in the Lahn-Dill-Highlands (Hesse).
    • HIETEL, E., 2003: Methodik zur Erarbeitung standörtlicher und sozioökonomischer Indikatoren der Landnutzungsdynamik einer peripheren Region. Method for the elaboration of environmental and socioeconomic indicators of land-use dynamics in a marginal region.
    • SCHUBERT, P., 2003: Phänotypische Plastizität und Fitness annueller Ackerwildkrautpopulationen von Standorten unterschiedlicher Nutzungsgeschichte. Phenotypic plasticity and fitness of arable weed populations originating from different agricultural regimes.
    • MÜCKSCHEL, C., 2002: Zur Plastizität populationsbiologischer Parameter ausgewählter Magerrasenarten Südthüringens unter Beweidungseinfluss. On the plasticity of population biological features of several plant species in grazed chalk grasslands in Southern Thuringia.