Interdisciplinary Methodology Lab: Exploring Political Dimensions of the Visual
- Interdisciplinary Methodology Lab: Exploring Political Dimensions of the Visual
- 2018-01-18T09:00:00+01:00
- 2018-01-19T18:00:00+01:00
Jan 18, 2018 09:00 to Jan 19, 2018 06:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
Phil I, GCSC, R.001
The Methodology Lab: Exploring Political Dimensions of the Visual is designed as an open laboratory space for discussing methodological issues in the study of visual culture more generally and the fostering of an interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange on the political dimensions of images and the visual more particular. Promoting a broad understanding of the political, which acknowledges both moments of dissent, subversion and disruption and moments of consent, we hope to jointly explore the workings of images and social practices of seeing in the broad sphere of politics. Inviting renowned experts in the field to hold small workshop sessions as well as doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to participate in the discussions, the Methodology Lab aims at bringing together scholars at different stages in their careers and from different disciplines. The 2-day Lab consists of a roundtable discussion and five small workshop sessions hold by following invited scholars:
Dr. Gabi Schlag (International Relations/Political Science, Hamburg)
Dr. Christina Benninghaus (History, Gießen/Oxford)
Prof. Dr. Greta Olson (Culture & English Studies, Gießen)
Prof. Dr. Bojana Kunst (Theater Studies, Gießen)
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Ruby (Art History, Gießen)
Dr. Sophia Prinz (Cultural Sociology, Frankfurt/Oder)
More information about titles of the workshops, readings and final schedule of the 2-day
event will be updated soon!
This event is a cooperation between the RA4 and the RA7 and is open for all interested
(post)doctoral fellows of the GCSC and JLU.
Please register via Stud.ip.