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Reviewed publications

EHLERS, J. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1978): Bericht über die Exkursion A 1 vom 09. - 14.8.1977 nach East Anglia. - Eiszeitalter u. Gegenw. 28: 226 - 230.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P (1979 b): Genese und Stratigraphie mächtiger Paläoböden in der Drenthe-Moräne des Roten Kliffs von Sylt. - Z. Geomorpholog. N.F., Suppl. Bd. 33: 223 - 231.
FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P (1980 a): Bodengenetische und bodenstratigraphische Untersuchung der Drenthe-I-Moräne von Hamburg-Bahrenfeld. - Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, N.F., 23: 7 - 18.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1981 a): Verwitterung und Bodenbildung auf den Moränen am Roten Kliff auf Sylt. - Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, N.F. 24, 107 - 208.

STREMME, H.E. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1981): Exkursion zum Roten Kliff auf Sylt am 30.4.1980. - Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, N.F. 24, 207 - 208.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1982): Soils from Warthe till at the Emmerlev Klev in southern Denmark - stratigraphy and paleopedology. - Geographisk Tidskrift, 81: 33 - 38,     Kopenhagen. 

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & URBAN, B. (1982): Paleoclimatic interpretation of a thick intra-saalian paleosol, the "Bleached Loam" on the Drenthe moraines of Northern Germany. - Catena, 9: 1 - 8.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & STEPHAN, H.-J. (1982): Stratigraphie und Genese fossiler Böden im Jungmoränengebiet südlich von Kiel. - Eiszeitalter u. Gegenw., 32: 163 - 175.
STREMME, H.E., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., WEINHOLD, H. & CHRISTENSEN, S. (1982): Paläoböden in Schleswig-Holstein. - Geolog. Jb., F. 14: 311 - 361.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., KOHL, A. & ZAKOSEK, H. (1983): Zur Quantifizierung der Auswaschung von Calciumionen aus holozänen Böden. - Z. f. Kulturtechnik u. Flurbereinigung 24: 288 - 297.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1984 a): Zur Relief- und Bodenentwicklung der Goz-Zone Nordkordofans im Sudan. - Z. Geomorph. N.F. 28: 285 - 303.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1984 b): Präparation von Lackprofilen mit modernen Baustoffen. - Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 147: 222 - 224.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & WIECHMANN, H. (1985): Ein mächtiges autochthones Bodenprofil präoligozänen Alters aus unterdevonischen Schiefern der nordöstlichen Eifel. - Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 148:147 - 158.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & REQUADT, H. (1985): Mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen der mesozoisch-tertiären Verwitterungsdecke im Gebiet der südwestlichen Lahnmulde (Rheinische Schiefergebirge). - Geol. Jb. Hessen 113: 217 - 228.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., LIU, L.-W., ZAKOSEK, H. (1989): Distribution and genesis of red and yellow soils in the central subtropics of southeast China. - Catena 16: 73-89.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN,P., SPIES, E-D. & ZAKOSEK,H. (1991): Genese und Stratigraphie periglazialer Deckschichten auf der Hochfläche des Osthunsrücks (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). - Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, 41, 56 - 69.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & ERBER,C. (1992): Gehalte und Bindungsformen von Schwermetallen in Böden der Rieselfelder von Münster (Westfalen). - Kieler Geographische Schriften, 85, 59 - 73.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1992): Merkmale, Verbreitung und klimazonale Ausprägung frühholozäner Feuchtzeitböden in der Ténéré, Ostniger. - Würzburger Geogr. Arbeiten, 84, 97 - 129.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., WILBERS, A. und CRÖSSMANN, G.:(1993): Polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK´s) in den Böden der Rieselfelder der Stadt Münster (Westfalen). - Z. Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 156, 115 - 121.

SPONHOLZ,B., BAUMHAUER,R. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN,P. (1993): Fulgurites in the southern central Sahara, Republic of Niger. - Holocene, 3: 97 - 104

MUSHALA,H.M., FELIX-HENNINGSEN,P. & SCHOLTEN, T.  (1993): Some preliminaryly investigations on soil erosion and saprolites in Swaziland. - Uniswa J. of Agric. 2: 20 - 28

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1994): Mesozoic Tertiary weathering and soil formation on slates of the Rhenish Massif (Germany). - Catena 21:  229-242.

