Topics and regions
- Structure and dynamics of agricultural landscapes
- Phytodiversity at local to regional scales
- Energetic use of biomassses
- Vegetation dynamics (econdary succession, ecosystem engineering, soil seed banks)
- Sustainable agriculture (inter- and transdisciplinary research)
- Kosovo, Albania, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Germany
- No-tillage in innovative crop production systems without glyphosate: Population biological subproject (EIP, 2024-2028)
- ORG-VITI - Sustainable use of organic side streams in the Republic of Kosovo: Concept development and development of implementation paths using the example of the municipality of Viti (DBU, 2024-2027)
- InDiA Seg - Evaluation of the effects of the Seed Terminator on segetal vegetation depending on management type and site conditions (2024-2028)
- Tropical Biodiversity (Project lead by University of Lodz, Poland); funded by the Polish Academy of Sciences (2020-2022)
Greenhouse gas accounting and sector analysis of agriculture in the county Lüchow-Dannenberg, Germany (2018/19)
Greenhouse gas accounting in the county of Giessen, Germany; project unit >'Soil protection and agriculture' (2017)
AMIES I - Analysing multiple interrelationships between environmental and societal processes in mountainous regions of Georgia - Interdisciplinary research to foster sustainable land use, land development, and quality of life (VolkwagenStiftung, 2010-2013)
AMIES II - Scenario development for sustainable land use in the Greater Caucasus, Georgia (VolkswagenStiftung, 2014-2018)
BioAgBal - Quality Network Biodiversity and Agriculture on the Balkan Peninsula (DAAD, 2014-2017)
Sub-project B 3.1 of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 299 of the German Research Foundation 'Land Use Options for Peripheral Regions' and its Transfer project 'Integrated Evaluation of Engery Plant Production' (DFG, 1997-2010)