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Conference: Renegotiating Minoritarian In_Visibilities


Nov 11, 2019 06:30 to Nov 14, 2019 01:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil I, GCSC, R.001

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+49 641 / 99-30 027

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Paradoxical political developments in the ‘Global North’ – in particular the commercial, capitalist and legal embrace of (for example) sexual, gender and racial minorities and the rise of far-right nationalism, with its attendant visible and violent classism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and sexism – ask for an urgent renegotiation of minoritarian politics of in_visibilities.

Against this backdrop, the international and interdisciplinary conference Renegotiating Minoritarian In_Visibilities will investigate how minoritarian strategies in art and visual culture can undermine hegemonic regimes of representation and challenge the dominant patterns of visibility, assimilation and intelligibility.

Considering close connections between academia, art critique/practice and activism, the societal relevance of the conference is grounded in its exploration of aesthetic strategies that counteract processes of discrimination and stereotyping due to gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, age and further categories of difference.


The three-day conference will take place on November 12–14, 2019 at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany.

The conference is organized by the Research Area Visual and Material Culture Studies (RA4) of the GCSC.                               


  • Oliver Klaassen (Queer Art Studies, PhD student at the GCSC; Lecturer at various German universities)
  • Cathérine Ludwig-Ockenfels (Early Modern History, PhD student at the GCSC)
  • Jana Tiborra (Art Pedagogy, Research Assistant at the Institute for Art Pedagogy, JLU; PhD student at the GCSC)
  • Katharina Wolf (Contemporary History, PhD student and Research Assistant at the GCSC)


Cooperation partners:

- Institut für Kunstpädagogik (IfK) / JLU Gießen

- Sektion "Medien and Gender" des Zentrums für Medien und Interaktivität (ZMI) / JLU Gießen

- Zentrale Frauen und Gleichtstellungsbeauftragte und Büro für Chancengleichheit / JLU Gießen

- Autonome AStA-Referate: Queer-Feministisches Frauenreferat und Bi*-Schwulen-Trans*-Queer-Referat / JLU Gießen

- Research Network in Queer Studies, Decolonial Feminisms and Cultural Transformation (QDFCT) / JLU Gießen

- Büro für Frauen und Gleichberechtigung der Stadt Gießen

- Aidshilfe Gießen e.V. im Hans Peter Hauschildhaus




Monday, 11 November 2019 (Pre-conference event)

6.30 pm




Ludwigstraße 34)     

Pre-Conference Event

Chair: Greta Olson


Sarah Held (Vienna) & Sylvia Sadzinski (Berlin): Plonker - Porn - Protest: A Performative Presentation & Movie Screening

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

1.00 pm


Welcome & Official Introduction by the Organisation Team



1.45 pm


2.00 pm


Panel I: In_Visible Relations and Solidarities

Chair: Jana Tiborra


Regina Brückner (Berlin): (In)Visibilities of Racism and Neonazi Terrorism: the “National Socialist Underground” in Audiovisual Media


Sebastian Garbe (Giessen): In_Visible Solidarities – Negotiating Political and Social Coalitions across Differences


Clara-Sophie Höhn (Augsburg): Hidden Histories? – White Southern Women and their “In_Visible” Involvement in the Civil Rights Movement


3.30 pm


4.00 pm


Workshop I [closed event]

Chair: Katharina Wolf


Magdalena Kallenberger (Weimar) & Maicyra Leao (Sergipe): Maternal Fantasies – Collective Artistic Strategies of In_Visibility towards Political Agency


5.45 pm



6.15 pm


Keynote Lecture

Chair: Oliver Klaassen and Jana Tiborra


Johanna Schaffer (Kassel) & Isabel Paehr (Berlin): Ambivalences of Visibility, Revised

8.15 pm


Ludwigsplatz 11)     

Dinner at DachCafé


Wednesday, 13 November 2019

9.00 am


Welcome & Introduction to the Second Conference Day

9.15 am


Workshop II [closed event]

Chair: Taya Hanauer & Rebekka Marpert

Ipek Burçak (Kassel), Isabel Paehr (Berlin), Johanna Schaffer (Kassel), Nicole Voec (Kassel) and Cilian Woywod (Kassel): A Set of Speculative Interventions in Virtual Space


12.15 pm

Lunch Break & Change of Room


2.00 pm

(Institute for

Art Pedagogy,

Phil II, H105 - Photo Studio)

 --- CANCELLED --- Artist Talk --- CANCELLED ---
Welcome: Ansgar Schnurr | Chair: Jana Tiborra


SandraF (London/Vienna): Spectral Realities


3.15 pm


Break & Change of Room


3.45 pm


Panel II: Critiquing Hegemonic In_Visibilities

Chair: Cathérine Ludwig-Ockenfels

Lisa Beckmann (Giessen): The Politics of Staring: Negotiating Disability and Visibility from the Freak Show to the Ugly Laws in the US

Sebastian Köthe (Berlin): Censorship and the Politics of In_Visibility in the “global war on terror”. The Case of Abu Zubaydah.

Fadi Saleh (Göttingen): Queer/Humanitarian Visibility: The Emergence of the Figure of „the Suffering Syrian Gay Refugee”

5.15 pm




6.15 pm


Lecture Performance

Chair: Danae Gallo González

Sophie Sexon (Glasgow): The In_Visibility of the Non-Binary Body in Drag Performance and Medieval Visual Art

7.15 - 8.30 pm


Evening Reception



Thursday, 14 November 2019

9.00 am              


Welcome & Introduction to the Third Conference Day

9.15 am



Chair: Cathérine Ludwig-Ockenfels


Jonathan D. Katz (Philadelphia): The Sexuality of the Hard-Edge: Abstraction, Phenomenology, and Post War American Art


10.15 am


10.30 am


Panel III: Queer-Feminist In_Visibilities
Chair: Oliver Klaassen


Sarah Held (Vienna): Subversion & Intervention - Material Culture as a Strategy of Visualization of Sexual Violence and Femicides


Sylvia Sadzinski (Berlin): Queer Feminist Curating or How to Go Beyond Politics of Representation?

William J. Simmons (Los Angeles): Queer Materialisms and Imaginary Friends


12.00 pm




12.30 pm


Concluding Debate

1.30 pm


Official Farewell with the Organisation Team