SCHOLTEN, T., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & MUSHALA, H.M. (1995): Morphogenesis and erodibility of soil saprolite complexes from magmatic rocks in Swaziland (Southern Africa). - Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkde. 158: 169 - 176.

BAUMHAUER, R., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., FERHAT, N. & SCHÜTT, B. (1995): Zur Landschaftsentwicklung in der zentralen Sahara: Das Beispiel Termit. - In: LEISCH, H. (Hrsg.): Perspektiven der Entwicklungsländerforschung. Festschrift für Hans Hecklau. - Trierer Geogr. Studien 11: 71 - 79.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1995): Characterization of disordered kaolinites from soil-saprolite complexes by DMSO intercalation. - In: ELSEN, A., GROBET, P., KEUNG, M., LEEMAN, H., SCHOONHEYDT, R. & TOUFAR, H.: Clay and Clay Materials Science, EUROCLAY ´95, 54 - 55.

SCHOLTEN, T. und FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1995): Standortpotentiale und Erosionsgefährdung von Boden-Saprolit-Komplexen vor und nach erosiver Landschaftsveränderung. In: Hoffmann, I. (1995): Ernährung und Entwicklung. Giessener Beiträge zur Entwicklungsforschung, Reihe I(22): 29-47.

MUSHALA, H.M., SCHOLTEN, T & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1996): Soil and saprolite profiles on eroded slopes: Implications for land management.  - Uniswa. Rs. J. Agric. Sci. & Tech. 1: 35 - 43.

BENS, O., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & SCHOLTEN T. (1996): Verfügbarkeit und Mobilität von Schwermetallen in Böden unter dem Einfluß unterschiedlicher forstlicher Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen. - Forum Städte Hygiene 47: 397 - 403.

SCHOLTEN, T., SCHOTTE, M. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1996): " Hydrologische Eigenschaften von Saproliten aus Kristallingesteinen in Swaziland (Südliches Afrika)." Zbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil (3/4): 507-520.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN. P. (1997): “Sumpferze “ in der Sahara Ost-Nigers. - Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten, 92: 147 - 16, Würzburg.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. , MORGAN, R.P.C., MUSHALA, H.M., RICKSON, R.J. & SCHOLTEN, T. (1997): Soil erosion in Swaziland: A synthesis. - Soil Technology, 11: 319 - 329.

SCHOLTEN, T., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & SCHOTTE, M. (1997): Geology, soils and saprolites of the Swaziland Middleveld. - Soil Technology, 11: 229 - 246.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1998): Genese und paläoökologische Indikation von fossilen Böden mit Oxidkrusten auf Altdünen der Sahara Ost-Nigers. - Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, H 1-2, 59 - 76, Stuttgart.

SCHOLTEN, T. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1998); Site properties and sustainability of eroded saprolites for reclamation and agricultural use. - Adv. in GeoEcology 31: 121 - 124, Catena, Reiskirchen. 

KOLLENDER-SZYCH, A., BREBURDA, J., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & TROTT, H. (1998): Heavy metal pollution of irrigated soils in Ningxia, China. - Adv. in GeoEcology 31: 697 - 704, Catena, Reiskirchen. 

IBRAHIM, S.A. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P.  (1998): Soil N mineralization under varying vegetation types in the Zamfara Reserve. - Giessener Beiträge z. Entwicklungsforschung, 25: 21 - 30, Giessen
SZIBALSKI, M. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1999): Gradienten von Bodeneigenschaften im Randbereich kleinflächiger Waldstandorte des östlichen Münsterlandes. - Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 162, 49 - 55.

SCHOTTE, M. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1999): Anwendung des Georadars zur Erhebung der Verbreitung und Eigenschaften periglaziärer Lagen im Lahn-Dill-Bergland. - Z. f. Kulturtechnik und Landentwicklung 40 (5/6), 220 – 227

SZIBALSKI, M., BEHRENS, T. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (1999): Regionalisierung bodenkundlicher Kennwerte in peripheren Regionen am Beispiel des pH-Wertes. - Z. f. Kulturtechnik und Landentwicklung 40 (5/6), 228 – 233

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P.  (2000): Paleosols on Pleistocene dunes as indicators of paleo-monsoon events in the Sahara of East Niger. Catena 41: 43 – 60.

BAILLY, F., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., KLASSEN, H. & STEPHAN, S. (2000): Synsedimentäre Paläo-Vertisole im Oberjura des Wiehengebirges. - Osnabrücker Naturw. Mitt., 26: 15 - 46.

