WS: Rhetorics of Health and Illness: (Dis-)Continuous Minds, Bodies, and Narratives
- WS: Rhetorics of Health and Illness: (Dis-)Continuous Minds, Bodies, and Narratives
- 2018-06-29T09:00:00+02:00
- 2018-06-29T18:00:00+02:00
Jun 29, 2018 from 09:00 to 06:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
Phil I, GCSC, R.001
In this workshop, we want to look at the rhetorics of health and illness in self-narration. We are interested specifically in ways in which (dis)continuity is emphasized at the level of structure, syntax, and through choice of words. The burgeoning field of medical humanities explores, amongst other things, how medicine and narrative are inextricably linked. We want to ask specifically how and in which contexts minds and bodies are represented as continuous or as fragmented, and whether (dis-)continuity of mind and body is mirrored at the level of narration. Narrative processes are for instance crucial in diagnosis and in improving medical knowledge, they are part of therapy and of doctor-patient interaction. Moreover, stories provide an analytical perspective on the field and practice of medicine."
To register for this workshop, please send an e-mail to Wibke Schniedermann or Alexandra Effe