Summer Term 2023
GGK/GCSC Keynote Lectures
Master Classes
Forschungsworkshops / Research Seminars
Promotionskolloquien / Doctoral Colloquia
Research Area Meetings
Praxiskurse / Practical Courses
Teaching Centre
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
Career Service
This event has been postponed and will now take place on 6th July 2023.
Zusätzliche Kurse / Extra Courses
RA, ETRG, AG Meetings
a cooperation between GCSC and RCSC
Weitere Veranstaltungen / Other Events
Sommertreffen "Familie und Karriere"