SZIBALSKI, M., Th. BEHRENS  P. FELIX-HENNINGSEN (2001): Regionalization of Soil Properties of Topsoils on a Large Scale  in Highly Diverse Landscapes. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geo-Spatial Knowledge Processing for Natural Resource Management. Varese, Italien.

SCHOLTEN, T., BEHRENS, T. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2001): Modelling Geo-spatial Soil Properties in Mid-Lattitude Landscapes. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geo-Spatial Knowledge Processing for Natural Resource Management. Varese, Italien.

SCHOLTEN, T., SZIBALSKI, M., BEHRENS, TH. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2001): Identification of Study Areas and Inter- and Extrapolation of Raw Data for Pedological and Hydrological Needs. In: King, L., Metzler, M. & Jiang Tong (eds.): Flood Risks and Land Use Conflicts in the Yangtze Catchment, China, and the Rhine River, Germany - Strategies for a Sustainable Flood Management’. Schriften zur Internationalen Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung 2: 205-210, Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt.

SCHOLTEN, T. , BEHRENS, TH., SZIBALSKI, M. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2002): Prediction model Lsys+ - Spatial modelling of properties of periglacial slope deposits. In: Rubio, J.L., Morgan, R.P.C., Asins, S. & Andreu, V. (eds., 2002) Proceedings of the third International Congress 'Man and Soil at the Third Millennium', Vol. II: 2091-2097. Geoforma Ediciones. Logrono, Spain.

AGBENIN, J.O. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2001): The status and dynamics of some trace elements in a savanna soil under long-term cultivation. – Science of the total environment, 277: 57 – 68

SCHOLTEN, T, SCHOTTE, M. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2002): Pleistozäne periglaziäre Lagen (Deckschichten) als Grundlage zur Ableitung bodenkundlicher Kennwerte in Mittelgebirgsregionen – Beispiele aus dem Lahn-Dill-Bergland. – Trierer Geogr. Studien, 25: 77 – 90, Trier

SCHOLTEN, T., SZIBALSKI, M. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2002): Multifunktionalität von Landschaften – auf den Standort kommt es an. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, 80: 509 – 539, Landw. Verlag Münster

SCHOLTEN, T., BEHRENS, TH. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2002): GIS-gestützte Modellierung der räumlichen Verbreitung und Ausprägung periglazialer Deckschichten in Mittelgebirgsregionen. In: Kleber, A. et al.: Physische Geographie der Mittelgebirge. Berichte zur dt. Landeskunde (im Druck).

SAUER, D., T. SCHOLTEN & P. FELIX-HENNINGSEN (2002): Georadaranwendung in der Bodenkunde – erste Erfahrungen aus Gelände- und Versuchsfeldmessungen. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Geophys. Gesellsch., Sonderband I/2002: 24 – 27.

SAUER, D., T. SCHOLTEN, E.-D. SPIES AND P. FELIX-HENNINGSEN (2002): Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits and colluviums in the Rhenish Massif – a result of climatic changes and human landuse. In: RUBIO, J. L., R. P. C. MORGAN, S. ASINS AND V. ANDREU (Eds.): Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation ‘Man and Soil at the Third Millennium’, Vol. 1, Geoforma Ediciones, Logroño, Spanien: 763 – 776.

SAUER, D., T. SCHOLTEN, E.-D. SPIES & P. FELIX-HENNINGSEN (2002b): Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits influenced by geology and relief in the Rhenish Massif, Germany. Transactions of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science in Bangkok (Thailand), Band IV: 1519: Abstract, CD-ROM, Paper 0036: Full Paper.

KANDEL, A.W., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & CONARD, N J. (2003). An overview of the spatial archaeology of the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape, South Africa. In: Füleky, G. (ed) Papers of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May - 3 June 2001. Oxford: BAR International Series 1163, 37 – 44..

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., KANDEL, A.W. & CONRAD, N.J. (2003): The significance of calcretes and paleosols on ancient dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa, as stratigraphic markers and paleoenvironmental indicators. In: Füleky, G. (ed) Papers of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May - 3 June 2001. Oxford: BAR International Series 1163, 45 - 52.

