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M. Samer Shikh Shaban, PhD 'Dissertationsauszeichnung' Section independent (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Kracht), Theme: "Regulation of the unfolded protein response, endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy pathways in the host response to coronavirus infection" 2023
Dr. Daniel Heylmann Best poster "Single-cell analysis of gene expression by smRNA FISH in co-culture systems of macrophages and cancer cells exposed to inflammatory conditions", 33. GUM-Meeting (Gesellschaft für Umwelt-Mutationsforschung e.V.) 2022, Würzburg 2022
Dr. Christin Mayr-Buro Best poster in the field of "Immunopharmacology/inflammation/anti-infectives",
7th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2022, digital
M. Samer Shikh Shaban Rudolf-Buchheim-Preis 2021
7th German Pharm-Tox-Summit 2022, digital
Lisa Leib

Best poster in the field of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology,
6th German Pharm-Tox-Summit 2021, digital

Jana Juli Best poster in the field of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology,
6th German Pharm-Tox-Summit 2021, digital
Sebastian Werner Best poster in the field of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology,
6th German Pharm-Tox-Summit 2021, digital
Dr. Christin Mayr-Buro Best poster in the section of "Pharmacology - Immuno-pharmacology/inflammation/anti-infectives"5th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2020, Leipzig 2020
Dr. Johanna Meier-Sölch Best poster "Activation of inflammatory genes by CRISPR activation systems",
4th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2019, Stuttgart
Dr. Daniel Heylmann GT-Price (Best Short Talk) 4th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2019, Stuttgart 2019
Carina Neitzel
(AG Fahrer)
Poster award 1st Science Day, Universitären Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen, Mainz       2018
Nina Seiwert
(AG Fahrer)
Poster award 3rd German Pharm-Tox Summit 2018, Göttingen 2018
Dr. Christine Mayr-Buro

Poster award 2nd German Pharm-Tox Summit 2017, Heidelberg

Dr. Liane Jurida 'Dissertationsauszeichnung' in section nature science
(supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Renkawitz/Prof. Dr. Michael Kracht); Theme: "Mechanismen der nukleären Genregulation in der Entzündungsantwort von Epithelzellen"
Dr. Katja Handschick GBM Award for Young Scientists 2011
Dr. Axel Weber GBM Award for Young Scientists 2009
Prof. Dr. Michael Kracht Genomic Pioneer Award, awarded on 30.09.2008 by Ocimum Biosolutions at HUGO's International Genome Meeting held at Hyderabad, India 2008
Prof. Dr. Michael Kracht Dolph Adams Award for the most highly cited review article 2008
Dr.rer.nat.David Holzberg Doctoral theses award of Medical School Hannover (MHH) 2004
David Holzberg

Outstandig Scholar Award; Joint forth place; Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine Society, Dublin, 20.09.-24.09.2003

Prof. Dr. Michael Kracht Young Investigator Award 1998, 1. Preis, verliehen in der International Cytokine Society anläßlich des "Second Joint Meeting of the International Cytokine Society (ICS) and the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR), 1998, Jerusalem, Israel" 1998