TC: Fostering Writing Skills: Strategies for Effective Feedback on Student Texts
- TC: Fostering Writing Skills: Strategies for Effective Feedback on Student Texts
- 2023-12-14T14:00:00+01:00
- 2023-12-14T18:00:00+01:00
Dec 14, 2023 from 02:00 to 06:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
23.11.2023, 14-18:00 and 14.12.2023, 14-18:00
In this workshop we will explore techniques to enhance the quality of feedback provided to university students on their term papers. Through practical examples and interactive exercises, participants will learn how to construct targeted written feedback that identifies areas for improvement while motivating students. The workshop will also cover methods for delivering oral feedback that encourage productive discussions with students. By the end of this workshop, participants will possess a toolkit aimed at creating a conducive feedback environment that fosters the development of students’ writing skills.
Diese Veranstaltung ist mit 8 AE im Themenfeld "Beraten und Begleiten" auf das Zertifikat "Kompetenz für professionelle Hochschullehre" des Hochschuldidaktischen Netzwerks Mittelhessen (HDM) anrechenbar.
// Regina Leonie Schmidt (JLU) works as a lecturer and researcher in the fields of academic writing in English and German as well as English for Academic Purposes at Giessen University’s Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures and Interdisciplinary and Professional Skills (ZfbK).
Registration notice: Your registration is binding and commits you to full participation in the respective course. If you are not able to attend a course, please cancel your registration by email (and on StudIP) at least 7 days prior to the start of the course. You can find more information here.