GJOKA, F., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & WEGENER, H.-R. (2002): Heavy metals in soils of the vicinity of industrial site of Lac, Albania. – Journal of Balkan Ecology, 5: 301 – 306

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2003): Genesis and paleo-ecological interpretation of swamp ore deposits at Sahara paleo-lakes of East Niger. – In: SMYKATZ-KLOSS, W. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (Eds.): Palaeoecology of Quarternary Drylands. – Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 102, 47 - 72, Springer.

AGEBIN, J.O., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2004): Dynamics of copper fractions and solubility in a savanna soil under continuous cultivation. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 68 (2): 117-125.

SAUER, D. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2004): Application of ground-penetrating radar to determine the thickness of Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits. –  Journal Plant Nutr. and Soil Sci., 167: 752 – 760.

RUMMEL, B. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2004): Soil water balance of an arid linear sand dune. – International Agraphysics, 18: 333 – 337.

SCHOLTEN, T, BEHRENS, T., ALTFELD, O. und FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2004): Lithographische Klassifikation von Gesteinskomplexen als Grundlage für die Modellierung der Verbreitung und Eigenschaften periglaziärer Lagen in Mittelgebirgen – Beispiele aus dem Ostharz und dem Solling. – Tübinger Geographische Arbeiten 10, 121-136

MAUZ, B. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2005): Palaesols in Saharian and Sahelian Dunes of Chad: Archives of Holocene North African Climate Changes. – The Holocene,15: 453 – 458.    IF = 1.852

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. & MAUZ, B.  (2005): Paleo-environmental significance of soils on ancient dunes of the northern Sahel and Sahara of Chad. – Die Erde, 135: 321 - 340.

SAUER, D. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN,P. (2005): Saprolite, soils and sediments in the Rhenish Massif as records of climate and landscape history. – Quarternary International 156-157: 4 - 12 

BEHRENS, T., LÖSEL. G., SCHOLTEN, T., HENNINGS, V., SCHNEIDER, O., HARTWICH, R., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2007): Representativity and Pedodiversity – The German Soil Map 1:1,000,000. – EJSS, submitted

BLUME, H.-P.,  BEYER, L., PFISTERER, U. & FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. (2007): Soil conditions and pattern of the Nizzana research site. – In: Ecological Studies volume 200,  Arid Sand Dune Ecosystems - The Nizzana Case, chapter 4.2, Springer – accepted.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, RUMMEL, B. & P BLUME, H.-P (2007): Soil processes and salt dynamics in dune soils. – In: Ecological Studies volume 200,  Arid Sand Dune Ecosystems - The Nizzana Case, chapter 15, Springer – accepted.

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. , URUSHADZE, T. F., NAMRIMANDZE, E. I., WICHMANN, L, STEFFENS, D. KALANDADZE, B. B. (2007): Heavy metal pollution of soils and food crops due to mining wastes in an irrigation district south of Tbilisi, eastern Georgia. -- Annales of Agrarian Science, Vol. 5, No. 3: 11 -- 27. 

FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P. , URUSHADZE, T. F., NAMRIMANDZE, E. I., WICHMANN, L, STEFFENS, D. KALANDADZE, B. B. (2007): Heavy metal pollution of soils and food crops  due to mining wastes in the Mashavera river valley. -- Bull. Georgian Nat. Acad. Sci, Vol. 175, No. 3: 97 -- 106.

GERBER R., SALAT, C., JUNGE, A., FELIX-HENNINGSEN, P., 2007. GPR-based detection of Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits at a shallow-depth test site. Geoderma 139, 3-4,   346-356.

Fuchs, M., Kandel, A.W., Conard N.J., Walker, S.J. and Felix-Henningsen, P. (2008): Geoarchaeological and chronostratigraphical investigations of open-air sites in the Geelbek Dunes, South Africa. – Geoarchaeology, 23 : 425 -449.

Gjoka, F., Felix-Henningsen, P., Wegener, H.-R., Salillaric, I. (2008): Evaluation of heavy metals levels in soils of Tirana area (Albania). – J. Institute Alb-Shkenca, Vol. II, Nr.2, 95-98.

