Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
Informelles Treffen der Buddy-Tandems
GGK/GCSC Keynote Lectures
Master Classes
Forschungsworkshops / Research Seminars
Promotionskolloquien / Doctoral Colloquia
Research Area Meetings
Praxiskurse / Practical Courses
Teaching Centre
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".
Career Service
This event has been postponed and will now take place on 6th July 2023.
Zusätzliche Kurse / Extra Courses
RA, ETRG, AG Meetings
a cooperation between GCSC and RCSC
Weitere Veranstaltungen / Other Events
Sommertreffen "Familie und Karriere"
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
This event is a cooperation between GCSC/RCSC, GiZo & the Chair for East and West Slavic Literatures at JLU
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series
Part of GCSC (Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture) Keynote Lecture Series und a cooperation between GCSC/RCSC & the Chair of Cultural Sociology, JLU
Organized by the Chair of Cultural Sociology and the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)/Research Centre for the Study of Culture (RCSC) in collaboration with the Research Network Migration and Human Rights (FMM)
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Rescheduled from 27.06.22.
Informelles Treffen der Buddy-Tandems
(1h Discussion)
Part of the induction week on the 19th of October 2022
There are currently no items in this folder.
Workshop Series in the Context of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership „Short Forms Beyond Borders“
Rescheduled from 4.7.22.
STIBET Teaching Assistantships: Preparatory Workshop (Session 1)
STIBET Teaching Assistantships: Preparatory Workshop (Session 2)
How does one write a story or produce a piece of theater, rooted in the notion that humans are an invasive species, seen from the perspective of a salamander or white cattle egret, whose colonies are under threat?
The workshop is postponed to WiSe 22/23.
The workshop is postponed. More details t.b.a.
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
IPP 20th Anniversary Keynote Lecture Series
The event takes place within the framework of a RA3 (Cultural Transformation and Performativity Studies) meeting.
Das Gespräch ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung des CCSA (Center for Critical Studies in Architecture) mit dem GCSC.
Eine Veranstaltung in der Reihe "Familie + Karriere"
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There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
This session is going to take place as hybrid or in-person event.
The course is postponed. new date t.b.d.
The course is postponed. new date t.b.d.
The event is postponed and is scheduled to take place online. Exact date will be announced shortly.
This workshop is part of the JLU "Brown-Bag-Series on Combining Family and Career."
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There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
The virtual office hour takes place in the GGK/GCSC Mattermost team, in the 'Research Town Square' channel. Join the channel here .
To log into Mattermost, use your G-Kennung and regular password. Once you have joined the GGK/GCSC Team, you can attend meetings simply by clicking on the blue button 'Join Meeting' in the respective channel.
There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
The virtual office hour takes place in the GGK/GCSC Mattermost team, in the 'Research Town Square' channel. Join the channel here .
To log into Mattermost, use your G-Kennung and regular password. Once you have joined the GGK/GCSC Team, you can attend meetings simply by clicking on the blue button 'Join Meeting' in the respective channel.
There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.
There are currently no items in this folder.