Baumhauer, R., Felix-Henningsen, P. Schütt, B. (2009): Geomorphological and palaeoenvironmental research in the South-Central Sahara in review. In: Baumhauer, R. & Runge, J. (Eds.): Holocene Palaeoenvironmental history of the Central Sahara. – Palaeoecology of Africa, 29: 1 - 21

Felix-Henningsen, P., Kornatz. P., Eberhardt, E. (2009): Palaeo-climatic evidence of soil development on Sahelian ancient dunes of different age in Niger, Chad and Mauretania. - In: Baumhauer, R. & Runge, J. (Eds.): Holocene Palaeoenvironmental history of the Central Sahara. – Palaeoecology of Africa, 29: 91 – 105.

Blume, H.—P. und Felix-Henningsen, P. (2009): Reductosols: Natural soils and Technosols under reducing conditions without an aquic moisture regime. – J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 172: 808 – 820.

Behrens, T., Schneider, O., Lösel, G., Scholten, T., Hennings, V., Felix-Henningsen, P., Hartwich, R. (2009): Analysis on pedodiversity and spatial subset representativity - the German soil map 1:1,000,000. - J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172, 91-100. 

Felix-Henningsen, P., Steffens, D.,Urushadze, T., Narimanidze, E. & Kalandadze, B. (2009): Uptake of heavy metals by food crops from highly polluted Kastanozems in an irrigation district south of Tbilisi, eastern Georgia. In: King, L. & Khubua, G. (Eds.): Georgia in Transition. – Schr. z. Int. Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschg., 26: 265 – 284.

Gerber, R., Felix-Henningsen, P., Behrens, T., Scholten, T. (2009): Applicability of Ground Penetrating Radar as a tool for non-destructive soil-depth mapping on Pleistocene Periglacial Slope Deposits. - J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., doi: 10.1002/jpln.200800163.

Behrens, T., Schmidt, K., Gerber, R., Albrecht, C., Felix-Henningsen, P., Scholten, T. (2009). Concepts for generating shortest representative transects – sampling approaches for linear operated proximal soil sensors. - J. Georg. Inf. Science (accepted with minor revision).

P. Felix-Henningsen, T. Urushadze, D. Steffens, B. Kalandadze, E. Narimanidze (2010): Uptake of heavy metals by food crops from highly polluted Kastanozems in an irrigation district south of Tbilisi, eastern Georgia. – Agronomy Research 8: 781-795.

Gjoka, F., Tabaku, V., Salillari, I., Felix-Henningsen, P., Düring, R.-A. (2010): Heavy metals in sediments from the Fani and Mati rivers (Albania). – Carpathien J. of Earth and Environm. Sci., 5: 153 – 160.

Felix-Henningsen, P., Sayed, M.A.H.A., Narimanidze-King, E., Steffens, D., Urushadze, T. (2011): Bound forms and plant availability of heavy metals in irrigated, highly polluted Kastanozems in the Mashavera valley, SE Georgia. – Annals of Agr. Sci., 9: 111 -119.

Hanauer, Th., Felix-Henningsen, P., Steffens, D., Kalandadze, B., Navrozashvili, L., Urushadze, T. (2011): In situ stabilization of metals (Cu, Cd, and Zn) in contaminated soils in the region of Bolnisi, Georgia. Plant and Soil: Volume 341, Page 193- 208.

Loell M, Reiher W, Felix-Henningsen P (2011): Contents and bioavailability of rare earth elements in agricultural soils in Hesse (Germany). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174: 644-654.

Loell M, Albrecht C, Felix-Henningsen P (2011): Rare earth elements and relation between their potential bioavailability and soil properties, Nidda catchment (Central Germany). Plant and Soil 349: 303–317.  

Lauer K, Wagner N, Felix-Henningsen P (2012): A new technique for measuring broadband dielectric spectra of undisturbed soil samples. European Journal of Soil Science 63: 224-238.

Hanauer T, Jung S, Felix-Henningsen P, Schnell S, Steffens D (2012): Suitability of inorganic and organic amendments for in situ immobilization of Cd, Cu, and Zn in a strongly contaminated Kastanozem of the Mashavera valley, SE Georgia – I. Effect of amendments on metal mobility and microbial activity in soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science: online first.

Drahorad SL, Felix-Henningsen P (2012): An electronic micropenetrometer (EMP) for field measurements of biological soil crust stability. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175: 519-520.

Drahorad, S.L., Felix-Henningsen, P. (2013): Application of an electronic micropenetrometer to assess mechanical stability of biological soil crusts. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 6: 904 – 909.

Drahorad, S.L., Steckenmesser, D., Felix-Henningsen, P., Lichner, L., Rodny, M. (2013): Ongoing succession of biological soil crusts increases water repellency - a case study on Arenosols in Sekule, Slovakia. Biologica 68/6: 1089-1093.

Drahorad, S.L., Felix-Henningsen, P., Eckhardt, K.-U., Leinweber, P. (2013): Spatial carbon and nitrogen distribution and organic matter characteristics of biological soil crusts in the Negev desert (Israel) along a rainfall gradient. J. Arid Environ. 94, 18–26.

Drahorad S.L., Guillet, C., Miehe, S., Felix-Henningsen, P. (2013): Soil characteristics and nutrient distribution after 27 years of grazing exclusion in Widou Thiengoly, Senegal. – In: J.Krümmelbein, R. Horn, M. Pagliai (Eds.): Soil Degradation. -  Advances in GeoEcology 42: 249-261.

Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Peth, S., Uteau-Puschmann, D., Drahorad, S., Felix-Henningsen, P. (2014): Soil microstructure as an under-explored feature of biological soil crust hydrological properties: case study from the NW Negev Desert. Biodivers. Conserv. 23, 1687–1708.

Hagemann, M., Henneberg, M., Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Drahorad, S.L., Berkowicz, S.M., Felix-Henningsen, P., Kaplan, A. (2015): Cyanobacterial Diversity in Biological Soil Crusts along a Precipitation Gradient, Northwest Negev Desert, Israel. Microb. Ecol. 70, 219–230.

Raanan, H., Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Peth, S., Drahorad, S., Ionescu, D., Eshkol, G., Treves, H., Felix-Henningsen, P., Berkowicz, S.M., Keren, N., Horn, R., Hagemann, M., Kaplan, A. (2015): Three-dimensional structure and cyanobacterial activity within a desert biological soil crust: Biological soil crust structure and activity. Environ. Microbiol. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12859

Felix-Henningsen, P. (2015): Saprolite. – In: In: Blume, H.-P., Felix-Henningsen, P., Frede H.-G., Guggenberger, G., Horn, R. & Stahr, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bodenkunde, Kap. 1 – 34, Wiley, Weinheim.

Felde, V.J.M.N.L, Rossi, F., Colesie, C, Uteau-Puschmann, D., Horn, R., Felix-Henningsen, P., de Philippis, R., Peth, S., (2016): Pore characteristics in biological soil crusts are independent of extracellular polymeric substances. – Soil Biol. Geochem., 103: 294 – 299.

Keck, H., Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Drahorad, S.L., Felix-Henningsen, P. (2016): Biological soil crusts cause subcritical water repellency in a sand dune ecosystem located along a rainfall gradient in the NW Negev desert, Israel. – J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 64: 133 – 140.

Felix-Henningsen, P. (2017): Norddeutsches Vereisungsgebiet. – In: In: Blume, H.-P., Felix-Henningsen, P., Frede H.-G., Guggenberger, G., Horn, R. & Stahr, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bodenkunde, Kap 1 – 28, Wiley, Weinheim.

Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Chamizo, S., Felix-Henningsen, P. & Drahorad, S.L. (2018): What stabilizes biological soil crusts in the Negev Desert? - Plant Soil (2018) 429:9–18

Felix-Henningsen, P. (2018): Characteristics and development of the Mesozoic–Tertiary weathering mantle and Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits in the Hintertaunus mountainous region. – Field Trip D (27 September 2018), DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 1, 53–77,

Stahr, K., Blume, H.-P., Felix-Henningsen, P., Felde, V., Gauer, J. & Jahn, R. (2018): Bodenlandschaft semiarider und arider Zonen. – In: Blume, H.-P., Felix-Henningsen, P., Frede H.-G., Guggenberger, G., Horn, R. & Stahr, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bodenkunde, Kap. 1 – 62, Wiley, Weinheim.

Felix-Henningsen, P. (2018): OSL-ages and paleo-climatic evidence of ancient dunes with paleosols along a SW–NE transect from the southern Sahel to the central Sahara in Niger- - Z. f. Geomorph., 62, 1 – 35.

Kaplan, H., Ratering, S., Felix-Henningsen, P., Schnell, S. (2019): Stability of in situ immobilization of trace metals with different amendments revealed by microbial 13C-labelled wheat root decomposition and efflux-mediated metal resistance of soil bacteria. - Science of the Total Environment 659: 1082–1089.